CS2賽事討論暨技術交流區 (84) 準備出新operation!?

1001 回覆
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2024-05-24 00:21:34
rush AL
2024-05-24 00:29:22
cumback israel
2024-05-24 00:36:31
2024-05-24 00:41:23
2024-05-24 00:45:28
d2邊夠xantares打丫 yek1ndar廢到
2024-05-24 00:49:40
2024-05-24 00:52:35
2024-05-24 00:54:22
2024-05-24 01:06:27
個人幾鍾意睇d2 vertigo最悶
2024-05-24 01:06:46
2024-05-24 01:06:55
2024-05-24 01:16:54
執到一場, 起碼唔會太丟架
2024-05-24 01:17:04
xantares 有
2024-05-24 01:23:27
頭先有round 2v1, 最後3條友都冇死但CT拆唔切仲炸死晒係咩事
2024-05-24 02:12:54
2024-05-24 02:15:12
2024-05-24 05:36:14
Release Notes for 5/23/2024
Height of the 'pillar' of flame for both Molotov and Incendiary grenade now decreases over time
Reduced the terrorist team award when bomb was planted but defused from $800 to $600, to decrease the impact of the first-round on subsequent rounds
Reduced the price of the M4A4 from $3100 to $3000
Minor adjustments to first-person camera movement
Added explicit "switchhandsleft" and "switchhandsright" console commands
Deathmatch bonus weapons are now the same for all players regardless of loadout

Incendiary Grenade
Adjusted the explosion and flame visual treatment
Reduced duration
Reduced area covered by spreading flames
Reduced price from $600 to $500

When players open a Kilowatt case with a key, they will have the option to rent the entire Kilowatt collection (i.e., every weapon in the case, excluding the rare special item) for a week instead of receiving an item from the collection
Equipped rented weapons will be replaced with the stock version of the weapon when the rental period expires
Rented weapons cannot be modified (e.g., via stickers or name tags), traded, or sold on the Steam Community Market

[ HUD ]
Fixed a bug where the MVP player name displayed incorrectly during bot takeover
Fixed a bug where the Refund All button in the Buy Menu would only refund a single flashbang grenade
Fixed a bug where the ESC menu scoreboard during end-of-match didn't match the TAB scoreboard
Fixed a bug where the Loss Bonus scoreboard tooltip would get stuck on-screen after closing the scoreboard
Blocking stranger Steam avatars will now block other user-generated content such name tags and sticker placements

Chickens have a few new animations
Chickens can now walk up hills
Chickens can now turn right while walking

[ UI ]
Various performance improvements to the Warehouse main menu and item inspect background scenery

The demo playback timeline now show indicators for kill and death events
Demo playback can be toggled into "highlight mode" which will show only kills and deaths for the active player
Various minor demo playback UI changes
Fixed a demo playback crash

[ MAPS ]

Added catwalk by bombsite A, connecting to back of A
Removed connector between back of A and elevators
Opened up passage between elevators and scaffolding
Slightly tweaked size of bombsite A
Tweaked spawn timings slightly
Changed Wingman layout to feature bombsite A changes

Fixed movement hitch on lower conveyor
Lowered height of central conveyor tray to help open sniper view

Fixed a case where a player could shoot through multiple walls

Fixed bad collision on certain props
Fixed some sticky collision around windows in palace
2024-05-24 05:57:23
2024-05-24 06:09:50
2024-05-24 06:10:04
2024-05-24 06:28:57
CT唔nerf mp9 唔buff famas真係on9
2024-05-24 06:38:19
Cls 咁大update 走唔撚切啲嘢
2024-05-24 06:38:47
2024-05-24 06:39:41
Butterfly phase 2大跌
想入手 butterfly可以一戰
好多panic sale
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞