[D575-] 抗俄衛國 170: 克里米亞軍及黑海艦隊無數次被海馬斯無套中出

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2023-09-27 02:23:02
2023-09-27 02:26:34

攬炒第一步: 同舊年唔同了, 今年冬天要玩斷電, 就俄烏一齊唔好用.

我就睇下普京同俄羅斯有冇咁痴撚線的決心, 即使冬天俄烏大家一齊冇電, 都堅持打落去.
2023-09-27 02:29:49
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

我都睇漏嘢, 原來波蘭(PiS)今次都執到寶, 提出引渡Yaroslav Hunka, 又可以吸右膠票「反納粹好緊要, 過咗70年都要追殺到底」
2023-09-27 02:30:28
2023-09-27 02:34:27
參加過SS, 就直接會判刑?
2023-09-27 02:35:04
我上面都post過, 烏克蘭既貪腐先係入歐既最大難題.
2023-09-27 02:50:06
當年納粹德國國防軍未必會, 但SS基本上係不問年齡, 時間, 只要當時人還在世都會追殺到天涯海角. SS係最罪大惡極不可饒恕.

喺波籣出手前, 理應上應該係德國先主動搵加拿大要人, 之後因為年齡免去刑罰係另一回事, 但點都要條友上庭受審判罪先.
2023-09-27 02:59:02
我已經FF緊, 加拿大右膠會唔會諗埋引渡埋Rota同Trudeau
2023-09-27 03:13:53
i mean , 係身為SS已經可以直接判刑,
2023-09-27 03:18:16
呢層我就唔熟啦, 要Check下當年訂下直到宜家, 德國對當年審判納粹SS的法津係點寫.

前者, 或者後者都有機會, 答唔到提督你.
2023-09-27 03:20:53
Yaroslav Hunka was born in Urman,[1] Second Polish Republic (now Ukraine) c. 1925.[5] In 1943, Hunka volunteered to join the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician).[a] During his time in SS Galizien, he was photographed training in Munich and Neuhammer (present day Świętoszów).[6] In 1944, Hunka was deployed into combat against Red Army forces on the Eastern Front of World War II.[7]

Following the conclusion of World War II in Europe, Hunka settled in the United Kingdom and joined the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain.[8] In 1951, he married Margaret Ann Edgerton (1931–2018), and the couple emigrated to Canada three years later, settling in Toronto, where they raised their two sons, Martin and Peter, and became active in the Ukrainian-Canadian community.[9][8] After graduating from a technical college, Hunka worked in the aircraft industry, eventually becoming an inspector for De Havilland.[8]

In Canada, Hunka remained active in Waffen SS veterans circles and maintained a blog on the Internet where, in the early 2010s, he compared veterans of SS Galizien to the Israelites,[6] arguing that both groups were spread in worldwide diasporas from their homeland and could only return after several years of exile.[10][non-primary source needed] As of 2022, Hunka lived in North Bay, Ontario, and travelled to Greater Sudbury to protest against that year's Russian invasion of Ukraine.[11] Describing the situation in Ukraine, Hunka told CTV News that the "Destruction is just unbelievable but it will take years and years to rebuild it, ... But Ukrainians will win and God Bless Ukraine and I pray for it."[11]

大佬, 好難幫得落喎, 不過可以就咁告hate speech嘅
2023-09-27 03:22:45
可能係入佢波蘭第二共和出世, 勉強入返波蘭刑法嘅之數....
2023-09-27 03:23:16
BTW, 香港之前對三合會/黑社會的法例可以做一個參考標準: "聲稱"或係三合會會員本身, 已經係刑事罪行.

所以唔好睇古惑仔電影好爽, 戲入面主角群"全部"都係罪犯, "正常情況"下, 不問陳浩南定佢對家, 都應該要一視同仁, 拉哂番去赤柱坐番357年
2023-09-27 04:02:34
我成日牛油手寫啲唔知咩字, 唔好意思
2023-09-27 04:15:02
如果佢係43年入軍隊, 44年去東線打紅軍,
佢似乎無咩時間做衰野. 以當年既烏克蘭人黎講,
俄佬搞到烏克蘭大飢荒 (1932-1933),
甚至乎, 事後佢亦未必以SS為恥,
因為根本唔係佢嗰區既事 (雖然都係under SS個朵)
2023-09-27 04:17:30
相對地, 奧斯威辛就喺波蘭, 而佢又喺波蘭出世,
有波蘭公民身份, 波蘭又真係有權追究佢.
就算唔計屠猶唔計納綷, 你一個波蘭公民委身德國已經有罪.
2023-09-27 05:34:22
18至20歲都已經夠做壞事, 不過網絡上冇記載佢點樣害人, 咁就....
2023-09-27 06:47:55


2023-09-27 07:20:06
我用時間性去考慮, 43年加入, 軍訓完, 44年去打紅軍,
45年德軍投降, 理論上無咩機會搞猶太人.
2023-09-27 09:42:22
2023-09-27 12:28:07
2023-09-27 13:27:42
2023-09-27 15:11:26
2023-09-27 16:20:07



Lavrov said that in 1991 Moscow "recognized the sovereignty of Ukraine on the basis of the Declaration of Independence, which it adopted upon leaving the USSR," in which Crimea was considered to be under the control of Kyiv.

"One of the main points for us was that Ukraine would be a non-aligned country and would not enter into any military alliances, Lavrov said. "Under those conditions, we support the territorial integrity of this state."
2023-09-27 16:23:59
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞