
749 回覆
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2021-05-11 05:17:09
2021-05-11 06:04:05
咁係咪早一日去做test 好D
2021-05-11 06:42:56
想問吓你張UKAS accreditation 係寫ISO 17025都畀上機?同埋請問你有冇畀埋clinic 出嘅ISO15189 嘅認證? 唔該晒
2021-05-11 06:50:43
有冇人搵到Collinson Group 嘅 certification of accreditation 搵左好耐都冇, 佢淨係比左test report我
2021-05-11 06:59:50
有冇人申請visa extension
2021-05-11 07:01:54
2021-05-11 07:04:11
2021-05-11 07:05:36
2021-05-11 07:11:52
2021-05-11 07:12:38
2021-05-11 07:18:50
唔該晒有寫DNAFit呀 我諗聽日會再打去CX問清楚 確保真係上到機

呢個post大家好多都係12號 希望一齊上到機但勿相認
2021-05-11 07:37:06
我睇下香港時間八點有冇人覆我 屌好anxious 原來有咁多份documents要準備
2021-05-11 07:49:21
2021-05-11 07:58:33
依個唔係問題啦 你passport個名都分開兩行 大家都有common sense 掛
2021-05-11 08:07:44
2021-05-11 08:12:40
同辛苦過21日 上到機我乜都得 同大家係飛機飲返兩杯慶祝下
2021-05-11 10:26:48
但check in嗰陣show test result CX就叫我用嗰一份就得

特登有睇埋英文版 我理解就係冇ISO15189都至少要有UKAS 嘅certificate of accreditation
2021-05-11 15:43:51
本身成堆人排隊check in 但最後成功上到都真係得一半
2021-05-11 15:49:30
"There are many accredited testing providers available, however we work closely with three – Collinson, Corona Test Center and Randox - and would recommend that all our passengers use one of these providers.

These organisations are reputable, reliable and responsive to our customers when real time support is needed. They are also clear on the requirements of the Hong Kong Government and their test reports for passengers travelling to Hong Kong are custom made to fit the requirements of the Hong Kong Government.

Furthermore, our recommended test centres have all presented their accreditation to us and we hold copies of these, so we can assist if you need help providing their accreditation document."

用collison嘅大家應該唔需要太擔心 CX都講到咁
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞