[港台電視31] 一齊闖天下 (2)


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外賣自取埼玉 2024-09-09 22:35:11
惜食料理大師班 (Zero Waste Kitchen)

歡迎來到一個惜食廚房!無論是枯萎的青菜、內臟或魚鱗,這裡絕不會有任何被丟棄的食材! 我們的惜食料理主持人-大廚 Isaac Henry,會帶領著惜食素人初嘗利用通常被丟棄的食材烹飪。惜食高手們將分享他們如何巧妙地利用過期食品、醜陋的農產品、骨頭和內臟,甚至是一般認為不可食用的廢棄物去烹調美食。 他們將學習如何最大限度地利用每一種食材,既能節省支出,又能為減少食物浪費出一分力。 這次學習之旅將以一場獨特的惜食料理大賽作為壓軸,參賽者將使用通常被丟棄的食材來烹調。他們將能憑藉所學的新技能製作出怎樣的美味佳餚呢?

Welcome to a kitchen where no food gets wasted. There will be no waste in wilted greens, innards or even fish scales!
Accompanied by our zero waste host, Chef Isaac Henry, zero waste newbies get a taste of the possibilities of cooking with what is otherwise binned.
Zero waste gurus will impart fascinating know-how on how to cook with stale breads, expired foods, ugly produce, bones and innards, and even food waste usually thought inedible.
They learn how to maximise every ingredient in their kitchen, stretching their dollar spent while also doing their part in reducing the amount of food wasted.
This learning journey culminates in a unique zero waste cook-off using ingredients that are usually thrown away! What culinary delights will they be able to conjure up with their newfound skills?

In Singapore, 744 million kg of food waste are thrown away everyday. Accompanied by our zero waste host, Chef Isaac Henry, zero waste newbies get a taste of the possibilities of cooking with what is otherwise binned. Each episode focuses on a different type of food waste with fun and practical methods to slim your bin!

This learning journey culminates in a unique zero waste cook-off using ingredients that are usually thrown away! What culinary delights will they be able to conjure up with their newfound skills?

外賣自取埼玉 2024-09-09 22:36:35
惜食料理大師班 (Zero Waste Kitchen)

為何碳水化合物總是被丟棄? (Why Are Carbs Always Discarded?)


Studies have shown that carbohydrates like rice, bread and noodles are the most widely discarded food group in Singapore. Whether we eat at home or dine out, carbs have long been taken for granted as ‘cheap fillers’.
Our two zero waste newbies, Melissa and Benji, also have this careless attitude, so host Isaac decides to get them toiling at a mini rice field – right here in Singapore!
With a newfound respect for the resources and effort it takes to grow a single grain of rice, Melissa and Benji head to the kitchen to learn ways to transform leftover carbs.
They cap off their learning journey with a unique cook-off – utilising as many types of stale carbohydrates as they can! What kind of new life can they breathe into these previously unloved staples?

食物何時才真正過期? (When Does Food Really Expire?)


From use-by to best before, 80% of Singaporeans are confused by the terms printed on their food labels. What do these labels mean? And what happens if the product is past its expiry date? A typical household in Singapore throws away an average of 19.6kg of expired food every year. But does all of it have to be thrown away?
Join our two kitchen amateurs, Kelvin and Ridhwan, as they go on a zero-waste journey to uncover when expired foods should actually be discarded.
With the guidance of Chef Isaac Henry, our boys will learn essential pantry management, how to decode printed labels, and even hacks on how to use expired foods in everyday cooking!
With hardly any cooking experience, how will Kelvin and Ridhwan fare in a zero waste cook-off against each other, using only expired goods?

外賣自取埼玉 2024-09-16 22:32:52
惜食料理大師班 (Zero Waste Kitchen)

你浪費了一半的魚嗎? (Do You Waste Half The Fish?)


Singaporeans consume 16kg of fish per person, every year. But just how much of the fish are we actually consuming? In one local fish farm alone, fish offcuts amount to 30,000 tonnes in a year because only fish fillets are in high demand.
Home-based food business owner Julie and fish fillet enthusiast Hosanna go on a journey to learn all there is to cooking different fish parts, including its head, bones and even scales! Beginning with fish filleting, Hosanna and Julie sharpen their knife-wielding skills before picking up skills from a guru to conjure up fish stock, fried fish heads and chawanmushi with fish maw and roe.
And finally, they pit their skills against each other with the ultimate zero-fish-waste cook-off!

內臟真的那麼糟糕嗎? (Is Offal Really Awful?)

在某些語言中,「內臟」 字面意思是「廢物」 。大家都認爲内臟膽固醇含量高、難以處理且難以下嚥,但事實是否如此呢?全球每年浪費約3,900 噸動物副產品,内臟亦佔一部分。研究顯示如果大家學會食用包括內臟在內的不同動物部位,需要飼養的動物總數將會減少。改變大家的觀念,是否就可以減少肉類浪費呢?
在本集中,我們的挑戰者Jamie和Daren將會踏上一段「從頭到尾」 的旅程,學習有關內臟的一切知識。從辨認不同的內臟部位,到清洗和處理,Jamie和Daren將親自動手,發掘內臟的營養秘密。主廚Isaac將主持這場精彩的內臟烹飪比賽,參賽者們需要展現自己的廚藝。他們能學會處理陌生的動物内臟嗎?

Offal literally means "waste" in some languages. It's got a nasty reputation for being high in cholesterol and it’s difficult to prep, and hard to swallow. But is there any truth to their notoriety?
Organ meats constitute part of the 39 million tonnes of animal by-products that are wasted globally every year. Studies have revealed that fewer animals would need to be reared overall if people learned to consume different animal parts including offal. Is a change of mindset all that we need to reduce meat wastage?
In this episode, our challengers Jamie and Daren, go on a nose-to-tail journey where they will learn anything and everything there is to know about offal. From learning how to identify the different offal parts, to cleaning and handling, Jamie and Daren will get their hands bloody while uncovering their nutritional secrets.
Hosted by Chef Isaac Henry, our contestants will need to prove themselves in an exhilarating offal cook-off. Can they overcome their unfamiliarity with organ meats?

外賣自取埼玉 2024-09-23 22:38:22
惜食料理大師班 (Zero Waste Kitchen)

無可避免的食物浪費真的無法避免嗎? (Can We Avoid Unavoidable Food Waste?)


In Singapore, 744 million kg of food waste are thrown away everyday. 40% of this is considered unavoidable. They are bones, shells and peels. But are they really unavoidable? Or is there a way to extend their lifespan or transform them into new food items?
In this episode, Chef Isaac Henry meets two zero waste enthusiasts who compost their vegetable peels and eggshells for their garden. However, their notion of zero waste is flipped on its head when Isaac sends them for a life-changing experience. From okara to moromi; coffee grounds to spent tea leaves, our contestants are introduced to new upcycled dishes created from food waste that was previously unavoidable.
The journey culminates in a cook off, where they are tasked to create the ultimate zero waste meal. Will they succeed?

外表欠佳的蔬果,品質是否一樣呢? (Are Ugly Produce Just As Good?)


An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but most of us would not eat that apple if it was ugly.
When bruised or mushy, ugly fruits and vegetables are discarded at the processing stage of the supply chain before even making it to the supermarket.
But does this mean that they aren’t as nutritious or taste as good?
Foodies Shu Hao and Joe are both guilty of judging produce by their looks. To get them to see the beauty in the ugly, host Chef Isaac Henry leads them to Mobile Kaybie, a van that goes around different neighbourhoods in Singapore to distribute rescued produce for free!
The trio also heads to a laboratory to check if blemished produce are just as safe and nutritious to eat as perfect looking ones. Then, they learn how to showcase the culinary possibilities made with ugly produce at an eatery.
How will Shu Hao and Joe cope when tasked to cook with as many ugly fruits and vegetables as possible in our zero waste cook-off?

外賣自取埼玉 2024-09-30 22:33:17
未來方案 (Future from Above)



Earth in 2050 – the defining year for its future! With the POV of our drone looking down at Earth, a dystopian scenario is revealed. Then, drawing on actual advances in science and technology, we travel instead to a better future from above.


《#未來方案》星期一晚十點半 #港台電視31
隨著 #氣候變化 日益嚴重,地球面對著充滿不確定性的未來。然而,世界領先的專家們一致認為,只要在能源、交通、農業和廢物處理等領域重新思考,美好的未來並不是遙不可及。
從氣候危機的角度來說2050年是關鍵一年,地球是否繼續宜居很視乎我們能否在2050年做到淨零排放。《未來方案》探討世界在2050年及以後可能呈現的面貌,展示各種有可能解決氣候危機的開創性方案,從韓國的水上浮動 #太陽能發電系統、東非大裂谷的 #地熱能源、即將建成的先進 #核聚變反應堆、#淨零排放的交通工具等。世界各地致力實現這些創新方案的專家們分享了他們的工作和研究,一起探討各方案的潛力。
一連四集《#未來方案》 #Future from Above 與你探索未來。
能源 (Energy)

目前,全球大約八成能源以化石燃料產生,令溫室氣體釋放至大氣,加劇地球暖化。乾旱、風暴、洪水隨之而增加,恐怕將導玫地球變得不再宜居。然而不少世界頂尖專家認為,若人類於 2050 年前,能將九成能源變為來自再生能源,或有機會力挽狂瀾。因此,他們積極創造一個由潔淨能源驅動的未來。透過重新設計城市、淨化大氣、改變廢物利用的方法,以恢復自然生態系統,人類才能跟大自然在一個健康的地球和諧共處,令地球繼續宜居。


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年9月30日 星期一晚上10時30分

The mission to power the future is underway. Discover world-leading solutions; from supersized renewables to redesigning the grid, and the quest for a potentially limitless energy source.
The way we use earth's resources is destructive, but a rethink can prevent more damage. By redesigning our cities, changing how we use waste and restoring our natural ecosystems, humans and nature can live in harmony on a healthy Earth.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.09.30 MON 10:30pm

外賣自取埼玉 2024-10-07 22:36:27
未來方案 (Future from Above)

饑渴之源 (Food and Water)



雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年10月7日 星期一晚上10時30分

Solving the global food and water crises is humanity's greatest challenge. Yet, innovative solutions blending cutting-edge technology and ancient wisdom offer a path to abundance.
Emerging techniques like vertical farming, traditional practices such as chinampas (floating gardens), water reuse, and tapping ocean resources will help us explore how to establish reliable and sustainable food and water sources for all.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.10.07 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-10-14 22:36:06
未來方案 (Transport)

交通系統 (Food and Water)


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年10月14日 星期一晚上10時30分

The mission to power the future is underway. Discover world-leading solutions; from supersized renewables to redesigning the grid, and the quest for a potentially limitless energy source.
The way we use earth's resources is destructive, but a rethink can prevent more damage. By redesigning our cities, changing how we use waste and restoring our natural ecosystems, humans and nature can live in harmony on a healthy Earth.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.10.14 MON 10:30pm

外賣自取埼玉 2024-10-21 22:36:14
未來方案 (Transport)

人類居所 (The Human Habitat)



雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年10月21日 星期一晚上10時30分

The mission to power the future is underway. Discover world-leading solutions; from supersized renewables to redesigning the grid, and the quest for a potentially limitless energy source.
The way we use earth's resources is destructive, but a rethink can prevent more damage. By redesigning our cities, changing how we use waste and restoring our natural ecosystems, humans and nature can live in harmony on a healthy Earth.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.10.21 MON 10:30pm

外賣自取埼玉 2024-10-28 22:31:26
神奇物料 (Miracle Materials)


By 2050, another 2.5 billion people are going to require housing. The question is: How will the future of mankind be constructed? Concrete and steel consume vast amounts of energy and produce greenhouse gases on a scale we can no longer afford. This documentary series shows we already have answers: Researchers around the world are developing building materials that are not only significantly more environmentally friendly, but could even be used to "fix" climate change. Hybrid constructions of plants and architecture could provide vital cooling in increasingly hot metropolises of the future. It is not unusual for the materials of the future to come from the past – and are combined with new, exciting technology.

The construction sector is booming. Forecasts predict that the area built on today will double by 2060. But the question is: What will be used to build the future of humanity? Concrete and steel devour vast amounts of resources and produce greenhouse gases on a scale we can no longer afford.

Our documentary series shows that the answers already exist. Around the world, the houses of the future are being built, researchers and architects are developing building materials that are not only much more environmentally friendly, but could even be used to repair climate change. And not infrequently, the building materials of the future are those from the past – combined with state-of-the-art technology.

去鋼走混 (From Concrete to Clay)


Episode 1 shows how building with concrete could become more climate-friendly in the future, for example with textile reinforcement instead of steel. An important model for the concrete of the future could lie in the past: in Roman concrete. But there is another way: clay has a favourable indoor climate, but above all its production is much more environmentally friendly than building with concrete. In Italy, clay buildings are already being built using 3D printers.

外賣自取埼玉 2024-11-04 22:35:24
神奇物料 (Miracle Materials)

草竹高樓 (From Wood to Bamboo)


Episode 2 is about renewable building materials. Skyscrapers have long been made of wood. Researchers are working on producing transparent wood. Bamboo grows many times faster than wood. Even today, daring architects are showing what is possible with bamboo. And for the future, we should get used to the idea of living in houses made of fungi.

外賣自取埼玉 2024-11-11 22:34:17
神奇物料 (Miracle Materials)

未來樹屋 (Living Bridges and Fibre Construction)


Episode 3 shows new ways of building, in which nature not only provides building material, but becomes a designer itself - or even part of architecture. The film shows how building with fibres enables constructions that make do with a minimum of resources. Living trees as load-bearing components of buildings: such hybrid constructions could provide vital cooling in the increasingly hot metropolises of the future.

外賣自取埼玉 2024-11-25 22:38:21
綠色好事 (Good News from Planet Earth)

孕育明日的地球 (Cultivating Tomorrow's Earth)




雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年11月25日 星期一晚上10時30分

Worldwide, more than a third of the earth's land is used for agriculture. Valuable natural areas are being lost to monocultures, fertilisers and pesticides. However, there are people all over the world who are trying to reconcile nature and agriculture.

In Malaysia, a nature conservation initiative is persuading palm oil companies to protect the rainforest instead of destroying it, thus preserving one of the last refuges for orangutans.

In California's Napa Valley, an organic winegrower is successfully using barn owls instead of pesticides to control pests.

In the Netherlands, a dedicated fruit grower is doing away with environmentally harmful plastic film to protect his raspberries. . He uses solar panels and is even supporting the energy transition by producing solar power.

The "Cotton Made in Africa" programme, is committed to fair wages and more sustainable cotton cultivation for over one million small farmers in eleven African countries.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.11.25 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-12-02 22:35:25
綠色好事 (Good News from Planet Earth)

城市蛻變 (Urban Metamorphosis)






雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年12月2日 星期一晚上10時30分

More than half of the world's population now lives in cities. And the trend is rising. Our cities already consume 75 percent of the energy generated worldwide and thus contribute significantly to the climate crisis. The larger the places become, the more susceptible they tend to be to heat or heavy rain. But there are original ideas we can use to make cities greener and more livable.
In Colombia, urban planners are using green corridors to improve air quality and, at the same time, social projects to improve the social climate in the former drug stronghold of Medellín.
With the "serial renovation" method, older residential buildings can be modernized quickly and inexpensively. Sustainable building materials are used to produce facade components with insulation and windows, which are then screwed onto old buildings like a second skin. Following this method, over six and a half million homes could be renovated each year in Germany alone.
The small Polish town of Konin is initiating the energy turnaround without the help of the Polish government. It is converting its coal-fired power plants to biomass and has now built Poland's largest photovoltaic plant.
On the Indonesian island of Lombok, which was hit by terrible earthquakes a few years ago, new schools and homes are being built from former plastic waste. The lightweight construction gives people more security. At the same time, plastic waste is recycled.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.12.2 MON 10:30pm

外賣自取埼玉 2024-12-09 22:33:45
綠色好事 (Good News from Planet Earth)

生命復甦 (Wildlife Revival)






雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年12月9日 星期一晚上10時30分

Biodiversity is in danger worldwide. Every day, around 150 plant and animal species alone disappear from our planet. But there are people who protect endangered species and show that species conservation can be successful.
The famous Monterey Bay Aquarium in California has been saving endangered sea otters for decades. The big surprise: it turned out that species conservation also contributes to climate protection. This is because the animals are important for the preservation of the extensive kelp forests off the coast of California - which store large amounts of carbon dioxide.
Dedicated bird conservationists in Bavaria show migratory birds born in captivity their route south. They fly ahead of the Northern Bald Ibises in a light aircraft all the way to Tuscany. It now appears that the birds have actually memorised the route and can now find their way without assistance.
In Brazil, farmers are cooperating with conservationists and making cattle pastures available for the reforestation of the Atlantic rainforest. This is extending the habitat of the almost extinct golden lion tamarin, and its future.
Scientists in Hungary have worked with the Cologne Zoo to reintroduce the Przewalski's horse to the wild. They are bringing back this almost extinct species and helping to preserve Europe's largest steppe.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.12.9 MON 10:30pm

外賣自取埼玉 2024-12-16 22:37:28
綠色好事 (Good News from Planet Earth)

大自然的重生 (Nature's Reawakening)






雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年12月16日 星期一晚上10時30分

Nature is being pushed back and destroyed more and more by humans - for agriculture, to extract raw materials, to dump waste. In some places, however, it is becoming clear that what is broken does not have to stay that way. Conservationists are helping nature with unusual measures.
In France, nature is celebrating a comeback in a place where you wouldn't expect it: an abandoned quarry pond is being left to nature and is becoming a refuge for rare animal species.
In the Italian region of Abruzzo, activists are capitalising on the exodus of people from the countryside for the benefit of rare brown bears - corridors are being created on former cattle pastures to connect nature reserves and give the bears more freedom of movement. Tourists are now travel to see brown bears, and the economic boom is even drawing some residents back to the countryside.
Protests by environmentalists in the USA have brought one of the world's dirtiest rivers back to life: the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland was once filled in with industrial waste and even caught fire; now it is the main artery of a national park.
In the Caribbean, two young researchers are successfully fighting against global coral extinction by breeding more climate-resistant corals.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.12.16 MON 10:30pm

外賣自取埼玉 2024-12-30 22:38:43

世界正面臨着自工業化以來最重大的變革:遠離石油、煤炭和天然氣等化石燃料。 遠離化石燃料是一個巨大的挑戰。氣候變遷對人類在地球上生活及繁榮造成威脅。我們目前依賴的能源體系需要完全被替代。世界正在與時間賽跑。一個與自然和諧的再生能源體系是否能令地球更加穩定?再生能源不但超越傳統能源體系,還可以更加經濟實惠嗎?我們深入了解一下這場競賽中的關鍵要素,和在最前線的變革思想,一窺這種轉變如何變為現實。

The world is facing the greatest change since industrialisation: a shift away from fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas.
The challenge is gigantic. Climate change threatens our lives and our prosperity on planet Earth. The current energy system on which our lives and our economy are based needs to be replaced, in its entirety. The world is in a race against time. Could a regenerative energy system in harmony with nature stabilise our planet and, in the end, be not only ecologically superior to the old system, but also cheaper? We show the elements and the minds that are at the "front line" in this race to show how this transformation can become reality.

綠能革命:與時競賽 (The Green Energy Revolution - A Race Against Time)
上集 (Volume 1)



Innovations from Ilmenau to California.

This documentary explores whether we can provide enough green energy for the entire world, traveling to locations like gigantic offshore wind farms in the North Sea and state-of-the-art solar fields in Spain, which could supply all of Europe with electricity. To meet the rising energy demand sustainably and affordably, researchers at the Ilmenau University of Technology in Thuringia are collaborating with a team from the California Institute of Technology to develop high-tech materials that will make renewable energies more efficient and cheaper than fossil fuels.

Facebook post:


攝製隊前往未來可能成為 #可再生能源 嘅地點:北海嘅離岸風電場🍃,以及西班牙嘅太陽能發電場☀。為咗可持續以經濟方式滿足能源需求,伊爾梅瑙科技大學研究人員正同加州理工學院合作,開發高科技材料,提高可再生能源嘅效率同成本效益。研發成果到底係點?

This documentary explores whether we can provide enough #green #energy for the world, visiting large offshore wind farms in the North Sea and solar fields in Spain. Researchers at Ilmenau University of Technology and the California Institute of Technology are collaborating to develop high-tech materials that will make renewable energy more efficient and cheaper than fossil fuels.

《綠能革命》“The Green Energy Revolution”
🕥 星期一 | Mon | 10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31(雙語廣播:粵語/英語)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/greenenergyrevolution2024

#遠離石油 #綠能革命 #與時競賽 #化石燃料 #再生能源 #香港電台 #RTHK
外賣自取埼玉 2025-01-06 22:37:22
綠能革命:與時競賽 (The Green Energy Revolution - A Race Against Time)
下集 (Volume 2)



Don't wait, just do it

The second part of the documentary explores what needs to happen to realize technical possibilities. It visits two contrasting locations in the USA and Bavaria, both of which have fully transitioned to renewable energy and now enjoy greater financial resources. These examples highlight existing solutions for a global energy transition while also addressing the challenges ahead. The film emphasizes the importance of action from both innovators and decision-makers to drive this change forward today.

外賣自取埼玉 2025-01-13 22:33:17
地球大堡礁 (Planet Reef)




Follow the footsteps of an international mission developing groundbreaking solutions to save the Great Barrier Reef and its 9,000 unique species from destruction.

These species interact with the coral to form a complex and delicate ecosystem dependent on each other for survival. Yet today the coral—and therefore all the organisms that depend on it—is gravely at risk. In a visually stunning series of one the most beautiful natural habitats on Earth, our international award winning crew has followed a
team of scientists for 5 years. Their mission is to develop groundbreaking technological solutions to save the GBR from destruction.

拯救雷恩島綠海龜 (Rescuing The Turtles In Raine Island)


Of the seven species of sea turtles, all are classified as vulnerable, endangered or on the edge of extinction. One of the main reasons for this is the degradation of their nesting spots.
Raine Island is also the most important seabird rookery in the Great Barrier Reef— home to 20,000 breeding pairs of Frigates and Boobies. Their survival is intimately tied to that of the turtle colony, because without young turtles to feed on, seabird numbers would collapse, too.

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【拯救海龜💚Rescuing The Turtles🐢】
全球七種 #海龜 全部被列為瀕危物種,其中綠海龜每年初夏,都會登陸澳洲大堡礁海灘築巢生蛋。氣候變化增加䧳性海龜繁殖嘅難度,破殻而出嘅小龜亦要面對客居島上候鳥天敵無情嘅魔爪🦅。
港台電視31將播出全新系列《#地球大堡礁》,追蹤記錄保育大堡礁科學家團隊,見證佢哋協助 #綠海龜 搵到安全築巢地點,令初生小龜成功爬向大海不致滅絕,完成拯救海龜嘅任務。
Of the seven species of sea turtles, all are classified as vulnerable, endangered or on the edge of extinction. One of the main reasons for this is the degradation of their nesting spots.
The new series of “#PlanetReef” has followed a team of scientists dedicated to the conservation of the Great Barrier Reef. It documents their efforts to help the sea turtles🐢, allowing newly hatched turtles to successfully make their way to the sea and avoid extinction.
《地球大堡礁》“Planet Reef”
🕥 星期一 Mon |10:30pm
🖥 #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31(雙語廣播:粵語/英語)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/planetreef_2024
#瀕危物種 #綠海龜 #澳洲 #大堡礁 #科學家 #香港電台 #RTHK
外賣自取埼玉 2025-01-20 22:37:27

地球大堡礁 (Planet Reef)
復育珊瑚礁 (Resurrecting The Reef)


Over the past 30 years, the world has lost nearly one-third of its coral reefs. More than one billion people depand depend on reefs for food and hunderds hundreds of thousands of people depend on them for their livelihoods.
From the most recently developed killer robots to shellfish farming, ultra-modern tactics are now proving their worth in the Great Barrier Reef to ensure the survival of this natural wonder that is the coral world and to make it possible to export this know-how to many of the world’s reefs.

外賣自取埼玉 2025-01-27 22:33:34
地球大堡礁 (Planet Reef)
保護海洋巨人 (Protecting Megamouths)


Whales, manta rays, whale sharks are all eaters of animal plankton or small fish, themselves huge consumers of vegetable plankton. These marine algae produce half of the oxygen on earth and capture 40% of the carbon dioxide.But the global role of the Mastodonts is hardly believable. By swallowing plankton and the small animals that feed on them, these giants capture and store carbon in their fat. When they die, they sink into the abyss where the carbon remains trapped for thousands of years. For example, one whale captures as much carbon each year as a thousand trees.
These giants are real allies in regulating the climate and restoring reef productivity. The programme for identifying these new feeding areas is easily reproducible in all the areas concerned around the world.

外賣自取埼玉 2025-02-03 22:39:32
超級能源儲備 : ...... (Super Storage - The Race to Capture Green Energies)


Humanity is in the midst of an energy revolution. To save our climate, we must phase out fossil fuels. But wind and solar power aren't always available. This science documentary explores the exciting race to develop new energy storage technologies that could bring stability to green energies. The film takes us behind the scenes of research facilities and start-ups that are shaping the future of energy storage. From batteries to hydrogen, from traditional hydroelectric dams to supercapacitors and cutting edge flywheels made from carbon fiber - join this thrilling journey into one of the most important areas of research today.

外賣自取埼玉 2025-02-17 22:48:13
蜜蜂大師 (Masters of Bees)




阿根廷:尋找天堂 (Argentina - In Search of Paradise)
... 17/02/2025

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