美國商銀(Bank of America)查詢客戶公民身份的作法,讓一對不知情夫婦差點身上沒有現金可用。
據堪薩斯城星報(Kansas City Star)7月30日報導,柯林斯(Josh Collins)和妻子潔西卡(Jessica Salazar Collins)自2000年代初,就一直是美國商銀的存戶,他們對這家銀行最近突然查詢柯林斯公民身份的做法感到迷惑不解。
美國商銀發言人華格納(Diane Wagner)說,很遺憾柯林斯夫婦沒有回覆銀行更新其訊息的請求。如果銀行沒收到存戶回信,或許會凍結賬戶,直至可以確認賬戶符合管理要求,不會遭到身份盜竊威脅。她說,銀行並非特意挑選柯林斯查詢身份。美國商銀的所有存戶最終都會受到訊息更新通知,查詢他們的公民身份及是否具有雙重國籍。
萬幸的是,柯林斯夫婦上週沒有決定按計畫去明尼蘇達州(Minnesota)與家人度假。潔西卡說,否則他們會發現自己沒錢給汽車加油、購買食物或住酒店,他們夫婦已決定換一家銀行開戶,不過他們可能會碰到同樣要求。據巴沙迪那星報(Star News)7月30日報導,包括富國銀行(Wells Fargo)在內的很多銀行,也在存戶開設新賬戶時查詢其公民身份。
不過加州銀行協會(California Bankers Association)表示,查詢銀行存戶公民身份的做法並非聯邦法律所要求。協會發言人米爾斯( Beth Mills)說,他們不知道有這種規定,聯邦法律僅要求銀行獲得和核實賬戶存戶的四種訊息,即姓名、出生年月日、居住地址和社會安全號碼。
China’s ambassador to Damascus has reportedly told Syrian media that Beijing is prepared to aid the government’s push to retake territory throughout the country.
Speaking to Syrian pro-government daily Al-Watan, the envoy, Qi Qianjin, expressed China’s support for what he referred to as Syria’s war against terrorists, according to a dispatch from the Middle East Media Research Institute.
Qi said he regretted that Chinese Uyghurs had participated in fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, adding that the Chinese military was hoping to enhance relations with the Syrian military.
“Asked about the possibility that his country would take part in the Syrian Arab Army’s upcoming campaign against the terrorists in Idlib, especially in light of the presence of Uyghur fighters [there], [Qi] replied that China ‘is following the situation in Syria, in particular after the victory in southern [Syria], and its military is willing to participate in some way alongside the Syrian army that is fighting the terrorists in Idlib and in any other part of Syria,” the article from Al-Watan was translated as saying.
When asked about Chinese participation in the campaign, military attaché Wong Roy Chang said “‘the military cooperation between the Syrian and Chinese armies is ongoing. We have good relations and we maintain this cooperation in order to serve the security, integrity and stability of our countries. We – China and its military – wish to develop our relations with the Syrian Army. As for participating in the Idlib operation, it requires a political decision.’ He denied that there were military advisers or special Chinese forces in Syria today.”
P.S. : 唔知餓螺絲會點做呢?