連登最近咁撚多AMD posts, 都講下當年啱啱入賭場嘅慘況
2016年果時追開wallstreetbets, 果時個hot topics係Su Bae (AMD ceo) 同 RiteAid (垃圾股炒merger)
因為玩開電腦知道AMD係有料,果時為咗支持仲買咗2張RX480($2k 1張)
2017年6月開始買都儲夠成2000股,CB $12
當時2016年AMD啱啱由$5升到$13左右,果時都係most shorted stock。
果時咩都唔知,見有profits 就take咗,未學識SH
我想講嘅係我啱啱用google search 返2017-2018,連登討論AMD嘅少之又少,到升到$160再去到$100先來日日開post互含好搞笑。
個point就係鬼唔知你阿媽係女人咩?(AMD可以同NVDA/INTC同起同坐), 買appl, googl, MSFT實冇輸
但係2016-2018果時買amd係好risky嘅,bankruptcy was not off the table. GPUs was only just show signs of revenue increase.
少d人討論GME代表we are the minority, it only mean that the general public have yet to realise the potential of GME. NFTs is not about jpeg scam, it is more than that. But that is not the point of this post.
I am fully convicted to GME and believe in RC & co. This shit is going to explode regardless what the market think.
Witness me! Brothers and Sisters!