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2018-01-29 05:41:03


2018-01-29 15:51:02
2018-01-29 16:33:58
十大富豪請20個跟班翻譯都得啦,洗乜同人溝通 如果香港係咁啱有錢佬,啲有錢佬搬晒嚟啦,幾時輪到我哋喺到住
2018-01-29 16:52:23
追女用錢做common language 咪得
2018-01-29 18:27:11
2018-01-30 02:45:55
不過好在全家都有本BC佢地應該都去英國澳洲退休 - your parents, being British Citizens, still need to apply for the correct visa for Australia if they want to settle there.

自己想大學grad移去日本 - Japan does not allow dual nationality. If you want to become a Japanese citizen, you will need to give up any other nationalities you have.

不過好在全家都有本BC - if you were not born or naturalise in the UK, you are very likely a British Citizen by descent. A British Citizen by descent cannot automatically pass on his British Citizenship to his child born outside of the UK.
2018-01-30 02:48:58
我自己諗住佢地百年歸老先走 - it may be too late by then. Immigration policies in 'western' countries are getting harder in the long run.
2018-01-30 02:50:08
工作移民可唔可以移埋屋企人 想帶走埋屋企人 - work permit holders usually can take their spouse and children with them.
2018-01-30 04:41:01
Cost of British passport to increase

The price of a British passport is to rise by £12.50 from 27 March for those applying by post.

Currently, an adult's passport costs £72.50 regardless of how you apply for it but under government plans this would rise by 17% up to £85.

The cost of online applications will also go up - but only by £3 to £75.50.
2018-01-30 05:05:32

2018-01-30 07:10:52

2018-01-30 14:00:11
如果做廚 剪髮 m記經理 都算呢? 仲有連登唔係好多it狗架咩? 整車整水候呢類最著數

現實係大半新移民專業人士都做唔翻本行,生活多數ok (唔止係香港式生存) 但就好睇你捨不捨得放棄以前嘅野
2018-02-01 02:37:09
如果做廚 剪髮 m記經理 都算呢? 仲有連登唔係好多it狗架咩? 整車整水候呢類最著數 - you can
apply for an UK work permit as a chef.
2018-02-01 11:23:22
去外國,畀人蝦到上面,可以玩racial card,香港,好快蝗多過人,到時又唔可以引用種族歧視條例告9佢,所以香港人會被陰乾!
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