The problem with this isolation is that some programmers are reporting performance hits after systems are patched. The Register reports that the slowdowns could be between 5 and 30 percent depending on the exact Intel processor. While Linux patches have been rolling out over the past month, a Windows 10 patch is not yet available. Some are speculating that Microsoft will deliver this in an upcoming Patch Tuesday, as the company started separating the NT kernel memory with Windows 10 beta builds in November. “We have nothing to share at this time,” says a Microsoft spokesperson, in response to a query from The Verge.
Aware2018-01-05 10:48:21
VM / PCIE SSD先會中伏。
啲cloud provider / SQL etc就食哂屎,一般人又點會有事。
唔好意思差2毫子2018-01-05 11:17:54
Jacksjoke2018-01-05 11:19:16
只影響 ssd速度 同 vm 效率
落葉大夫2018-01-05 11:21:09
其實有睇tech test 都係話heavy IO loading/VM 先會有performace degrade
日常用係無事 但啲報紙都係狂執住呢樣野做標題
唔好意思差2毫子2018-01-05 11:21:33
我諗影響SSD都係超級大量I/O 先會有分別...
唔好意思差2毫子2018-01-05 11:25:59
我run前後test基本上只係得 4k random R/W 跌咗2.8%
其餘所有test 快/慢咗不足1% 都係within margin of error..
勿通膠類2018-01-05 11:40:37
正解,即係唔用個 hardware virtualization technology,當係 BIOS disable 咗囉。個個 VM 要排隊單線行,唔慢先奇