個orientation visa同留學荷蘭嘅post study visa一樣,限期一年,一年之內如果你搵到工轉working visa就可以移民


Foreigners who are highly educated graduates can legally live in the Netherlands by applying for a Dutch residence permit for the purpose of taking one 'orientation year'.
If you've been awarded a Master's or PhD degree from abroad at one of the world's top universities within the last three years, you can apply for a residence permit to stay in the Netherlands for one year to look for work.
This visa is open to citizens of all nationalities!
Hong Kong:
1) The University of Hong Kong
2) The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;
3) The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
4) City University of Hong Kong;
5) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
sorry 冇浸大,好似係