Pure Fitness membership costs one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars a month which is well worth it for the broad range of facilities you can use. They sell a tub of whey protein for four hundred dollars which is well worth it as it's normally twice as expensive. The membership agreement grants you access to the swimming pool as well as the gym. The cost of caesin protein has edged higher by eight dollars while that of soy protein has edged down by eleven dollars. The cost of creatine has edged up to three hundred dollars whereas that of nitric oxide has edged lower from four twenty to four hundred and twelve dollars. Last month, my friend Susannah complained that she was treated badly at Pacific Coffee. As a result, she asked a barista for a referral to a senior staff member who in turn referred her case to the manager. She'll be following up with the manager on the case to be sure that it'll be dealt with seriously. In addition, she's been suffering from a stomachache so I gave her a referral to a gastroenterologist. Last Tuesday, Susannah posted on an online forum and suggested that the government build an art museum so as to promote tourism which was supported by so many people on the forum. As a result, the forum administrator provided a referral to a district councilor. They'll be following up with the district councilor on the issue. I too will be following up on the matter being discussed. Last Friday, Susannah and I went to an art gallery where we looked at all the big eighteenth-century and nineteenth-century oil paintings in the gallery lest we should miss any wonderful things. She'll be throwing a party in a hotel rather than at her place lest they disturb her neighbouring homeowners.