[港台電視31] 一齊闖天下 (2)


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外賣自取埼玉 2023-09-25 22:40:22
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第二集:哥倫比亞 - 空中傳奇
The Air Legend (Colombia)

在哥倫比亞,Claudio Petro利用他的DC-3飛機,連繫各個偏僻村莊。無論要前往多麼偏遠的地區(瓜伊尼亞省、比查達省或亞馬遜省),他總是抱著同樣的熱情起飛,發掘這個未知而常被忽視的國度。

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2023年9月25日 星期一晚上10時30分

In Colombia, Claudio Petro ensures on board of his DC-3 the air connections. Until the most remote areas (Guainia, Vichada or Amazonia), he launches each time with the same intensity, to the discovery of this unknown and often ignored country...

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2023.09.25 MON 10:30pm
第二集:#哥倫比亞 - #空中傳奇
2023年9月25日 星期一晚上10時30分
在哥倫比亞,Claudio Petro利用他的 #DC-3飛機,連繫各個偏僻村莊。無論要前往多麼偏遠的地區(#瓜伊尼亞省 、#比查達省 或 #亞馬遜省 ),他總是抱著同樣的熱情起飛,發掘這個未知而常被忽視的國度。
#哥倫比亞 擁有茂密森林,部分地區更加係與世隔絕。Claudio Petro堅持利用有80年歷史嘅DC-3商用客機,連繫各個偏僻村莊。無論要去幾偏遠嘅地區(瓜伊尼亞省、比查達省甚或亞馬遜省),面對變幻莫測嘅天氣,佢都抱住同樣熱情起飛,啟動引擎,展開歷險旅程👨🏻‍✈️~
In #Colombia, Claudio Petro ensures on board of his DC-3 the air connections. Until the most remote areas (Guainia, Vichada or Amazonia), he launches each time with the same intensity, to the discovery of this unknown and often ignored country✈️......
《無極飛行》”On the Wing”
🕥 星期一(Mon)| 10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31 (粵語/英語 | Cantonese/English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/onthewings
#OntheWing #空中傳奇 #雙語節目 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
外賣自取埼玉 2023-10-09 22:37:46
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第三集:法屬圭亞那 - 叢林飛機師
The Jungle Pilot (Guyana)

在法屬圭亞那,不少村莊位置偏遠。對大部分人而言,飛機是唯一的購物、醫療、運送學童的方式。Raymond Cazal是當地人,擔任機師達十年,為居民提供寶貴的協助。

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2023年10月9日 星期一晚上10時30分

In French Guiana, many villages are still very isolated. For many people, the air is the only way to go shopping, to get medical care, to transport schoolchildren, etc. Raymond Cazal, a local child and pilot for 10 years, brings a precious help to the population.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2023.10.09 MON 10:30pm
#法屬圭亞那 - #叢林飛機師
2023年10月9日 星期一晚上10時30分
在法屬圭亞那,不少村莊位置偏遠。對大部分人而言,飛機是唯一的購物、醫療、運送學童的方式。Raymond Cazal是當地人,擔任機師達十年,為居民提供寶貴的協助。
返學、睇醫生、買嘢……都只可以坐飛機😲?原來 #法屬圭亞那 有好多位置偏遠嘅村莊,飛機係當地唯一嘅運輸交通工具!Raymond Cazal係當地人,擔任機師已經十年,多年嚟為居民提供寶貴協助,一齊聽下佢嘅分享~
In #French Guyana, many villages are still very isolated. For many people, the air is the only way to go shopping, to get medical care, to transport schoolchildren, etc.😨 Let's see how Raymond Cazal, a local pilot with 10 years of experience, assists with transportation and provides invaluable aid to the population.
《無極飛行》”On the Wing”
🕥 星期一(Mon)| 10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31 (粵語/英語 | Cantonese/English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/onthewings
#OntheWing #飛機師 #雙語節目 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
外賣自取埼玉 2023-10-16 22:33:10
上集個括弧應該係(French Guiana)
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第四集:墨西哥 - 森林播種機
The Forest Planter (Mexico)



面對這個悲劇,被暱稱為「爺爺機長」的, José Camacho有個想法:利用他的小型飛機在被燒燬的土地上重新造林,加快大自然的修復過程……

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)

播出時間:(首播) 2023年10月16日 星期一晚上10時30分

In Mexico there is an ancestral and devastating pastoral tradition… the burn.

The peasants set fire to their fields to clean them in order to sow the next crops, often these fires escalate and spread to the wooded hills.

Between 20 to 30,000 hectares of natural areas go up in smoke every year in Chiapas!

Faced with this tragedy, José Camacho affectionately nicknamed El capitán, had this simple idea: to use his small plane to reforest the devastated lands and accelerate the natural process of reforestation ...

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2023.10.16 MON 10:30pm
#墨西哥 - #森林播種者
2023年10月16日 星期一晚上10時30分
墨西哥農民習慣 #焚燒田地,為下一季耕種作準備。火勢往往會升級,波及山上的樹林。
面對這個悲劇,被暱稱為「#爺爺機長」的, José Camacho有個想法:利用他的小型飛機在被燒燬的土地上重新造林,加快大自然的修復過程……
#墨西哥 農民習慣焚燒田地,為下一季耕種作準備!但火勢往往升級波及至山上嘅樹林❗喺恰帕斯州,每年就有2至3萬公頃嘅自然地帶被焚燒😞 。面對呢個悲劇,被暱稱為「#爺爺機長」嘅 José Camacho 就揸住自己嘅小型飛機喺被燒燬嘅土地上重新造林,加快大自然嘅修復過程……
【The Forest Planter✈️】
In #Mexico, there is an ancestral and devastating pastoral tradition… the burn🔥 . Peasants set fire to their fields to clear them for the next crop cycle. However, these fires often escalate and spread to the surrounding wooded hills. Approximately 20,000 to 30,000 hectares of natural areas go up in smoke every year in Chiapas!
Faced with this tragedy, José Camacho, affectionately nicknamed "El Capitán”, utilizes his small plane✈️ to reforest the devastated lands and expedite the natural process of reforestation…
《#無極飛行》| “On the Wing”
🕥 星期一 (Mon)| 10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31 (粵/英 | Cantonese/ English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/onthewings
#OntheWing #飛機師 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
外賣自取埼玉 2023-10-23 22:33:59
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第五集:巴西 - 亞馬遜森林守護者
Guardian of the Amazon (Brazil)

曾為非法伐木者和非法淘金者工作的巴西機師Fernando Bezerra決定放棄一切,參與保衛亞馬遜這個「地球之肺」的戰鬥。他的任務多姿多彩,而且極為重要,包括:監察森林被砍伐的情況、保護原住民社區、緊急醫療運送,及較近期的抗擊新冠疫情之戰……

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2023年10月23日 星期一晚上10時30分

Formerly employed by illegal loggers or illegal gold miners, Fernando Bezerra has decided to give up everything to take part in the fight for the preservation of the lung of the planet: the Amazon.

The missions of this Brazilian pilot are as varied as they are vital: monitoring deforestation, protecting indigenous communities, emergency medical evacuations and, more recently, participating in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic ...

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2023.10.23 MON 10:30pm
#巴西 - #亞馬遜森林守護者
2023年10月23日 星期一晚上10時30分
曾為 #非法伐木者 和 #非法淘金者 工作的巴西機師Fernando Bezerra決定放棄一切,參與保衛亞馬遜這個「#地球之肺」的戰鬥。他的任務多姿多彩,而冄極為重要,包括:監察森林被砍伐的情況、保護原住民社區、緊急醫療運送,及較近期的抗擊新冠疫情之戰……
外賣自取埼玉 2023-10-30 22:32:05
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第六集:蘇格蘭 - 巴士飛機
The Bus Plane (Scotland)

在蘇格蘭北部這片偏遠的地域,最好就能乘搭飛機,以高速出行。Colin McAllister是奧克尼群島的民航機機師。他駕駛著可載九人的雙引擎飛機,每天升降十數次!


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2023年10月30日 星期一晚上10時30分

In the north of Scotland, Colin McAllister is an airplane pilot in the Orkney Islands.

In this isolated territory, it is better to embark at its side to move quickly.

At the controls of his nine-seater twin-engine, he lands and takes off about ten times a day!

Its passengers are doctors, teachers or farmers and are used to the uncertainty of weather conditions…

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2023.10.30 MON 10:30pm
#蘇格蘭 - #巴士飛機
2023年10月30日 星期一晚上10時30分
在 #蘇格蘭 北部這片偏遠的地域,最好就能乘搭飛機,以高速出行。#ColinMcAllister 是#奧克尼群島 的 #民航機 機師。他駕駛著可載九人的雙引擎飛機,每天升降十數次!
【蘇格蘭嘅巴士飛機 ✈️🚌】
喺 #蘇格蘭 北部一個非常偏遠嘅地域,去邊度都最好係坐飛機,以高速出行⁉️Colin McAllister 係奧克尼群島嘅 #民航機機師,佢駕駛住可以載住九個人嘅雙引擎飛機,乘客有醫生、老師或農夫,90秒就可以完成一程,每日仲會升降十幾次😮!
In the north of #Scotland, an isolated territory, it's better to embark on its side to move quickly. Colin McAllister is an airplane pilot in the Orkney Islands. At the controls of his nine-seater twin-engine, he lands and takes off about ten times a day⁉️His passengers are doctors, teachers, or farmers who are accustomed to the uncertainty of weather conditions...
《#無極飛行》“On the Wing”
🕥 星期一 (Mon)| 10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31 (粵英節目 | Cantonese / English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/onthewings
#OntheWing #飛機師 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
外賣自取埼玉 2023-11-27 22:39:19
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第十集:巴布亞新畿內亞 - 空中救星
The Samaritan in the Sky (Papua New Guinea)

過去九年,Mark Palm一直為巴布亞新畿內亞的塞皮克區提供免費航空服務,這位44歲的加州機師駕駛著水上飛機運送傷者,協助被蛇咬、被鱷魚襲擊、身陷瘧疾、分娩遇到困難的人。他也會為當地居民收集及派發藥物,安排疫苗接種及爭取醫療福利。

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2023年11月27日 星期一晚上10時30分

For 9 years, Mark Palm has been helping residents of the Sepik River villages, one of the most remote areas of Papua New Guinea, free of charge. Snake bites, crocodile attacks, malaria crisis’s, difficult childbirths, the life of this 44-year-old Californian is a succession of adventures. Onboard his seaplane plane, he transports the wounded, brings medicine, and organizes vaccination campaigns for the 200 000 Papuans who live along the river, often in difficult conditions.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2023.11.27 MON 10:30pm
巴布亞新畿內亞 - 空中救星
2023年11月27日 星期一晚上10時30分
過去九年,Mark Palm 一直為巴布亞新畿內亞的塞皮克區提供免費航空服務。這位44歲的加州機師駕駛著水上飛機運送傷者,協助被蛇咬、被鱷魚襲擊、身陷瘧疾、分娩遇到困難的人。他也會為當地居民收集及派發藥物,安排疫苗接種及爭取醫療福利。
過去九年,Mark Palm一直為 #巴布亞新畿內亞 嘅塞皮克區提供免費航空服務。呢位44歲嘅加州機師駕駛住水上飛機運送傷者,協助被蛇咬、被鱷魚襲擊、身陷瘧疾、分娩遇到困難嘅人…….💪🏻他更會為當地居民收集同派發藥物,安排疫苗接種,爭取醫療福利🩺。
For 9 years, Mark Palm has been helping residents of the Sepik River villages, one of the most remote areas of Papua New Guinea, FREE of charge. His passengers include those who have suffered from snake bites, crocodile attacks, malaria crises, and difficult childbirths. The life of this 44-year-old Californian is a remarkable series of #adventures. Onboard his seaplane✈️, he transports the wounded, brings medicine, and organises vaccination campaigns for the 200,000 Papuans living along the river, often in challenging conditions.
《無極飛行》“On the Wing”
🕥 星期一 (Mon)| 10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31 (粵英節目 | Cantonese / English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/onthewings
#OntheWing #飛機師 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
[選舉近了] 原有節目暫停一週,改播選舉論壇。
外賣自取埼玉 2023-12-11 22:33:58
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第十一集:肯亞 - 飛行中的馬賽族人
The Flying Maasai (Kenya)

肯亞生物學家和叢林飛機師Ian Lemaiyan,為保護犀牛而駕駛單引擎飛機飛越草原。這位馬賽族的機師飛往不同的保育區,為我們介紹一系列獨特的野生動物保育計劃。從天空觀賞,肯亞的開闊空間仍然與早年來這裏作野生動物探險的人所看到的完全一樣。

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2023年12月11日 星期一晚上10時30分

At the helm of his small single-engine aircraft, Ian Lemaiyan, a Kenyan biologist and bush pilot, flies over the savannah to protect the rhinos. From reserve to reserve, the Maasai pilot introduces us to a series of unique wildlife preservation programs. Seen from the sky, Kenya's open spaces appear now as they were once known to those who once came here on safari.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2023.12.11 MON 10:30pm
肯亞 - 飛行中的馬賽族人
2023年12月11日 星期一晚上10時30分
肯亞生物學家和叢林飛機師Ian Lemaiyan,為保護犀牛而駕駛單引擎飛機飛越草原。這位馬賽族的機師飛往不同的保育區,為我們介紹一系列獨特的野生動物保育計劃。從天空觀賞,肯亞的開闊空間仍然與早年來這裏作野生動物探險的人所看到的完全一樣。
Ian Lemaiyan係 #肯亞 生物學家,亦係叢林飛機師。為咗保護犀牛,佢駕駛住單引擎飛機飛越草原🛩。呢位馬賽族機師會飛到唔同保育區,為大家介紹一系列獨特嘅野生動物保育計劃❤️,從天上觀賞肯亞開闊嘅空間!
At the helm of his small single-engine aircraft, Ian Lemaiyan, a #Kenyan biologist and bush pilot, flies over the savannah to protect the rhinos. From reserve to reserve, the Maasai pilot introduces us to a series of unique wildlife preservation programmes. Seen from the sky, Kenya's open spaces appear now as they were once known to those who once came here on safari.
《無極飛行》“On the Wing”
🕥 星期一 (Mon)| 10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31 (粵英節目 | Cantonese / English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/onthewings
#OntheWing #飛機師 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
外賣自取埼玉 2023-12-25 23:04:18

無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第十三集:馬達加斯加 - 空中的士
Taxi in the Air (Madagascar)

馬達加斯加面積相當於法國,但路況很不好,駕車來往不同城市動輒需時數天時間。飛機師Fifou著駕駛他的伙伴India Papa不停出動。India Papa是馬達加斯加所有人都認識的黃藍色叢林飛機。這架空中的士提供多種服務,無論是為研究鯨魚遷徙、運送人道援助物資,有時還能拯救生命。

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2023年12月25日 星期一晚上11時

In this island as big as France, it sometimes takes several days to travel from one city to another by car. Yet, Fifou is super active and moves about all the time. Whether supplying his hotel, studying the migration of whales, or carrying humanitarian aid, he counts on his faithful flying companion, a yellow bush plane that everyone in Madagascar knows by the name: "India Papa". A "taxi in the air" which provides many services, and can even, sometimes, save lives.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2023.12.25 MON 11:00pm
#馬達加斯加 面積相當於法國,但開車來往唔同城市起碼要幾日時間!飛機師Fifou同佢嘅飛行伙伴India Papa不停出動 ~India Papa係馬達加斯加所有人都識嘅黃藍色叢林飛機。無論係研究鯨魚遷徙、運送人道援助物資,定抑或係拯救生命,呢架 #空中的士 都能夠提供服務幫到手!
#Madagascar is as big as France, and it can take several days to travel from one city to another by car. However, Fifou is incredibly active and constantly on the move. Whether supplying his hotel, studying whale migration, or delivering humanitarian aid, he relies on his loyal flying companion, a yellow bush plane known throughout Madagascar as "#IndiaPapa." This "taxi in the air" offers a wide range of services and can even, at times, save lives.
《#無極飛行》“On the Wing”
🕥 星期一 (Mon)| 11pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31 (粵英節目 | Cantonese / English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/onthewings
#OntheWing #飛機師 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
馬達加斯加 - 空中的士
2023年12月25日 星期一晚上11時正
馬達加斯加面積相當於法國,但路況很不好,駕車來往不同城市動輒需時數天時間。飛機師Fifou著駕駛他的伙伴India Papa不停出動。India Papa是馬達加斯加所有人都認識的黃藍色叢林飛機。這架空中的士提供多種服務,無論是為研究鯨魚遷徙、運送人道援助物資,有時還能拯救生命。
外賣自取埼玉 2024-01-01 22:35:29
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第十四集:新西蘭 - 太平洋上空的飛行農夫
The Flying Farmer of the Pacific (New Zealand)

Guy 和 Fiona夫婦二人住在新西蘭阿爾卑斯山深處,是生活於世界盡頭的農夫。要在全國最偏遠的農場飼養5,000隻綿羊、2,000隻牛和幾十匹馬,飛機和直升機是必要的出行工具。他們也會乘坐飛機去約會朋友及玩花式飛行。

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年1月1日 星期一晚上10時30分

Deep in the New Zealand Alps, Guy and Fiona Redfern are the flying farmers at the end of the world. Plane and helicopter are essential in raising the 5,000 sheep, 2,000 cows and dozens of horses on this farm, the most isolated in the country. In addition to being a tool for their work, their plane is also a means of escaping their isolation to meet friends and perform some aerial stunts.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.01.01 MON 10:30pm
新西蘭 - 太平洋上空的飛行農夫
2024年1月1日 星期一晚上10時30分
Guy 和 Fiona夫婦二人住在新西蘭阿爾卑斯山深處,是生活於世界盡頭的農夫。要在全國最偏遠的農場飼養5,000隻綿羊、2,000隻牛和幾十匹馬,飛機和直升機是必要的出行工具。他們也會乘坐飛機去約會朋友及玩花式飛行。
外賣自取埼玉 2024-01-08 22:39:18
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第十五集:玻利維亞 - 帶來希望的飛機師
The Pilot of Hope (Bolivia)

Ivo Daniel Velasquez是一位無名英雄。他控制著飛機,有時是架小型塞斯納,有時是雙引擎派珀,無懼玻利維亞與別不同的飛行條件,前赴該國最偏遠的社區提供援助。

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年1月8日 星期一晚上10時30分

Ivo Daniel Velasquez is an anonymous hero. At the controls of his plane, sometimes a tiny Cessna, sometimes a twin-engine Piper - he defies the quite extraordinary flying conditions of Bolivia to come to the assistance of the most remote communities in the country.
Whenever, Ivo lands his plane on the most unlikely airstrips, from the Andes and the Altiplano to Amazonia, for these communities he represents a vital link with the rest of the world. He doesn’t make a big deal about it, but, without him, the Aymara Indian woman having a difficult labor, the Quechua driver injured in an accident on dangerous road in the Andes or the Tsimane child bitten by a snake in the forest, would all have only a slim chance of reaching a hospital alive.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.01.08 MON 10:30pm
喺 #玻利維亞,有一位無名英雄Ivo Daniel Velasquez,無論佢駕駛嘅係小型飛機,定係雙引擎飛機,目的都係要飛去玻利維亞最偏遠、最難到達嘅社區,為分娩遇上困難嘅孕婦、喺安第斯山脈遇上意外受傷嘅傷者、甚至喺叢林中被蛇咬傷嘅小朋友提供援助,等佢哋能夠活著抵達醫院!
Ivo Daniel Velasquez is an anonymous hero. Whenever he lands his plane on the most unlikely airstrips in Bolivia, he offers assistance to the most remote communities in the country. Without him, the women experiencing difficult labors, the accident victims on the Andean roads, or the child bitten by snakes in the forest would have slim chances of reaching a hospital alive.
《無極飛行》“On the Wing”
🕥 星期一 (Mon)| 10:30pm
🖥️ #港台電視31 #RTHKTV31 (粵英節目 | Cantonese / English)
🌐 rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/onthewings
#OntheWing #飛機師 #港台 #香港電台 #RTHK
玻利維亞 - 帶來希望的飛機師
2024年1月8日 星期一晚上10時30分
Ivo Daniel Velasquez是一位無名英雄。他控制著飛機,有時是架小型塞斯納,有時是雙引擎派珀,無懼玻利維亞與別不同的飛行條件,前赴該國最偏遠的社區提供援助。
外賣自取埼玉 2024-01-15 22:48:55
無極飛行 (On the Wing)

第十六集:瓦努阿圖 - 救急扶危的醫生
Doctor Mark to the Rescue (Vanuatu)

班克斯群島位處南太平洋島國瓦努阿圖的北部,與世隔絕。每當群島有人生病或出現醫療事故,島上九千名居民就只能依靠Mark Turnbull醫生和他的橙色小型飛機。


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年1月15日 星期一晚上10時30分

Lying to the north of the Vanuatu archipelago in the South Pacific, the Banks Islands are literally cut off from the world. Whenever there’s a medical emergency, the 9,000 inhabitants of the Banks have only Doctor Mark Turbull and his orange cuckoo to rely on. The sole doctor for hundreds of miles around, he is the only one who can land on the unlikely and dangerous airstrips of these tiny volcanic islands. Some days, despite changeable weather conditions, he may visit four or five different islands to look at teeth, deliver mothers or even operate on people under general anesthetic on the bare ground of the tropical forest.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.01.15 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-01-22 22:43:00
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)




It’s been too long already since these two territories have been opposing each other. Today even more than yesterday that we have to face a crisis that has never been seen before, we should reconnect the urban world with the rural world for a common future that is more respectful of the living. Whether they are farmers, breeders, architects or even urban farmers, we are going to follow, in every corner of the earth, the daily life of these women and men of whom know-how is precious for the safekeeping of our planet. What if the sustainability of our cities came from our countryside? What if we committed to a greener future? Let’s meet the Green heroes, the precursors of a more sustainable world and the true safe keepers of our natural resources.
[/b]英國 (United Kingdom)
12/10/2023 22/01/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年1月22日 星期一晚上10時30分

At the Western tip of Europe, the UK is a country of many faces. From the busy capital of London to the coasts of Northern Ireland, from the mythical lochs of Scotland to the more rustic valleys of the south of England, this country is filled with natural wonders that some have made it their mission to promote, and to protect.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.01.22 MON 10:30pm
想間屋夏天涼浸浸、冬天暖笠笠,仲要交好平電費;想住喺市區,但又要周圍好多植物;食到優質靚肉、有機蔬果,唔係無可能㗎。好多熱愛 #環保 嘅人都做得到,一齊睇吓佢哋用咩方法吖。
《Chill 綠世代》1月22號起,晚上10:30,港台電視31
外賣自取埼玉 2024-01-29 22:40:00
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

意大利 (Italy)
19/10/2023 29/01/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年1月29日 星期一晚上10時30分

Whether for its gastronomy, its landscapes, its language or its history which has left behind an exceptional heritage, Italy is a land of natural and historical resources unique in the world.

In a globalized world with major environmental issues, we will meet those who continue to live this precious heritage and who fight to preserve what makes their identity.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.01.29 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-02-05 22:38:40
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

美國 (United States)
26/10/2023 05/02/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年2月5日 星期一晚上10時30分

From the hustle and bustle of New York to the Utah desert, from offices in Silicon Valley to the Texas ranches, the United States appears as a land of paradoxes and of extremes, which leaves no one indifferent.

Land of immigration since always, the country fascinates with the strength of a promise: the one of a life where anything is possible. To our Green Heroes the American dream is that of a transition to healthy agriculture and sustainable, responsible architecture and a more humble way of life.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.02.5 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-02-12 22:31:30
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

西班牙 (Spain)
02/11/2023 12/02/2024



雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年2月12日 星期一晚上10時30分

Just by mentioning its name, Spain sounds dreamlike. From the lively neighbourhoods of Madrid to the grandiose landscapes of the center, from the plains of the Basque country to famous southern beaches, the country offers visitors an incredible spectacle, rich in unique cultural, natural and historical heritage.
If decades of mass tourism and an economic crisis have left some marks, the country counts many ambitious defenders of what constitutes for them a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.02.12 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-02-19 22:40:37
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

亞洲 - 上集 (Asia 1)
09/11/2023 19/02/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年2月19日 星期一晚上10時30分

Huge, overcrowded, a veritable mix of multi-millennial cultures with strong identities, Asia is the continent of all superlatives. Asia also concentrates an incredible diversity of natural resources that the industrialization of the continent tends to eliminate. But that was without counting on our Green Heroes of the day, for whom nothing is lost.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.02.19 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-02-26 22:43:26
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

亞洲 - 下集 (Asia 2)
16/11/2023 26/02/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年2月26日 星期一晚上10時30分

In Asia, an overpopulated land with many faces, ecology is slowly making its way.
From Cambodian countryside to Korean megalopolises and paradise Thai islands, initiatives in favor of the environment are flourishing in the four corners of the continent. Whether agricultural, touristic or even architectural, all have one thing in common: raising awareness among some 4 billion inhabitants about the preservation of a nature increasingly threatened by urbanization and industrialization. And that's exactly what drives our Green Heroes of the day.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.02.26 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-03-04 22:44:57
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

葡萄牙 (Portugal)
23/11/2023 04/03/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年3月4日 星期一晚上10時30分

Located in Western Europe, Portugal is a country with a historical heritage and an exceptional culture which has always been the pride of its inhabitants. A wealth that today attracts millions of tourists every year. Mass tourism which has not always been concerned with the preservation of spaces and natural resources, which are nevertheless vital for the protection of this so rich land but also for the precious quality of life of its inhabitants. Faced with this observation, Green Heroes fight to raise awareness on these dangers.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.03.04 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-03-11 22:49:49
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

島嶼 (Islands of the World)
30/11/2023 11/03/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年3月11日 星期一晚上10時30分

An island is a whole ecosystem, sometimes very fragile, sometimes even still virgin, that requires preservation by minimizing its footprint. It is indeed this balance that our Green Heroes sought to achieve when they settled on these small pieces of land, far, very far from their daily life on the continent.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.03.11 MON 10:30pm
外賣自取埼玉 2024-03-18 22:51:40
Chill綠世代 (Green Heroes)

荷蘭 (Netherlands)
07/12/2023 18/03/2024


雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2024年3月18日 星期一晚上10時30分

In northern Europe, the Netherlands is a land of contrasts. Despite its small size, it houses one of the largest concentrations of inhabitants and wealth on the continent. Alongside iconic landmarks like mills and tulips, the country boasts treasures such as its cheeses and seafood, which unfortunately were not spared by industrialization and mass trade. Additionally, seawater poses a significant challenge as it is the primary adversary for this state that is largely located below sea level. In response to this situation, numerous Green Heroes have taken action to give their land and products a fresh start.

Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
Time: (First run) 2024.03.18 MON 10:30pm
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞