任雪糖回頭看著他,把當成一般人:「How come you're all alone?」(怎麼就只有你一個?)
瑞穗親王釋出善意笑容:「Aren’t you too?」(你不也是嗎?)
瑞穗親王接著拿起攤檔的一隻手工錶端詳:「How do you like this watch?」(你覺得這手錶如何?)
任雪糖瞧向瑞穗親王腕上的錶,說出實話:「It’s not much different from the one you’re wearing.」(跟你正戴著的那隻沒什麼分別。)
瑞穗親王舉手凝視自己手錶:「The quality seems almost identical, but the meaning behind it is huge.」(品質看起來幾乎一樣,但背後的意義可大了。)
「Was it given by someone important?」(是某個重要的人送的嗎?)
任雪糖呆了幾秒:「Don’t worry, I’m not interested in her.」(放心吧,我對她沒什麼興趣。)
瑞穗親王略為愣住:「I didn’t mean it that way...」(我不是那個意思…)
瑞穗親王接著說:「I got this watch at my own birthday party. Eiko casually bought it from a shop on Kobe's shopping street, and it cost less than 100 yen.」(這隻手錶我是在自己的生日聚會上收到,是瑛子隨便在神戶購物街的店裡買的,價錢不到1000日元。)
「But you like it a lot.」(可是你卻很喜歡。)
「Yeah, haha... I don’t know why I’m talking to you about this. Maybe it’s because I’m not very familiar with you, but you seem to be close with Eiko.」(對,哈哈……不知道為什麼跟你談起這種事,可能剛好我對你比較陌生,而你跟瑛子又很相熟。)