[港台電視31] 一齊闖天下 (2)


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外賣自取埼玉 2022-06-20 23:42:54
外賣自取埼玉 2022-06-27 23:08:48
北極駱駝 The Arctic Camels



When Torarin and his sister Svalin want a horse for riding, their parents buy two Bactrian camels. The family soon discovers that camel training is not for amateurs. Therefore, they take on an expedition to Mongolia, hoping to find a professional camel trainer who will accept an invitation to train their camels in the Arctic Norway. And deep into the Goby desert, they actually find a candidate. But they are not prepared for Mongolian training methods.

雙語廣播:粵語/挪威語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2022年6月27日 星期一晚上11時
外賣自取埼玉 2022-06-27 23:15:16
外賣自取埼玉 2022-06-27 23:19:12
外賣自取埼玉 2022-06-27 23:48:07
外賣自取埼玉 2022-06-27 23:55:57
外賣自取埼玉 2022-06-28 00:01:33
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-04 22:33:08
極地科學之旅 Quest for the Uncharted World
蘇拉威西島 04/07/2022


The explorer and naturalist Evrard Wendenbaum, a specialist in 'lost worlds', leads a new expedition to one of the most remote and inaccessible places on the planet: the Matarombeo massif on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-04 22:43:19
使唔使搵Steve Backshall團隊嚟幫吓手?
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-04 23:21:25
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-11 22:35:37
極地科學之旅 Quest for the Uncharted World
格陵蘭 11/07/2022


A team of scientists and eco-volunteers heads to the last unexplored region of Greenland. This untouched wilderness is located at the heart of Scoresby Sund, the largest fjord system in the world.

The area provides striking scenery and leads our team to some incredible discoveries on the land, ice and water. A succession of sublime sights unfolds before the extraordinary adventurers. Diving, climbing, caving and sailing... Motivated by a strong sense of solidarity and togetherness, the team uses all its expertise to explore these vast frozen expanses.

TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-11 22:50:04
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-11 22:57:15
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-18 22:36:28
極地科學之旅 Quest for the Uncharted World
馬達加斯加 18/07/2022


Explorer and geologist Evrard Wendenbaum wants to explore the world’s still unknown lands in order to protect them better. On this quest, we follow him and a team of scientists into the Makay massif, an unexplored mineral labyrinth in Madagascar.

TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-18 22:39:48
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-18 23:33:15
下集再見Gordon Ramsey
(Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted - season 2)
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-25 22:36:47
Gordon Ramsay 瘋味之旅 2 (Gordan Ramsay: Uncharted [Season 2])
原始塔斯曼尼亞 25/07/2022

大廚Gordon Ramsay 遠赴澳洲南端的塔斯曼尼亞展開美食之旅。他會發掘這海島最純淨的一面,跳入海水避開大白鯊尋找龍蝦;在毒蛇四伏的草叢中採摘香料;乘坐水上飛機到湖中央釣鱒魚;又會採集獨特蜂蜜,最後再以當地獨有食材與浪人廚師Analiese Gregory 來一場大比拼。
Chef Ramsay explores the isolated Tasmania off the coast of southern Australia. Gordon will discover the purity of the island, diving into shark-infested waters for saltwater crayfish, avoiding venomous snakes in the bush foraging for local herbs, and soaring in a seaplane to the rugged interior to fly fish for trout and extract one-of-a-kind honey before facing off against culinary nomad Analiese Gregory to prepare an epic feast.

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2022年7月25日 星期一晚上10時30分
Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2022.07.25 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-25 22:40:06
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-25 22:49:35
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-25 23:04:07
外賣自取埼玉 2022-07-25 23:07:55
外賣自取埼玉 2022-08-01 22:30:33
"Just watch an episode with Gordon Ramsey…AMAZING…..have to try this Wholly Shit Whiskey…"
外賣自取埼玉 2022-08-01 22:32:32
Gordon Ramsay 瘋味之旅 2 (Gordan Ramsay: Uncharted [Season 2])
野性南非 01/08/2022

大廚Gordon Ramsay南下南非夸祖魯-納塔爾省,與犀牛、長頸鹿、斑馬和河馬狹路相逢, 揭開祖魯族戰士傳統飲食文化的面紗,學習古法炭燒秘方。他更不惜由直升機跳入波濤洶湧的印度洋,在岩灘上抓青口。他又穿梭香料市集,最後與當地名廚Zola Nene 合力為祖魯族首領炮製大餐。
Chef Ramsay gets up close with rhinos, giraffes, zebras and hippos in the dramatic wilderness of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, as he learns the secrets of the traditional cuisine of Zulu warriors and masters using a local “braai”. He leaps from a helicopter into the raging Indian Ocean, harvests mussels on treacherous rocks and immerses into the local township culture, before cooking with beloved local chef Zola Nene for a revered Zulu chief.

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2022年8月1日 星期一晚上10時30分
Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2022.08.01 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2022-08-01 22:49:34
外賣自取埼玉 2022-08-08 22:32:16
Gordon Ramsay 瘋味之旅 2 (Gordan Ramsay: Uncharted [Season 2])
美國路易斯安那州卡真風味 08/08/2022

大廚Gordon Ramsay出發到路易斯安那州,發掘卡郡烹飪的秘密。他將會向前美國海軍、現任餐廳總廚Eric Cook偷師,在探險途中,他要深入連接墨西哥灣的沼澤,尋找奇形怪狀卻又最新鮮的食材。究竟他能否通過這稱為「世界盡頭」之地的考驗?
Chef Gordon Ramsay’s journeys take him to the mysterious and uncharted regions of South Louisiana. As he gathers the skills and ingredients needed to master Cajun cuisine, he faces down alligators, sharks... and the discerning palettes of the local 4people. Ramsay puts it all on the line to meet the challenge presented to him by Chef Eric Cook, a Marine sharpshooter turned celebrated chef.

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2022年8月8日 星期一晚上10時30分
Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2022.08.08 MON 10:30pm

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