Tbh ppl don't really care about grammar. Just talk more
沒自信的毒男2018-02-21 05:53:31
利申 英文廢、但喺uk做嘢
Arsehole, just forget how did I help you when you were in a shit.
That’s how I like you
Fucks sake, is that the best you can do?
沒自信的毒男2018-02-21 05:55:24
薛家燕(冇癦)2018-02-21 06:06:05
1. You owe me once, did you remember? You should help me this time.
2. I just like the way you are. You are ...(description of her personalities)
3. You’d better fucking watch out for your behaving.
利申: 9up 睇片中意睇埋字幕
薛家燕(冇癦)2018-02-21 06:12:15
1. You owe me once, did you remember? You should help me this time.
2. I just like how (description of her personalities) you are.
3. You’d better fucking watch out for your doing.
利申: 9up 睇片中意睇埋字幕