Histoire de la folie is a discussion of who we are. It focuses on one of the most important aspects of our being, our reason. It discusses the way in which reason has established then maintained the establishment of its Other – that which lies outside it, that against which it defines and defends itself. Moreover, it suggests that reason is to be thought of as something other than a timeless human quality. Far from being the essential core of who we are, as philosophers from at least Descartes up to the present day have thought, reason is a mutating historical project. It takes different forms at different times. In much of the classical period, for instance, reason is aligned with a certain morality, a morality that was itself allied with labour. Reason, Foucault suggests, is bound to several conditions from which it has always distanced itself: history, everyday practices and its Other. Reason is neither timeless nor ethereal. It is, instead, temporal and grounded in our world.
The lesson of Histoire de la folie does not concern those who have been called mad, at least not directly. It concerns those of us who have not fallen under that label. It is, contrary to Derrida’s reading, a coherent discussion of who we have been and of who we have become, and it is addressed to those who are capable of both understanding that discussion and recognizing themselves in it. The book leaves us at the threshold of our particular structuring of reason. It offers witness to its historical birth, and allows us to see the origin from which it came.