
299 回覆
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2017-06-10 11:41:46
一定要過去3年讀既master degree?
2017-06-10 11:50:55
一定要過去3年讀既master degree?

When should I apply for the orientation year permit? Should I wait for my final grades?

 You will need to send a copy of your diploma or a declaration from your university that states that you have fulfilled all requirements for earning your degree. Sending the application before fulfilling all requirements is therefore not recommended, but you can apply before your graduation ceremony has taken place, if you can supply the necessary declaration. Do note that you must submit your application before your student visa expires.

理論上係去搵工,如果一年內你搵到工轉做 high skilled migrant visa就移民成功

同working holiday visa搵廉價勞工唔同,佢係期望你一年後會留底,做專業人士貢獻社會
2017-06-10 12:00:13
2017-06-10 12:56:49
2017-06-10 13:32:12
原來經呢個visa移民,申請working visa入息門檻會有優惠

Upon approval of your visa request, you’ll receive a residence permit that allows you to legally reside and work in the Netherlands for one calendar year, along with these fancy perks:

No income requirements. For almost any other visa to come to the Netherlands, you’ll need to demonstrate that you meet the minimum income requirements to be able to support yourself or have enough money in the bank to get through the entire length of your stay.

You’re free to work during your search year. There’s a beautiful line on the back of your residence permit that says “arbeid vrij toegestaan, geen TWV vereist“, meaning “labor freely permitted, no work permit required”. That means that whether you want to take on a six-month temporary position or keep yourself afloat with a few shifts at a local bar or supermarket, you can.

Lower income requirements after your search year. For the highly skilled migrant visa, which the search year is designed to lead into (more on that in a moment), the salary requirements are quite steep. If you find a job during your zoekjaar, however, that minimum required salary is much lower than it would be if you were applying for the visa from abroad without having completed a search year first.

If you’re like me — young, broke, and precariously employed — this is all ideal. I could have never moved back to the Netherlands from Colombia if, for example, I’d needed to demonstrate that I have at least €12,000 in the bank to support myself (I don’t) or had needed to immediately start earning a salary of €37,000 or more (lol).
2017-06-10 13:48:43
Main Changes:
1) All candidates will have three years after graduation or finishing research to apply for the permit
2) No work permit necessary for any job during the orientation year
3) No longer a point rates system for graduates from abroad
4) Eligibility enlarged:
a. target group for orientation year has been made broader and
b. multiple access to orientation year; after finishing a new study/job or research project one meets again the requirements for a new orientation year visa.

Found a job: change your permit
When the orientation year permit is about to expire and the international has found a job, the permit will need to be changed into another type of permit such as the Highly Skilled Migrant Scheme. In case of the change in permit to the Highly Skilled Migrant Scheme, it has to be the employer as a recognized sponsor of IND, who applies for the permit.

One of the benefits of the orientation year is that when changing it into a permit as a Highly Skilled Migrant a reduced salary criterion applies (€ 2228 instead of the € 3108 or € 4240. For more details on the salary criterion for Highly Skilled Migrants, please check www.ind.nl.


Information sheet orientation or search year - March 2016.pdf
2017-06-10 14:12:57
2017-06-10 14:13:19
2017-06-10 14:14:45
2017-06-10 14:18:50



睇個勢 下年變真。cuhk


2017-06-10 14:20:37
2017-06-10 14:28:24
下年去荷蘭exchange lm
2017-06-10 14:31:48
2017-06-10 14:42:12
2017-06-10 14:44:32
但係荷蘭人唔太識英文 唔知點生活

2017-06-10 14:51:23
下年去荷蘭exchange lm

巴打去邊間u exchange
2017-06-10 14:53:28
但係荷蘭人唔太識英文 唔知點生活


不過有d超市收銀員唔識英文係真 可能因為我呢度係細城市
2017-06-10 14:55:10
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞