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2018-06-08 07:20:20
2018-06-08 07:45:32
2018-06-08 08:07:51
2018-06-08 09:17:53
The Airbus A380 entered service in 2008 with great fanfare. A decade later, the arrival of an Airbus Superjumbo remains an event to behold.

But, the A380 has not been the game-changer Airbus had hoped it would become when it conceived the massive double-decker. This is especially the case on the financial front.

For much of its service life, Airbus has struggled to find airlines willing to put the A380 into service. And now aircraft leasing companies are facing the same struggles. In fact, the market for second hand, off-lease A380s is virtually non-existent.

On Tuesday, Dr. Peters Group announced that two of its Airbus A380s will be stripped down and sold for spare parts after the company failed to find any takers for its second-hand superjumbos.

"The market for the A380-800 aircraft type has not developed positively in recent years," Dr. Peters Group CEO Anselm Gehling said in a statement. "Some airlines have canceled orders from Airbus, while others have opted for smaller long-haul jets."

The German investment firm expects the two ex-Singapore Airlines planes to generate $80 million of income each.

The depreciation is fairly jarring when you consider that a new A380 carried a $300 million price tag back in 2007 when these planes were built. While a new A380 today has a list price of $445.6 million.

According to Reuters, the $40 million it costs to refurbish a used A380's interior is a major turn off for many in the market for a second-hand superjumbo.

The two soon-to-be-disassembled planes are believed to be the third and fifth A380s ever built. A third ex-Singapore A380 did find a new a home. The sixth A380 built will enter into service with Portuguese charter airline Hi-Fly this summer.
2018-06-08 09:27:52
其實頭五部肥婆好似過重 所以要接都唔係接佢哋
2018-06-08 09:28:09
2018-06-08 09:45:48
2018-06-08 10:02:42
2018-06-08 14:43:56
況且pattaya得澳門有直航 做得過呀
2018-06-08 16:10:17
2018-06-08 17:37:35
今朝7點開工到宜家未去過廁所, 隻機又 hold 1hr
2018-06-08 17:40:34
2018-06-08 18:04:37
2018-06-08 18:25:39

仲要未颱風季 而家就搞成咁

呻完 聽日繼續翻工
2018-06-08 18:26:59
蛇K冧 袋鼠又冧
2018-06-08 18:28:03
今嘲因龍全部ATC HLD
2018-06-08 18:53:33
2018-06-08 19:01:09
本身工時已經有 OT, 9 + 3.5, 想再 OT 公司都唔想出畀我
2018-06-08 19:49:34

2018-06-08 21:53:01
2018-06-08 22:20:20
2018-06-08 22:21:40
爛鬼747又壞 派380過黎又crew rest
2018-06-08 22:25:23
2018-06-09 00:00:55
其實747同380差幾多個crew 如果係QF128嘅情況 ,全full load 嘅話
2018-06-09 00:03:23
係澳洲預前壞747>整唔返>on schedule 派380>唔可以換crew > crew rest delay
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞