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2017-02-23 14:02:48
其實大家有冇諗過 當年推國民教育 咁多人上街反對 但又冇上街反聖經堂 我個人覺得其實兩者係一樣既野 透過由細洗腦教學 令到啲人覺得基督教/中共係好 雖然實有人話耶教係想導人向善 但問題係 佢地既善 只係佢地既道德標準 咁國民教育一樣係將中共既道德推廣啦
第二,雖然依家係耶教學校先有聖經堂 表面上有得揀讀唔讀間學校 但同樣地 如果政府推國民學校 而且話你唔洗讀國民教育就唔好入黎 我就唔信會冇人反對 咁點解大家接受到咁多細路比耶教洗腦 但又咁反對國教
所以 我個人認為根本學校就唔應該有任何宗教堂 一黎避免洗腦 兩黎將宗教留番比細路開始成長時 先比佢地自己揀對咩教有興趣
而唔係得3歲咩都唔識 就比父母揀啲耶教幼稚園 而因為相信學校教既野就係正確 而咁就覺得耶教係好

利申:由幼稚園到中學都係耶教學校 比人洗左15年腦但都冇信教

幼稚園天主教 小學道教 中學基督教
但基督教比我最hard feeling
2017-02-23 14:07:58
屌你老母我兩年前舅父過身 我阿媽係傳統嘅人想用傳統喪禮 但其他親戚好多係耶撚 最後用耶撚方法 咁我哋都冇反對 始終都係心意 但係喪禮上面 個牧師用咗個幾鐘傳教叫人信耶穌 ok我當係儀式 我屌你老母最後佢話舅父死前冇信到耶穌要落地獄 希望在場嘅人要信耶穌 我阿爸最後忍唔著出去叫個牧師走 仲要比返我啲賤種耶撚親戚鬧

2017-02-23 14:12:53
2017-02-23 16:56:13
屌你老母我兩年前舅父過身 我阿媽係傳統嘅人想用傳統喪禮 但其他親戚好多係耶撚 最後用耶撚方法 咁我哋都冇反對 始終都係心意 但係喪禮上面 個牧師用咗個幾鐘傳教叫人信耶穌 ok我當係儀式 我屌你老母最後佢話舅父死前冇信到耶穌要落地獄 希望在場嘅人要信耶穌 我阿爸最後忍唔著出去叫個牧師走 仲要比返我啲賤種耶撚親戚鬧


2017-02-23 17:04:39
2017-02-23 17:26:51
One of the places supporters of the doctrine of the Trinity point when looking for the Trinity in the Old Testament is the Hebrew word "Elohim". This word, which is translated as "God" in English, is a plural word, and not just a plural but a plural indicating three or more. What more evidence could we need?

But this is where the critical reading of the Bible tugs at our sleeve, wanting a word with us. Can we legitimately claim that the authors of these ancient Jewish scriptures had some insight into the Triune nature of God? Some would point here to the influence of the Holy Spirit, saying that even if the human authors didn't know about the Trinity, the Holy Spirit did. Even so, the human authors chose this word, so it must have meant something to them. What did it mean?

The use of the plural word, "Elohim", certainly does not mean that the authors had a sneak preview of the Trinity. The rest of the text just doesn't support such a view. The unity of God is unquestioned, and the philosophical framework for something like a doctrine of the Trinity just doesn't exist. Besides this, God being plural in number would not support the doctrine of the Trinity, which like all monotheism believes that their is only one God.

But if God is not plural in number, then how is God plural? God is plural in majesty. That is, by using the plural "Elohim" for God, the Hebrew authors are indicating that the One referred to by this term encompasses much more than we can know.

In short, "Elohim" means "we aren't going to put God in a box."

Now, is this a disappointment for us in our search for the Trinity in the Old Testament? It shouldn't be. Far from being a disappointment, this is our first signpost on the way to a well-formed understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity.

Too often we treat the doctrine of the Trinity as if it were some fact that we knew about God, similar, for instance to knowing the Jesus was 5'3" tall. But that's not the kind of thing the doctrine of the Trinity is meant to tell us. It doesn't tell us that God happens to have three heads or some such trivia. Rather, it tells us something very mysterious, something we can't quite comprehend but can only grasp intuitively.

And this is how the meaning of the word "Elohim" should contribute to our appreciation of the doctrine of the Trinity. It reminds us that God is more than we know and warns us against forming too tightly defined dogmas about God.
2017-02-23 17:39:50
The claim advanced by your business associate is one of the more well-known arguments used by missionaries to defend the doctrine of the Trinity, the most guarded and untenable creed of the Church. It would be difficult to imagine a doctrine more hostile to the uncompromising monotheism preached in the Jewish Scriptures than the Christian claim that there is a plurality within the divine nature of God. Yet, armed with little knowledge of the Hebrew language, many Trinitarians brazenly argue that the name of God, as it appears in the first verse in the Bible, “proves” there are three distinct Persons in the godhead.

More specifically, missionaries point to the plural form of the Hebrew name of God אֶלהִים, (Elohim), which appears frequently in the Torah, to bolster their claim that there is a complex unity in the godhead. They argue that the use of the Hebrew letters “ ים” (yud and mem, pronounced “im”), which is a plural suffix at the end of the word Elohim, provides ample evidence from Tanach that there is a plurality within the nature of God. Your business associate went out on an even more bizarre limb when she declared that this Hebrew syntax is somehow indicative of the “plural form of three.”

2017-02-23 17:41:27
You can rest assured that the Hebrew tongue is a foreign language to your business associate, and that both of her contentions are erroneous. While her first assertion can be easily explained away by her lack of familiarity with the biblical language, her second point cannot. Her latter comment that the plural suffix in Elohim is indicative of “a plural form of three” is particularly preposterous, and illustrates the desperation and frustration some Trinitarians display in their rash effort to defend this alien Church creed.

While I too have never heard any missionary make the astounding claim that plurals somehow mean “a plural form of three,” the incentive for spawning this irresponsible contrivance is clear. If you examine the few verses evangelicals use from the Jewish Scriptures as they seek to buttress the doctrine of the Trinity, you will notice that none of them, even in Christian terms, speaks of three persons. In essence, her flawed declaration was born out of a desperate desire to weave the Trinity out of whole Jewish cloth. This is an impossible task.

Bear in mind, there is no mystery as to the origins of the Trinity, nor is there any secret for how this aberrant doctrine emerged. The doctrine of the Trinity was forged out of the crucible of the Catholic Church long after the Christian century. It is, therefore, no wonder that this pagan doctrine was unknown to authors of the New Testament (click here to see list). Church history reveals that it was not until three hundred years after the birth of Christianity that the doctrine of the Bianity (325 C.E.) and Trinity (381 C.E.) received formal approval in the Christian community. These well documented events occurred under circumstances rife with contention, political agitation, and radical dissension in the early Church.

In essence, the Jewish people never believed in a Trinity, and the Church adopted it under enormous political pressure from the most pagan segments of the young Catholic Church. Understandably, missionaries undertake a formidable task when they seek to prove this fourth century doctrine from a radically monotheistic Torah which is timeless. Let’s examine your business associate’s claim.

There is an enormous difficulty with the interpretation that the name Elohim signifies a sort of plurality in the godhead; for if Elohim implies a plurality of persons, how can missionaries explain that the identical word Elohim in Tanach refers to Moses as well? Regarding Moses, the Torah says,
2017-02-23 18:22:53
Russell's teapot

淨係靠d 識講野既蛇,水變紅酒,又善惡果樹呢d天馬行空既野


2017-02-23 18:51:53
2017-02-23 19:21:30

2017-02-23 20:10:41
屌你老母 有主就得啦
2017-02-23 20:34:25
讀左差唔多廿年耶教學校, 都冇人解比我聽點解上天堂同永生會係好事
耶撚有冇想像過, 假設上到天堂, 你地真係守所有耶撚既律法(唔係好似依家咁你想守就守唔守就唔守), 仲要永生, 咁係咪真係好幸福
2017-02-23 23:51:28
讀左差唔多廿年耶教學校, 都冇人解比我聽點解上天堂同永生會係好事
耶撚有冇想像過, 假設上到天堂, 你地真係守所有耶撚既律法(唔係好似依家咁你想守就守唔守就唔守), 仲要永生, 咁係咪真係好幸福

2017-02-23 23:51:51
讀左差唔多廿年耶教學校, 都冇人解比我聽點解上天堂同永生會係好事
耶撚有冇想像過, 假設上到天堂, 你地真係守所有耶撚既律法(唔係好似依家咁你想守就守唔守就唔守), 仲要永生, 咁係咪真係好幸福


2017-02-23 23:58:26
讀左差唔多廿年耶教學校, 都冇人解比我聽點解上天堂同永生會係好事
耶撚有冇想像過, 假設上到天堂, 你地真係守所有耶撚既律法(唔係好似依家咁你想守就守唔守就唔守), 仲要永生, 咁係咪真係好幸福


2017-02-24 00:37:47

有咩要解釋 誤入歧途既賤人囉
2017-02-24 00:53:20

有咩要解釋 誤入歧途既賤人囉

2017-02-24 01:06:24
屌你老母 有主就得啦

果句野 in aramaic 其實係咒語黎
2017-02-24 03:51:44

有咩要解釋 誤入歧途既賤人囉


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