
1001 回覆
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2017-03-03 21:56:29

今日行信和尋到寶 終於補返嚿年冇買到嘅遺憾

2017-03-03 22:25:32


通常都悶到pk 自己idol都係咁話



係個男主持on99 嗰part odd 啲
2017-03-04 01:44:45
2017-03-04 16:44:03
안녕하세요. RBW 입니다.

마마무 앵콜콘서트를 통해 공개 된 마크론슨의 '업타운펑크' 패러디 영상이 흑인 비하 오해를 불러 일으켜

인터넷 커뮤니티와 각종 SNS를 통해 논란이 불거지고 있습니다.

콘서트를 통해 다른 모습을 보여주고자 누구에게나 잘 알려진 유명 곡 뮤직비디오를 패러디 해보고자 한 기획의도였으나

오해의 소지가 생겨 2회 차 공연 부터는 문제 부분은 편집하겠습니다.

논란의 소지를 남긴 점 죄송하고 앞으로 세심한 부분까지 좀 더 신경쓰겠습니다.

다시 한 번 사과드립니다.

Hello, this is Mamamoo.
We are extremely sorry for our insensitive actions and use of blackface in our video while portraying Bruno Mars. There is no excuse for what we did and there are not enough words to explain how regretful we are. We are heartbroken to have hurt our international K-Pop fans so deeply.
We love and care so much for all people of every race, sexuality, religion, and gender. We love all our fans and are so sorry to have hurt our fans in the black community.
We understand now why our actions were wrong and we never meant to do harm with our video. We were extremely ignorant of blackface and did not understand the implications of our actions.
We will be taking time to understand more about our international fans to ensure this never happens again. We hope that you will help to educate us on these and other issues so that we can become better people and better artists.
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and allowing us to right the wrongs that we have done.

2017-03-04 18:42:54
안녕하세요. RBW 입니다.

마마무 앵콜콘서트를 통해 공개 된 마크론슨의 '업타운펑크' 패러디 영상이 흑인 비하 오해를 불러 일으켜

인터넷 커뮤니티와 각종 SNS를 통해 논란이 불거지고 있습니다.

콘서트를 통해 다른 모습을 보여주고자 누구에게나 잘 알려진 유명 곡 뮤직비디오를 패러디 해보고자 한 기획의도였으나

오해의 소지가 생겨 2회 차 공연 부터는 문제 부분은 편집하겠습니다.

논란의 소지를 남긴 점 죄송하고 앞으로 세심한 부분까지 좀 더 신경쓰겠습니다.

다시 한 번 사과드립니다.

Hello, this is Mamamoo.
We are extremely sorry for our insensitive actions and use of blackface in our video while portraying Bruno Mars. There is no excuse for what we did and there are not enough words to explain how regretful we are. We are heartbroken to have hurt our international K-Pop fans so deeply.
We love and care so much for all people of every race, sexuality, religion, and gender. We love all our fans and are so sorry to have hurt our fans in the black community.
We understand now why our actions were wrong and we never meant to do harm with our video. We were extremely ignorant of blackface and did not understand the implications of our actions.
We will be taking time to understand more about our international fans to ensure this never happens again. We hope that you will help to educate us on these and other issues so that we can become better people and better artists.
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and allowing us to right the wrongs that we have done.

先唔理單野 呢個公告寫得好大體
2017-03-04 18:44:34
안녕하세요. RBW 입니다.

마마무 앵콜콘서트를 통해 공개 된 마크론슨의 '업타운펑크' 패러디 영상이 흑인 비하 오해를 불러 일으켜

인터넷 커뮤니티와 각종 SNS를 통해 논란이 불거지고 있습니다.

콘서트를 통해 다른 모습을 보여주고자 누구에게나 잘 알려진 유명 곡 뮤직비디오를 패러디 해보고자 한 기획의도였으나

오해의 소지가 생겨 2회 차 공연 부터는 문제 부분은 편집하겠습니다.

논란의 소지를 남긴 점 죄송하고 앞으로 세심한 부분까지 좀 더 신경쓰겠습니다.

다시 한 번 사과드립니다.

Hello, this is Mamamoo.
We are extremely sorry for our insensitive actions and use of blackface in our video while portraying Bruno Mars. There is no excuse for what we did and there are not enough words to explain how regretful we are. We are heartbroken to have hurt our international K-Pop fans so deeply.
We love and care so much for all people of every race, sexuality, religion, and gender. We love all our fans and are so sorry to have hurt our fans in the black community.
We understand now why our actions were wrong and we never meant to do harm with our video. We were extremely ignorant of blackface and did not understand the implications of our actions.
We will be taking time to understand more about our international fans to ensure this never happens again. We hope that you will help to educate us on these and other issues so that we can become better people and better artists.
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and allowing us to right the wrongs that we have done.

先唔理單野 呢個公告寫得好大體

過到就ok 好在紀錄良好
2017-03-04 20:39:09
안녕하세요. RBW 입니다.

마마무 앵콜콘서트를 통해 공개 된 마크론슨의 '업타운펑크' 패러디 영상이 흑인 비하 오해를 불러 일으켜

인터넷 커뮤니티와 각종 SNS를 통해 논란이 불거지고 있습니다.

콘서트를 통해 다른 모습을 보여주고자 누구에게나 잘 알려진 유명 곡 뮤직비디오를 패러디 해보고자 한 기획의도였으나

오해의 소지가 생겨 2회 차 공연 부터는 문제 부분은 편집하겠습니다.

논란의 소지를 남긴 점 죄송하고 앞으로 세심한 부분까지 좀 더 신경쓰겠습니다.

다시 한 번 사과드립니다.

Hello, this is Mamamoo.
We are extremely sorry for our insensitive actions and use of blackface in our video while portraying Bruno Mars. There is no excuse for what we did and there are not enough words to explain how regretful we are. We are heartbroken to have hurt our international K-Pop fans so deeply.
We love and care so much for all people of every race, sexuality, religion, and gender. We love all our fans and are so sorry to have hurt our fans in the black community.
We understand now why our actions were wrong and we never meant to do harm with our video. We were extremely ignorant of blackface and did not understand the implications of our actions.
We will be taking time to understand more about our international fans to ensure this never happens again. We hope that you will help to educate us on these and other issues so that we can become better people and better artists.
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and allowing us to right the wrongs that we have done.

先唔理單野 呢個公告寫得好大體

過到就ok 好在紀錄良好

2017-03-04 20:55:15
안녕하세요. RBW 입니다.

마마무 앵콜콘서트를 통해 공개 된 마크론슨의 '업타운펑크' 패러디 영상이 흑인 비하 오해를 불러 일으켜

인터넷 커뮤니티와 각종 SNS를 통해 논란이 불거지고 있습니다.

콘서트를 통해 다른 모습을 보여주고자 누구에게나 잘 알려진 유명 곡 뮤직비디오를 패러디 해보고자 한 기획의도였으나

오해의 소지가 생겨 2회 차 공연 부터는 문제 부분은 편집하겠습니다.

논란의 소지를 남긴 점 죄송하고 앞으로 세심한 부분까지 좀 더 신경쓰겠습니다.

다시 한 번 사과드립니다.

Hello, this is Mamamoo.
We are extremely sorry for our insensitive actions and use of blackface in our video while portraying Bruno Mars. There is no excuse for what we did and there are not enough words to explain how regretful we are. We are heartbroken to have hurt our international K-Pop fans so deeply.
We love and care so much for all people of every race, sexuality, religion, and gender. We love all our fans and are so sorry to have hurt our fans in the black community.
We understand now why our actions were wrong and we never meant to do harm with our video. We were extremely ignorant of blackface and did not understand the implications of our actions.
We will be taking time to understand more about our international fans to ensure this never happens again. We hope that you will help to educate us on these and other issues so that we can become better people and better artists.
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and allowing us to right the wrongs that we have done.

先唔理單野 呢個公告寫得好大體

過到就ok 好在紀錄良好


其實咩事 表演時黑臉

cover uptown funk出事 打扮有塗黑面 俾人話racist
2017-03-04 20:55:31
안녕하세요. RBW 입니다.

마마무 앵콜콘서트를 통해 공개 된 마크론슨의 '업타운펑크' 패러디 영상이 흑인 비하 오해를 불러 일으켜

인터넷 커뮤니티와 각종 SNS를 통해 논란이 불거지고 있습니다.

콘서트를 통해 다른 모습을 보여주고자 누구에게나 잘 알려진 유명 곡 뮤직비디오를 패러디 해보고자 한 기획의도였으나

오해의 소지가 생겨 2회 차 공연 부터는 문제 부분은 편집하겠습니다.

논란의 소지를 남긴 점 죄송하고 앞으로 세심한 부분까지 좀 더 신경쓰겠습니다.

다시 한 번 사과드립니다.

Hello, this is Mamamoo.
We are extremely sorry for our insensitive actions and use of blackface in our video while portraying Bruno Mars. There is no excuse for what we did and there are not enough words to explain how regretful we are. We are heartbroken to have hurt our international K-Pop fans so deeply.
We love and care so much for all people of every race, sexuality, religion, and gender. We love all our fans and are so sorry to have hurt our fans in the black community.
We understand now why our actions were wrong and we never meant to do harm with our video. We were extremely ignorant of blackface and did not understand the implications of our actions.
We will be taking time to understand more about our international fans to ensure this never happens again. We hope that you will help to educate us on these and other issues so that we can become better people and better artists.
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and allowing us to right the wrongs that we have done.

先唔理單野 呢個公告寫得好大體

過到就ok 好在紀錄良好


其實咩事 表演時黑臉

搽黑塊面扮bruno mars個mv 俾人話歧視
2017-03-04 21:21:01
咁人地係黑 想扮似d先油黑啫 洗唔洗咁玻璃心

2017-03-04 21:21:37
咁人地係黑 想扮似d先油黑啫 洗唔洗咁玻璃心

2017-03-04 22:01:02
咁人地係黑 想扮似d先油黑啫 洗唔洗咁玻璃心


所以歧唔歧視就見人見智啦 處理完就算啦..
2017-03-04 22:12:08
咁人地係黑 想扮似d先油黑啫 洗唔洗咁玻璃心


所以歧唔歧視就見人見智啦 處理完就算啦..

正解 有啲玩笑真係可免則免
雖則今次應該唔係諗住開玩笑 而係想cover得更傳神 但就認真搞出禍
2017-03-07 00:43:27
[Teaser] Jung Key(정키) _ 부담이 돼(Anymore) (feat. Whee In of MAMAMOO(휘인 of 마마무))

2017-03-07 18:26:50
[Teaser] Jung Key(정키) _ 부담이 돼(Anymore) (feat. Whee In of MAMAMOO(휘인 of 마마무))


2017-03-08 17:00:57
2017-03-08 21:07:13
2017-03-09 05:30:37


1am melon實時一位
2017-03-09 17:18:37
2017-03-09 17:50:28
2017-03-09 18:32:16
2017-03-11 09:54:22
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞