其實transaction banking入面既cash management
係指setup一個system比個客monitor住每日既cash flow,再advise下點樣utilise 個receivables / payables?
Trade finance 賣既products 同commercial/ corporate banking 賣既又咩唔同?定係你地係負責execution / corp RM負責refer?
Fresh grad要咩quali / skillset先入到,例如做過corporate bank intern 又有d accounting 底咁?
有做transaction service既銀行會有一個online banking system/portal
呢d portal 最基本係幫d business client 可以易d做direct payment 同埋reconcile d collection同payment 唔洗下下都人手對下邊條數係邊個俾既咁
除左最基本既collection同payment 仲有做payroll, fx, 同trade finance d application and documentation
而cash management既 service 仲有d係關cash balance 同interest compensation事例如 sweeping,pooling 想知多d可以google下
Trasaction banking其實都係commercial/corporate banking既其中一種banking service
RM可以話係d business client 既 first point of contact (不過唔係間間bank都係咁)
d客想做trade finance 就會搵RM同埋相關既Transaction banking staff
冇話要有咩quali/exp先做到 不過以我所知Grad post既headcount比commercial/corporate bank既少
其實大bank 既corp rm / t-bank位都留哂比MT未來升上 自問自己應該爭唔到mt
Fresh grad 搵assistant rm position做上去又如何 ?