任雪糖一向喜歡視若無睹:「It's just hype; why do you seem so scared?」(只是炒作而已,為什麼你好像很害怕?)
「These fans can be much more troublesome than reporters. They scrutinize who you associate with, and basically, if you chat with anyone of the opposite sex for even a moment, you'll get criticized...」(這些追星族可是比記者要麻煩得多,她們會檢視你與什麼人認識,基本上只要跟其他異性聊幾句都會被責罵……)
墨說2024-09-29 19:54:06
任雪糖抱起手:「You seem to have some experience with this.」(你看起來有點經歷。)
高橋瑛子看起來有些壓力:「It seems you forgot about the Japanese prince; I also felt overwhelmed by the hype from those fans back then... It made me not want to look at my phone anymore.」(你似乎忘了日本親王,當時我也因為這些粉絲圈的炒作……搞得不想再看電話了。)
「Isn't it enough to just directly tell everyone that we are purely friends? That should resolve things, right?」(直接向大家表達我們純粹只是朋友不就解決了嗎?)
「Even clarifying doesn't help; I've tried it... and besides, my manager, who is also my mother, wouldn't allow it.」(就算澄清都沒有用,我試過了……而且我經理人,即我母親不會容許。)
「Why not?」(為什麼?)
高橋瑛子擔憂的神情間卻另有考慮:「Because the value of being a couple (CP) is too significant. Fans will irrationally purchase your products, maximizing your worth...」(因為CP的價值太巨大,追星族會不理性地購買你的產品,令你身價最大化……)
「Is it because you don't want to offend the fan community?」(所以你不想得罪粉絲圈?)
高橋瑛子淺淺一笑:「So, I really admire you. Even though you're dead broke, you still don't have to please anyone.」(所以我很佩服你,明明窮得要命……卻不用討好任何人。)
「You have to find a balance that satisfies the fan community while also maintaining your own marketability.」(你要取得一個平衡,既滿足到粉絲圈們,又可以維持自己的消費號召力。)
墨說2024-09-29 19:54:16
高橋瑛子無奈苦笑,棒球帽壓得更低:「There shouldn't be anything this cheap in the world, but it's okay to hype it up with you; at least it's better than being constantly portrayed as a prince's fiancée. If the host asks you about those things later, just be vague about it... No need to be too specific; I don't want to offend either side of the fanbase.」(世上應該沒有這麼便宜的事,不過跟你炒作一下也好,至少比天天炒作成是王親國戚的未婚妻要好,一會如果主持人問你那些事,你含糊帶過就好……不用說得太明確,我不想得罪兩邊粉絲。)
任雪糖問:「This show usually airs on which day of the week?」(這個節目通常星期幾播出?)
任雪糖:「Then we can only be a couple on Sundays.」(那麼我們只有在星期日時會是情侶。)