Nadia Struiwigh -WHRRu
Electronic, Experimental, Ambient, Techno, Denovali Records
Denovali Records -
Denovali is an independent music label founded in 2005. Not confined to a specific genre the program of Denovali varies from ambient, electronica, experimental, drone to jazz, modern composition & sound art. Artwork and packaging are considered to be as essential for a release as the music – the combination of both is meant to result in a coherent piece of art. 老老實實 佢哋廠牌啲封面唔係太啱我口味 不過digging嘅時候見到都會拿上手望兩眼 我如果有替身能力嘅話就應該係望到封面就知佢玩咩同好唔好聽