賣低階電話嘅Spec 次世代主機嘅價錢俾你地 就話好創新


it isn't legally bindingIf you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you must not activate or use this Nintendo video game system. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be applicable to all of the users of this Nintendo video game system, and your usage of this Nintendo video game system is deemed to be an acceptance of the provisions of this Agreement.https://www.nintendo.com.hk/switch/support/eula/usage_policy.html無法律效力
it's just an agreement as Nintendo sets out. you can disagree without violating laws
it's just an agreement it isn't legally binding per se.
Judge makes laws, not your daddy Nintendo.
we gamers are free, fuck off you Genshin Impact Fanboy go back behind the Great firewall