打工港奴旅行日記 - 23天尼泊爾徒步+西藏

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2019-12-17 15:59:11
2019-12-17 16:37:30
poon hill太多人
2019-12-17 21:58:36
2019-12-17 23:45:25
繼續Day 5

樓上絲打講得啱 嫌太多人 突然間氣氛變到好熱鬧 有啲唔慣 但其實單拖見到 係會幾興奮 因為原來有一大班人同你嘅目標係一致 you'll never walk alone



真係好正望住雪山景睇日出 好震撼係一試難忘所以個陣決定咗 有時間(有假)一定要再嚟多次Nepal 行ACT / EBC

大媽指定動作舞動國旗 見過有大媽背囊都插住兩枝 唔忍心睇 都係轉台睇返隔離鬼仔算 好型

上到暸望塔係另一種味道 睇到哂東西兩邊嘅山群

而上到嚟我竟然撞返Marina!! 原來佢同我地分開住個日搵咗揹夫 所以都追上到時間 醒起最初登山個陣ABC話關閉我堅持有一絲希望 想上到MBC或者前幾個check point等職員話我知唔比上我先死心 但Marina就直接嗌我死心 落山啦死毒撚 個下我就覺得夾唔到 太現實主義 而依家撞返大家寒暄幾句 我亦堅持話想去到Chhomrong 即係向ABC方向嘅村莊去睇睇

而佢都無繼續阻止我 最後吹多陣水 就分道揚鑣

2019-12-18 00:00:18
而上到嚟我竟然撞返Marina!! 原來佢同我地分開住個日搵咗揹夫 所以都追上到時間 醒起最初登山個陣ABC話關閉我堅持有一絲希望 想上到MBC或者前幾個check point等職員話我知唔比上我先死心 但Marina就直接嗌我死心 落山啦死毒撚 個下我就覺得夾唔到 太現實主義 而依家撞返大家寒暄幾句 我亦堅持話想去到Chhomrong 即係向ABC方向嘅村莊去睇睇

之前仲諗咁快同marina分手, 原來嫌慢唔係主要原因
2019-12-18 00:42:05
2019-12-18 03:04:36
2019-12-18 07:40:33
淨係記得佢麻鬼煩 有時睇返啲相/片先記得 不過都無後悔遇到佢 無咗佢呢個trip會少咗好多故事
2019-12-18 08:30:57
2019-12-18 10:22:25
2019-12-19 12:53:32
2019-12-19 19:50:13
2019-12-19 21:10:24
2019-12-19 22:30:55
唔好再鞭打本王 12點前會出出佢
2019-12-20 00:17:27
續 Day5
朝早天氣又係好到不得了 萬里無雲

落山見到應該係去EBC方向嘅飛機 心諗自己之後有無機會挑戰到 畢竟尼泊爾咁多條環線 EBC應該係最危險嘅一條 因為連poon hill落山都感覺有啲難度 是咁的


係大部份人無雪爪要咁樣落山 因為成條路都係薄冰 無雪嘅情況吓係勁易跣底(沿路唔少人都仆街)


搵行山杖當滑雪嘅又有 真係各出奇招

可想而知難度係有 唯一叫行到嘅就係踩側邊嘅雪 但有機會係窿嚟所以都好危險

龜速落山見返發射塔 路面開始變返有植柀 嗱嗱聲落山食早餐

望吓山 望吓樹


遲到 出住先啦sir
2019-12-20 02:35:37
2019-12-20 08:12:13
今晚出好啲 跑完步唔願寫

係 一係捱到落山換 一係著goretex 褲
2019-12-20 13:08:06
見到洗落黑衫到 就係黑錢
2019-12-20 13:13:16
I've been to many countries. I had always thought that many other countries were better than Hong kong but after I went on holiday in many countries I realised that in terms of city life, nightlife, food and shopping, Hong Kong really is the best. In europe shops close at four to five on weekdays and don't open at all at weekends except big cities like London where shops close at six on weekdays and four at weekends. Their main sports of entertainment are pubs and clubs. Las Vegas has spectacular night views but it was primarily built for tourism. It's famous for gambling, unique hotel design and shows like boxing events. However in terms of scenery Scandinavia and Tibet are the most ravishing. Tibet is famous for its breathtaking scenery at high altitude. Xinjiang is also a place of outstanding scenic beauty. In fact my friend who's been to the Mount Everest base camp showed me his photos taken there by which I was awestruck. It's definitely a glamorous holiday destination. If you think you might have altitude sickness such as dizziness, headaches and trouble sleeping I suggest you bring some medicine along. A tour of the base camp would be a once in a lifetime experience. Tibet is also the best place for stargazing as it's much closer to the heavens than any other places on earth. It has some of the highest lakes in the world that are rich with fish and other marine life and the countryside is inhabited by flocks of yellow ducks as well as wild horses and donkeys. The lakes in Tibet such as Lake Paiku which is four thousand five hundred and ninety two metres above sea level reflect the beauty of the stars giving a double view of the sky at night. You can even pitch camp to get the best view of the stars and the milky way galaxy.
2019-12-20 19:46:37
Us channel
2019-12-21 00:17:19
續 Day 5
話說返到Ghorepani tea house 第1件事係食早餐 晨運完好鬼肚餓 好彩無咩高山反應

天氣咁好 識食一定係坐出面食
蛋奄列加masala tea 望呢個景食早餐係香港可能要過百蚊

如何回到當時 個種自由自在 聽住木結他 時間過得好慢 世界得返自己一個


個路牌又幾現代化 執好行李就出發去ghandruk 即係行ABC必經嘅地點 有無留意個牌 要行7個鐘左右 所以事不宜遲 上路啦飛雲

出住咁多先 聽日仲要做港豬 不過唔緊要 聖誕會加快速度 毒丁會留係屋企作吓文
2019-12-21 00:24:26
補多句可以留意條片 黃衫個個人之後會同佢短暫同行 我嗌佢做小哥
2019-12-21 00:46:24
2019-12-21 00:54:09
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞