
1001 回覆
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2018-08-10 12:19:04
又唔好咁講, 依家真係搵部好樣少少都真係好難嫁啦
2018-08-10 14:57:27
2018-08-10 15:56:03
pixel 2 xl, 上年11月,USD849
2018-08-10 16:14:37
等埋pixel3出 睇定d再決定換唔換
2018-08-10 16:19:53
2018-08-10 16:54:13
2018-08-10 17:12:26
係咪 Amazon 買最好
2018-08-10 17:27:28
早排淘兩張pixel 2 mon貼,佢寄錯左2 xl 貼過黎

2018-08-10 17:30:32
2018-08-10 23:49:18
2018-08-10 23:54:07
6.7-inch display 1440×2960 resolution
3,430 mAh battery
12.2MP rear camera
3 front cameras, all listed as 8.1MP
Qualcomm Snapdragon 845
Adreno 630
64GB storage
Active Edge confirmed
Android 9
The most interesting thing here is the three front cameras. The previously leaked photos have shown two front cameras, which we assume is for some type of extra secure face unlock ability. So the third camera is either an error from AnTuTu or something else. It’s important to remember that AnTuTu is a user-created app and it’s always possible the information being fed to it by the system is faked. Unlikely, but possible.
2018-08-10 23:54:59

Another interesting tidbit is a quick glimpse at 3:57 in the video. It appears there is a wallpaper in the background of the Always-on Display. This is something that we discovered in the Android Pie source code earlier this week. Now it looks like the feature is confirmed. Pretty soon, there won’t be anything left to discover about this device. Now if only the smaller Pixel 3 would show its face a little more.
2018-08-10 23:57:50
3front cam
2018-08-11 05:12:21
買 pixel 3
2018-08-11 10:46:41
pixel 3個mon幾大?
2018-08-11 13:35:00
想問有無 pixel xl user 用true wirless 耳機 明明啲人評測冇問題但係自己用 放褲袋都會間唔中疾
2018-08-11 13:50:40
我用緊Jabra elite sport

利申 pixel 1
2018-08-11 13:52:53
又好似係 再試下先
2018-08-11 13:53:49
點解啲 p3xl 個m 大撻左咁多。。。
2018-08-11 14:03:00
仲要成個status bar跟住大
all in 細機
2018-08-11 14:03:52
細機 係唔係同 p1xl 差唔多?
2018-08-11 14:07:06
個樣應該係似p2 xl
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