IT討論區(106) 提提受緊壓迫的你!!1月18日是辭職吉日

1001 回覆
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2021-01-13 11:59:51
2021-01-13 12:59:30
xsky個test係咪fg程度黎 定我廢
2021-01-13 13:06:19
統計下 有冇人呢個星期搞個network 搞到好燥
2021-01-13 13:06:38
2021-01-13 13:34:18
2021-01-13 13:41:50
2021-01-13 14:09:45
2021-01-13 14:13:48
2021-01-13 14:35:48
2021-01-13 14:37:23
T con CAP做到44K
2021-01-13 14:37:52
2021-01-13 14:40:07
call speedy group

一般t con 公司都有10al + medical card
2021-01-13 14:42:21
佢都有10al + medical card
2021-01-13 14:42:49
2021-01-13 14:44:52
2021-01-13 14:46:16
有mobile 咁唔係lu
2021-01-13 14:46:36
Project Nature: (T25) Development and maintenance of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and IT services in Lands Department Job Description: (T25) To design, analyze, implement and support web/mobile applications including: - Analyze user requirements and write front-end or back-end programming codes for web applications built on 3-Tier architecture; - Write and maintain programming codes for mobile applications on iOS/Android platform; - Conduct program testing, system testing and develop test cases to support user acceptance test; - Establish quality assurance and carry out quality control, such as verification and rectification of data and applications; - Prepare and maintain program documentation (e.g. data and function specifications, etc.) to support system enhancement and bug fixing; - Assist in preparation of project reports and specifications; - Perform any other duties as assigned by supervisor. Requirement Details: - Holder of a degree awarded by a university in Hong Kong or a degree awarded by an overseas education institution to a Hong Kong resident, or equivalent; - The degree shall be related to Computer Science, Information Engineering, Information Technology, Geo-informatics, Geomatics Engineering, Geographic Information Science, or equivalent; - Understand the geospatial data standards, data interoperability, accessibility assessment, web/graphic design, image processing technology, 3D programming or inertial positioning will be an advantage; - Have at least 3 years? post qualification information technology experience of which 1 year in the comparable capacity; - At least 2 year hands-on programming experience in application development / system maintenance; - Solid knowledge and experience in implementing and development of web/mobile applications. - Strong experience in Objective-C/Java/Swift programming for mobile apps development - Possess analytical sense, problem solving skills and a good team player; - Good command of both spoken and written Chinese and English. - Having experience in some or all of below will favor the interview result: Web Services, Geographic Information System, Java Application Framework (e.g. Spring), Java Servlet Programming, or Git Hub/ Git repository
2021-01-13 14:47:09
2021-01-13 14:48:06
2021-01-13 14:50:43
ico limited?
2021-01-13 14:51:48
2021-01-13 14:52:46
IQ題 唔識好正常
2021-01-13 14:53:34
但係T con好難出返去?
2021-01-13 14:53:49
2021-01-13 14:53:50
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞