原來經呢個visa移民,申請working visa入息門檻會有優惠
Upon approval of your visa request, you’ll receive a residence permit that allows you to legally reside and work in the Netherlands for one calendar year, along with these fancy perks:
No income requirements. For almost any other visa to come to the Netherlands, you’ll need to demonstrate that you meet the minimum income requirements to be able to support yourself or have enough money in the bank to get through the entire length of your stay.
You’re free to work during your search year. There’s a beautiful line on the back of your residence permit that says “arbeid vrij toegestaan, geen TWV vereist“, meaning “labor freely permitted, no work permit required”. That means that whether you want to take on a six-month temporary position or keep yourself afloat with a few shifts at a local bar or supermarket, you can.
Lower income requirements after your search year. For the highly skilled migrant visa, which the search year is designed to lead into (more on that in a moment), the salary requirements are quite steep. If you find a job during your zoekjaar, however, that minimum required salary is much lower than it would be if you were applying for the visa from abroad without having completed a search year first.
If you’re like me — young, broke, and precariously employed — this is all ideal.
I could have never moved back to the Netherlands from Colombia if, for example, I’d needed to demonstrate that I have at least €12,000 in the bank to support myself (I don’t) or had needed to immediately start earning a salary of €37,000 or more (lol).