[港台電視31] 一齊闖天下 (2)


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外賣自取埼玉 2024-03-25 22:43:16
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

加拿大 (Canada)
14/12/2023 25/03/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年3月25日 星期一晚上10時30分

With a size of almost 10 million square kilometers, Canada is the second-largest country in the world. It is a continental state that oscillates between the bustle of its large metropolises and the serenity of its immense wild plains, which are home to unique fauna and flora. Additionally, Canada is rich in natural resources. The Green Heroes of Canada strive to preserve this uniqueness and their natural resources.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.03.25 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-04-01 23:04:54
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

法國 (France)
21/12/2023 01/04/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年4月1日 星期一晚上10時30分 11時

If France is the world's leading tourist destination, it is because it offers visitors landscapes and a culture that are unique in the world. However, like elsewhere, urbanization, mass tourism, and the standardization of production have endangered these national treasures. Faced with this observation, some are fighting to preserve what defines their identity and regional heritage.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.04.1 MON 10:30 11:00pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-04-08 22:36:46
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

法國西部 (West of France / North West / Brittany)
28/12/2023 08/04/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年4月8日 星期一晚上10時30分

The northwest of France is a region that encompasses multiple identities, landscapes, and terroirs—a richness that fills its inhabitants with pride and a determination to preserve this heritage. It is a fight that is waged every day by our Green Heroes.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.04.8 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-04-15 22:40:50
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

法國東南部 (South-east of France)
04/01/2024 15/04/2024

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年4月15日 星期一晚上10時30分

Southeastern France is a world-famous region, known for the legendary Côte d'Azur, the pristine beaches of Corsica, upscale mountain ski resorts, the picturesque Provence with its lavender fields, and vibrant towns. It boasts numerous cultural, historical, gastronomic, and natural treasures, making it one of the most vibrant parts of the country. Proud of their heritage and its allure, some are making every effort to protect it from mass tourism, urbanization, and intensive agriculture.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.04.15 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-04-22 22:50:19
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

法國西南部 (South-west of France)
11/01/2024 22/04/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年4月22日 星期一晚上10時30分

外賣自取埼玉 2024-04-23 01:24:03
如果節目表冇改,咁最後一集配音版Green Heroes就會同呢個post一齊沉底喇

外賣自取埼玉 2024-05-07 01:37:00
外賣自取埼玉 2024-05-13 22:35:24
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

大巴黎地區 (Ile-de-France)
18/01/2024 13/05/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年5月13日 星期一晚上10時30分

Ile-de-France is a region of great contrasts, with its capital, Paris, serving as the main economic engine. Unfortunately, the region has marginalized the poorest to its periphery, where there is a lack of space, rapid urbanization, and a focus on productivity that leaves little room for ecology, nature, and overall well-being. This worrisome situation has motivated our Green Heroes of the day to reject fatalism and take their destiny into their own hands to change the course of events.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.05.13 MON 10:30pm

外賣自取埼玉 2024-05-14 01:54:16
原來重有出 facebook post

外賣自取埼玉 2024-05-20 22:36:30
#港台電視31 全新科學節目時段 從細小的中微子,到浩瀚的 #超星系團; 由醫學奇蹟,到 #量子訊息學 5月20日起,逢星期一晚上10:30 一連13個星期,同大家一齊展開科學探秘之旅。
超能蝴蝶 (Butterfly Blueprints)


Butterflies and moths. Graceful and beautiful, flitting and floating in our spring and summer skies. Their delicate choreographies of dazzling colors are among the most amazing in the animal kingdom. But their beauty is not the only thing they can offer.
Through the lenses of powerful microscopes, scientists discover treasures of genius and unexpected secrets that can be adapted and applied to make our world better and more sustainable. This film is a journey into the nano-dimensions of butterflies, from high-tech labs around the world to the deepest forests and lavender fields, encountering amazing butterfly species.
Like the iconic Morpho: the study of its iridescent blue wing reveals a way to produce structural color. Its nanostructures have inspired researchers to control light. Chunlei Guo, who is continuously seeking to reproduce butterfly structures, has created a material capable of absorbing all colors of the spectrum, a discovery that might revolutionize the field of renewable energies. He is also working on the amazing hydrophobic properties of the wings in order to create an unsinkable metal; we can immediately imagine how useful it could be for the construction of floating cities if the ocean levels continue to rise.
From their wings to their antennae, the blue Morpho, the industrious Silk Moth, the astonishing and transparent Greta Oto, the resistant Heliconius, the enigmatic Monarch and the delicate white Cabbage Butterfly, inspire discoveries in many different fields such as energy efficiency, medicine and surgery or even in detecting toxics in order to save lives against terrorist chemical or gas attacks!
Researchers, biologists and geneticists, share with us their thrilling experiments, while experts – like Serge Berthier, a physicist and biomimicry expert, and Jessica Ware, an entomologist at the American Museum of Natural History – explain some of the butterflies' incredible behaviors and capacities.
Butterflies and moths provide lessons about what’s possible on the very smallest scales. But they also warn us about what’s at stake if we fail to protect this endlessly inventive natural environment.
Facebook post:
《超能蝴蝶》今晚10:30 港台電視31
透過強力的顯微鏡,科學家在蝶蛾類身上發現了奇妙的寶庫及意想不到的秘密,可以借鏡和應用去幫助世界持續發展。本節目將展開一次探索蝶蛾類 #構造 的 #納米 旅程,從全球多個高科技實驗室到森林深處、薰衣草田,細數多個奇妙品種。
外賣自取埼玉 2024-05-27 22:33:40
花花世界: 征服者之謎 (Flower Power - The Mysterious Conqueror)


Flowers defy the impossible. Under their seemingly fragile appearance, they’re fierce fighters. Their history is that of their dazzling conquest of the planet. Today, they represent 90% of plant species. This utter domination has intrigued scientists for centuries. According to Charles Darwin, “The rapid development of flowering plants is an abominable mystery.” What place do flowers hold in the tree of all living beings? When did they first appear on Earth? How can we explain their prodigious diversification? And what are the superpowers that make them invincible? To answer these question and solve the abominable mystery of flowers, a new generation of scientists is hard at work. From the African deserts to the summits of the Alps, their discoveries are revolutionizing the way we conceive the origin and expansion of flowering plants.
In the UK, biologist Edwige Moyroud is observing hibiscus petals under an electronic microscope. Her work has highlighted fascinating powers that allow the plant to manipulate light beams, an unstoppable weapon to attract pollinating insects. In Israel, evolution theoretician Lilach Hadany is studying flowers using state-of-the-art technology in order to reveal an unsuspected superpower: Their capacity to detect sounds.
At the Zurich Botanical Garden and in the Mont Blanc massif, biologists Florian Schiestl and Sébastien Lavergne are trying to understand the dizzying diversity of shapes and colors in the floral world. Their research shows the role of pollinators and of geographical isolation in the lightning-fast diversification of flowering plants.
In New Caledonia and Namibia, geneticists Valérie Burtet and François Parcy are leading expeditions in search of prehistoric plants. Their hope is that the deciphering of their genetic code will unlock the secret of the origin of flowering plants.
Thanks to these discoveries, scientists are now able to retrace the fascinating history of vegetable life on Earth and to solve the abominable mystery of flowers, one of nature’s most tenacious enigmas.
Facebook post:
《#花花世界》今晚10:30 港台電視31
花,挑戰不可能。雖然外表弱不禁風,但花是強悍的戰士。它們的歷史充滿 #征服地球 的戰績。目前,地球所有植物物種之中,有花植物佔了九成。花在生命之樹的哪個位置?何時在地球誕生?為何種類如此繁多?它們擁有什麼 #戰無不勝 的超能力?
外賣自取埼玉 2024-06-03 22:35:01
超級太空望遠鏡:勇闖宇宙邊際 (Super Telescope: Mission To The Edge Of The Universe)


As NASA releases the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope, this BBC Horizon film tells the inside story of the telescope's construction, and the astronomers taking its first picture of distant stars and galaxies. Will it be the deepest image of our universe ever taken?
The successor to Hubble, and a hundred times more powerful, the James Webb is the most technically advanced telescope ever built. It will look further back in time than Hubble, to an era around 200 million years after the Big Bang when the first stars and galaxies appeared. Webb's primary mission is to capture the faint light from these objects on the edge of our visible universe so scientists can learn how they formed, but its instruments are so sensitive it could also be the first telescope to detect signs of life on a distant planet.

Facebook posts:
NASA公布咗來自 #韋伯太空望遠鏡🔭所拍低嘅首輯圖像,堪稱史上最深遠嘅宇宙圖片,令人嘆為觀止😯!占士‧韋伯太空望遠鏡係哈勃太空望遠鏡嘅後繼者,性能比後者高百倍,係當今世上最先進頂尖嘅望遠鏡👍🏻。
#NASA has released the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope🔭. As the successor to Hubble and a hundred times more powerful, the James Webb telescope is the most technically advanced telescope ever built. The science documentary "#SuperTelescope" on RTHK TV31 will tell the inside story of the telescope's construction and feature astronomers taking its first pictures of distant stars and galaxies.💫 Will it capture the deepest image of our universe ever taken?
《超級太空望遠鏡》”Super Telescope”
🕥 星期一 Monday|10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHK31 (粵語 Cantonese / 英語 English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/flowerpower
#望遠鏡 #太空 #科技 #科學家 #宇宙 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
《超級太空望遠鏡:勇闖宇宙邊際》今晚10:30 港台電視31
#NASA 去年公佈了來自 #占士·#韋伯太空望遠鏡 的首輯圖像,堪稱史上最深遠的宇宙圖片,令人嘆為觀止。此作記錄了韋伯的建造過程,並採訪了一眾負責拍攝遙遠恆星及星系的天文學家,讓觀眾進一步了解韋伯背後的科技和挑戰。
占士·韋伯太空望遠鏡是 #哈勃太空望遠鏡 的後繼者,性能比後者高百倍,為當今世上最先進頂尖的望遠鏡。它將超越哈勃,回溯至更遠古的宇宙,一探大爆炸後2億年的風光,見證 #首批恆星 及星系的誕生。韋伯的主要任務是捕捉可觀測宇宙邊際的天體所發出的微弱星光,讓科學家能了解它們的形成。韋伯配備的儀器敏感度極高,任務過程中也許甚至能成為首個探測到系外行星生命體的望遠鏡。
外賣自取埼玉 2024-06-10 22:43:33
體積的奧妙 (Secrets of Size: Atoms to Supergalaxies)

究微探秘 (Going Small)


In the first episode, “Going Small”, Jim enters the Alice in Wonderland world of objects that are too tiny to glimpse with the naked eye. Starting with the smallest insects, he moves on to encounter living cells with amazing super-powers and confronts some of humanities deadliest enemies in the form of viruses. Going smaller still, he encounters wondrous new nanomaterials such as graphene and its discoverer Andre Geim—these are revolutionising engineering, medicine, computing, electronics and environmental science. Ultimately, Jim comes face to face with the fundamental building blocks of the world around us—atoms. Understanding the science of the “small” is crucial to the future of humanity.
外賣自取埼玉 2024-06-17 22:34:52
體積的奧妙 (Secrets of Size: Atoms to Supergalaxies)

目窮至大 (Going Big)


In the “Going Big” episode, Jim encounters ever larger cosmic structures to reveal the latest breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe. For example, there’s the heliosphere, a vast cloud of solar plasma which surrounds and protects the solar system. Its unique physics will help us understand how life is possible. Larger still, Jim comes face to face with our galactic home, the Milky Way, a monstrous structure sculpted by the gravitational forces of dark matter. From pioneering researcher, Andrew Fabian, Jim finds out about the black hole at its centre whose strange behaviour includes emitting the lowest note ever heard in the cosmos. At an even greater scale, Jim will encounter huge structures such as the Laniakea galactic super-cluster of which the Milky Way is a tiny part. Then there’s “the giant arc”, a collection of galaxies which spans more than 3 per cent of the observable universe. From its discoverer, British PhD student Alexia Lopez, Jim finds out this gargantuan structure is forcing scientists to reassess their theory of how the universe evolves and may overturn some of the most fundamental principles in physics.
外賣自取埼玉 2024-06-24 22:52:21
中國科學革命 (Future Fantastic: China's Science Revolution)


Today China produces more scientists than any other country. And many of them are leading their fields; pushing advances in medicine, food production, robotics, radio astronomy, high energy physics, deep sea research, quantum computing and cosmology. And from deep sea to the deep space, they are at the vanguard of human exploration.
Their work is not only shaping the future of China, but the future for all of us.

以食爲天 (Farming Frontiers)


One of the greatest problems facing society today is how to feed a population set to reach ten billion by 2050. We will need to produce as much food in the next thirty years as we have done in all human history. This is the story of three scientists in China who are pushing new frontiers in farming to rise to this challenge. From the genetic editing of crops, to improve their disease resistance and prolong produce shelf life, to increasing the diversity of crops grown inside space saving vertical farms, their work is already having an impact on food production around the world. And through the surprising application of big data and artificial intelligence pig farming is also being transformed; as algorithms regulate feeding and monitor animal health, to guard against diseases such as Swine Flu.

技術飛躍 (Giant Leaps)

Technology usually advances in small steps, but there are spheres of science and engineering which are on the brink of making giant leaps that could change the world in dramatic ways. This is the story of three Chinese scientists and engineers who are leading such fields. Quantum physics has given rise to a new branch of science called quantum information, which many countries, including China, are now racing to develop. Like many western countries China has also been building advanced voice recognition systems, and coupled with the algorithms of artificial intelligence, they are already putting these to use to revolutionise everything from teaching to medical diagnostics. Industrial robotics is China’s other great innovation of the past few decades, accelerating their adoption in factories around the world; in a movement that will change the way we all work in coming years.
外賣自取埼玉 2024-07-01 22:36:16

中國科學革命 (Future Fantastic: China's Science Revolution)

探索無界 (Exploration)


Science is the driving force that’s changed society the most in the last few centuries. Many of these advances have come from pure science research, done simply in the pursuit of knowledge, without applications in mind. This is the story of three Chinese scientists who’ve devoted their lives to pure scientific research; looking deeper into the Cosmos, the ocean, and the atom. We reveal just what it took to build the world’s largest radio telescope; set to double the number of pulsars discovered in our galaxy. We follow the challenges of constructing the world’s most sensitive neutrino detector, deep underground in Southern China, that’s designed to measure the mass of these elusive subatomic particles. And we dive to the deep ocean with an aquanaut and marine engineer, who’s creating a new type of submarine for regular trips to the largely unexplored deep sea floor.

宇宙無垠 (Beyond The Sky)
過去數十年間,不同的全球定位系統衛星陸續加入環繞地球軌道的行列,但中國名叫北斗的新型衛星網絡,設計上特別為自動駕駛車輛作出考慮,利用了氫鐘大幅提高其精確度。但這些導航及通訊用的衛星網絡,曝露於太空中時而受太陽噴發出的高能粒子威脅,不免令我們的日常生活倍受太空天氣影響。因此,中國與歐洲太空總署聯手把SMILE 衛星送上地球極地上空的軌道,研究太陽風暴對衛星的潛在影響。另一邊廂,中國由2000年代初起運作的探月計劃,歷年來已送了各兩顆衛星到月球軌道以及月球地表,當中更包括一輛月球車到月球背面的艾托肯盆地,成為人類航天史上的創舉。中國期望能在這些衛星所收集的月球樣本到手後,開展載人登月任務,正式進入新一輪的宇宙競賽。

Constellations of global positioning system satellites have been orbiting the Earth for decades, but China’s new satellite network called BeiDou, which harnesses atomic hydrogen clocks for extra precision, has been built with the new age of self-driving cars in mind. These networks of satellites for navigation and communication, make our lives increasingly susceptible to space weather; the large outbursts of charged particles which the Sun periodically hurls towards Earth. So China has teamed up with the European Space Agency to mount a mission that will orbit the Earth’s polar regions, to shed light on how such Solar Storms might affect future satellites. China’s Moon exploration program, in operation since the early 2000s, has now placed two satellites in lunar orbit, and two more on the Moon’s surface; including a robotic rover in the ancient Aitken Basin the lunar far side; a first in spaceflight history. A Moon sample return mission is next, and China hopes human explorers could follow. Welcome to a new race for space.
外賣自取埼玉 2024-07-08 22:35:24
中國科學革命 (Future Fantastic: China's Science Revolution)

抗疾治病 (Fighting Disease)


Our war on disease, is one that’s been fought throughout human history. It’s killed and maimed more people than any other conflict, and continues to challenge us. This is the story of three Chinese scientists who are working on the frontline of our battle with disease. From precision gene editing to create new animal models for testing novel drugs designed to defeat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, to the scientists working to combat kidney disease by tackling air pollution, and cutting edge STEM cell research that promises to grow brand new, tailor-made organs to replace those damaged by disease; these ambitious goals have the potential to improve lives across the globe.
後半小時重播劇集《超時空氣候任務 (劇場版)》
外賣自取埼玉 2024-07-15 22:43:16
醫學先鋒 (Medical Pioneers - Curing the Incurable)

修復心臟 (Fix the Heart)


What if tomorrow, heart failure was no longer a fatality? Three visionary researchers have embarked on the path of innovation to repair hearts.
Angela Maas, a Dutch feminist cardiologist, is committed to treating women's hearts; Alain Cribier, the brilliant inventor of revolutionary valves, has made it possible to operate on hearts without major surgery; and Alain Carpentier, for his part, wanted to create a completely artificial heart. With M Piat and Grimme. This first episode of the series Medical Pioneers, Curing the Incurable takes us on a journey to discover their amazing work, opening up medical possibilities that often seemed unreachable, even in the wildest dreams. These medical superheroes give hope to millions of patients.
Facebook post:
日後心臟衰竭唔再致命,會係咩光景?今集(7月15日)《#醫學先鋒》,會帶大家認識三位極具遠見嘅科研人員,點樣踏上 #修復心臟🫀嘅創新之路~

安琪拉瑪斯係荷蘭一位婦解分子同 #心臟科專家,致力專注治療女性嘅心臟疾病;#傑出發明家 艾倫克里比埃,發明嘅瓣膜開拓無須重大手術治療心臟病嘅革命之路👍;阿蘭卡龐蒂埃,就破天荒成功開發 #全人工心臟。佢哋三位都同樣挑戰咗一貫被視為難以打破嘅醫療局限,最終圓夢,為無數患者帶來希望✨~

What if tomorrow, #heart failure no longer a fatality🫀? Three visionary researchers have embarked on the path of innovation to repair hearts.

Angela Maas, a Dutch feminist cardiologist, is committed to treating women's hearts; Alain Cribier, the brilliant inventor of revolutionary valves, has made it possible to operate on hearts without major surgery; and Alain Carpentier wanted to create a completely artificial heart, opening up medical possibilities. Let’s explore how these medical superheroes give hope to millions of patients.

《醫學先鋒》”Medical Pioneers”
🕥 星期一|10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31(粵語/英語 Cantonese / English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/medicalpioneers

#MedicalPioneers #心臟 #科研 #創新 #醫學革命 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
外賣自取埼玉 2024-07-22 22:33:22
醫學先鋒 (Medical Pioneers - Curing the Incurable)

戰勝癌魔 (Beat Cancer) (Vaincre le Cancer)


To prevent tumors as early as possible, Patrizia Paterlini Brechot, a Franco-Italian biologist and oncologist, has found a way to detect circulating tumor cells in the blood. Sophie Lucas, following in the footsteps of Belgian professor Thierry Boon-Falleur, is making progress in immunotherapy, which is showing increasingly spectacular results. As for Dr. Krishna Clough, he practices oncoplastic surgery to treat his patients. With this approach, the morphology of the breast is preserved while the cancer is removed.

外賣自取埼玉 2024-07-29 22:32:47
醫學先鋒 (Medical Pioneers - Curing the Incurable)

大腦維修 (Fix the Brain)


By reconnecting the brains and legs of disabled patients using technology, Jocelyne Bloch and Grégoire Courtine have achieved a world pioneering achievement: getting young paraplegics to walk again. The formidable Étienne Émile Baulieu, at 95, continues to work on a new kind of molecule that could help cure depression. And as for Professor Steven Laureys, he is scientifically studying the most mysterious states of consciousness such as coma, and his discoveries are incredible.

外賣自取埼玉 2024-08-05 22:37:51
醫學先鋒 (Medical Pioneers - Curing the Incurable)

肚內乾坤 恢復平衡 (Rééquilibrer le Ventre) (Rebalance The Stomach)


Their findings are revolutionary. Joël Doré, the "adventurer" of the gut microbiota, has established a link between our stomach and chronic or neuropsychiatric diseases; Harry Sokol has gone even further by showing that the microbiota can heal, notably through fecal microbiota transplants; and American Kirsten Tillisch has studied the links between our stomach and our brain and, thanks to the innovative methods of integrative medicine, treats patients suffering from abdominal pain.

外賣自取埼玉 2024-08-12 22:33:43
萬能雙手 (The Remarkable Hand: From Touch to Triumph)





Our hands, composed of 27 intricate bones, are astonishingly versatile. Despite the prevalence of computers and cell phones, their fine motor skills and sensory prowess remain unparalleled. We often only truly appreciate their value when accidents occur or illnesses strike. Hands can lift, grip, write with precision, or gracefully glide across piano keys. At the German Sports University in Cologne, Ingo Froböse's team pioneers scientific research into e-sports athletes' hand and finger skills, exploring ways to enhance these abilities. Hands also function as sensory organs, aiding visually impaired individuals in their daily lives. The fingertips house numerous sensory receptors, making them highly sensitive. The film delves into the world of prosthetic advancements, aiming to restore full finger function to those who have lost their hands due to accidents or amputation.

The documentary follows children in the intricate process of learning to write, observes a seasoned pianist's exquisite motor skills, and reveals the remarkable intersection of hands and the brain within milliseconds.
外賣自取埼玉 2024-08-19 22:35:12
節能幻象 (The Energy-saving Illusion)



Saving energy is important for sustainability and environmental protection. Household appliances such as vacuum cleaners and blenders are significantly less powerful than older models. Energy-saving lamps have forced the old incandescent bulbs out of the range. Shower heads mix the water jet with air. And refrigerators, washing machines and ovens all seem to be pushing to get into the top energy efficiency class. But can reality and appearance still be distinguished here? Doesn’t a less powerful vacuum have to run longer to remove the same amount of dirt? In the end, won’t an aerated shower simply lengthen the showering process, but not save any water? And under what conditions, which are usually hidden in the small print, do ice boxes, etc. really fulfill their energy promises? Last but not least, the change in climate awareness in domestic households is proving to be a brilliant business model for an industry that appeals to customers’ consciences if they haven’t yet converted to more environmentally friendly technology. Experts have long been advising that the best way to protect the environment is to make maximum use of the lifespan of old devices.
外賣自取埼玉 2024-09-02 22:35:02
氣流危機 (Winds of Change - How climate change makes storms worse)


Wind regulates the movement of areas of high and low pressure between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. But climate change is transforming wind systems across the globe – with fatal consequences. Any fluctuation in our wind systems increases the likelihood of extreme weather events such as droughts and flooding. Meteorologists have been analyzing the reasons behind these changes and they have already made some alarming discoveries.
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