Hey folks!
Hope you're all doing well out there in the Helldivers universe. We have another update regarding our server related issues. The current biggest issues are the game not dishing out rewards properly at the end of missions accompanied with the reoccurring login failures. This is very important for us to fix as soon as possible and as such, we've decided to perform server maintenance in about 2 hours (7pm CET / 10am PST / 3am JST). As always when making changes in a live environment, we need to address this with caution and monitor the situation closely.
Your dedicated, humble and appreciative Arrowhead team will be on standby to take action immediately if we see negative effects on the player experience. Note that during this maintenance we expect there to be larger disruptions to the servers for a limited period of time.
server 2點維護到4點 可以訓覺了
傻閪Simpson2024-02-12 00:18:57
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派大星2024-02-12 00:39:38
其實Sony 製作室遊戲既 server 唔係不嬲穩陣啲嘅咩?