就算佢唔agree 唔prefer 我用third party播放器
Apple唔同意唔係代表犯法 因為Apple唔係法庭佢只係一間公司
佢覺得我放啲歌去部MP3 player 唔合心意 佢首先要成功向法律指出損失金額
我都講咗我俾咗錢買 佢仲可以有咩損失 ?
我買完歌俾咗錢佢平台賺但係唔用iTunes 播放 點樣直接導致佢商業上嘅損失?

Damages for breach of contract may be compensatory in nature. That is, they are not awarded to punish the defendant, but rather to compensate the plaintiff for their loss suffered. In legal terms, the aim is to place the plaintiff in the same situation, as far as money can do so, as if the defendant had performed the contract.
The party claiming damages must prove they suffered loss or damage as a result of the breach. An award of damages cannot place the plaintiff in a better position than they would have been in had the defendant performed the contract. The court can assess damages on several grounds.