[I/A/PC] Marvel Snap 瞬戰超能(32) Shuri終於收皮

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2023-04-18 19:58:22
2023-04-18 20:12:27
玩緊副差唔多,但turn4 leech
2023-04-18 20:40:21
2023-04-18 22:30:07
2023-04-18 22:41:59
如果對面打左super skrull,然後我再出skrull
對面會唔會再食夠一層skrull嘅buff再double 效果?
2023-04-18 22:44:16
2023-04-18 22:48:42
2023-04-18 22:49:56
https://www.twitch.tv/thanksyour 有無人可以教上埋60..太緊張輸 差少少
2023-04-18 23:06:21
twitch live
2023-04-18 23:06:55
2023-04-18 23:07:27
有得升就升,遲啲有variant 先揀自己想要嘅升
無,抽,到CL486 有保底兩張pool 3 都係抽
2023-04-18 23:08:20
# **Balance Updates** ⚖️

In the wake of our last balance change, we saw the metagame settle into a much healthier
shape than it had been before. However, we were too shallow with our adjustments to the
Shuri-Taskmaster decks, and Lockjaw-Leech shells (both with and without Thanos) have
remained solid contenders. Today’s changes aim to push both of those decks off their clear top
spots. Outside of Shuri-Taskmaster, the metagame is looking healthy on our internal metrics.

## **CARD UPDATES** <:Crafty:1044986026009055362>

### **Shuri**
**[Previous]** 4/2 - On Reveal: Double the Power of the next card you play.
**[Update]** 4/2 - On Reveal: If you play your next card here, double its Power.
> *Developer Comments: We considered a number of changes to Shuri, but they all tended to
> ruin her current decks. Some even theoretically risked making a new monster with different
> parts–that’s not a great risk to run when balancing a problematically strong card. The change
> we’re making today may seem small and subtle, but we expect it to be impactful and retain the
> same flow of play for her existing decks, which is a consistent goal in our balance philosophy.
> This nerf removes Cosmo’s protective capacity for her target, makes single-card answers like
> Valkyrie easier to aim, and indirectly buffs lane control elements like Professor X. We’re taking a
> risk here in that this nerf could leave Shuri still a strength outlier–if so, we’ll react quickly.*

### **Leech** <:leeched:1087361979506757692>
**[Previous]** 5/3 - On Reveal: Remove the abilities from all cards in your opponent's hand.
**[Update] **5/3 - At the start of turn 6, remove all abilities from cards in your opponent’s
> *Developer Comments: It’s never been our goal for Leech to be a heavily-played card, and we
> understand that’s been a frustration lately. When it’s happening, it usually means a finisher is
> generically strong against pure Power (like Leech-Leader) and/or a deck can play Leech earlier
> than turn 5 too often (like Lockjaw-Thanos). We’ve tried in the past to weaken the stronger cards
> in those decks, but it’s been a balance and design obstacle. Thus, we’ve decided to remove the
> “early Leech” from the equation. Leech is designed to counter some powerful endgame cards
> and combinations from a unique angle without any setup, which is important to have around in
> the event those decks begin to overperform. This change should let him fulfill that role when
> necessary without ever making him a foundational piece of the metagame.*

### **Lockjaw** <:lockjaw:1057469450649083924>
**[Previous]** 3/2 - After you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck.
[**Update] **3/2 - After you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck. (once per
> *Developer Comments: Lockjaw’s a fun and exciting card, but each trigger of this good boy
> basically draws a card and “generates” up to 6 Energy at random. That’s a lot of variance to
> have in multiple competitive decks! As we add cards, new and improved ways to sidestep
> Lockjaw’s risks will also become available. Since we believe the most powerful and frustrating
> use of Lockjaw is triggering him multiple times in a turn, often with a snap along the way, we’re
> changing that. Limiting Lockjaw to one swap each turn forces the player to develop their board
> without letting them sprint ahead or spring a late surprise. This will make Lockjaw simpler to play
> against and less potent in decks incidentally playing lots of cheap cards, like Thanos.*
2023-04-18 23:08:31
2023-04-18 23:08:32
### America Chavez
**[Previous]** 6/9 - You always draw this card on turn 6, and not before
**[Update]** 6/9 - Starts on the bottom of your deck. Draw this on turn 6.
> *Developer Comments: Previously, if you were about to draw America Chavez, you would just
> draw your next card instead. This means that over the course of the game, she’s a lot more
> likely to be the top card of your deck. Thus far this has been largely unimportant outside of
> Yondu, but it does restrict our ability to print cards that interact with the top of your deck. We
> expect this update to have little impact on America Chavez’s functionality overall.*

### Jubilee
[Previous] 4/1 - On Reveal: Add a card from your deck to this location.
[Update] 4/1 - On Reveal: Add the top card of your deck to this location.
> *Developer Comments: Some of our players may remember a time where Jubilee had this
> ability! Back then, Jubilee would often be a 4/10 as she’d pull America Chavez very consistently.
> We decided at the time to change Jubilee’s effect instead of America Chavez’s, as the former
> was a much simpler change to communicate. However, we’re looking to design cards that
> interact with the top of your deck in the future, so we’re bringing this design back too! We expect
> this update to have little impact on Jubilee for the time being.*

### Leader
**[Previous]** 6/7 - On Reveal: Copy all cards your opponent played to the location right of
here, but on your side.
**[Update]** 6/2 - On Reveal: Copy the enemy card(s) with the highest Power played this
turn, but on your side.
> *Developer Comments: We were clearly too harsh on Leader with his previous nerf, and we’re
> dismayed that action became a go-to example for how ruinous a nerf can be. Our balance
> philosophy is to preserve as much playability as we reasonably can when weakening cards, and
> we didn’t succeed here previously. With this change, we’re aiming to bring his strength back up
> to a playable spot for a 6-Cost card, but still avoid the oppressive impact his original form had.
> We have erred on the cautious side with his Power for now because some previous defenses
> against the original Leader, such as playing weaker cards before a strong one, no longer apply.*
2023-04-18 23:12:55
Leader is back
2023-04-18 23:13:27
2023-04-18 23:16:18
Leech bye
2023-04-18 23:16:22

2023-04-18 23:16:45
2023-04-18 23:17:06
After updating your client, the latest Series Drop will now be live!

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2023-04-18 23:17:57
2023-04-18 23:20:28
要升到幾多cl先有token shop
2023-04-18 23:21:03


2023-04-18 23:21:40
Thanos lockjaw 可以入leader 唔入leech
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