(3) 錯過左狗狗幣(Doge),柴犬幣(Shib),西摩犬幣(Samo),不能錯過下一隻雪橇幣(Husky)

1001 回覆
10 Like 34 Dislike
2021-10-28 23:01:45
2021-10-28 23:02:04
2021-10-28 23:02:27
The next SHIB/SAMO? “Husky AVAX” starts soaring over 200% in 24h

Husky AVAX launched since May 2021, which is still in a low market cap of around $24m meaning it has so much on the way (comparing to DOGE-1,715x, SHIB-1,718x and SAMO-23.89x).

Husky AVAX is not only a memecoin, but also a NFT project with other prominent partners (i.e. Kalao).

It is rare that a Dogcoin has a solid fundamental so that it has a lot more room to grow and I believe that people have not yet realized how huge it is.

It is your money so do what you see fit. I am still loading my train and hodl instead of busy trading for quick profit, because I believe in Husky team and we are still early in this “storm of Dogcoins”!

Contract Address
BSC (On Pancakeswap): 0x52d88a9a2a20a840d7a336d21e427e9ad093deea
AVAX (On Trader Joe): 0x65378b697853568dA9ff8EaB60C13E1Ee9f4a654

Website: https://www.husky.space/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvaxHusky

You may also visit r/HuskyAvalanche for more updates.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. If I know anything about trading I would be stuck in a cubicle on Wall Street, working until late into the night.

2021-10-28 23:03:09
2021-10-28 23:03:12
2021-10-28 23:03:33
咁咪就係用bsc to avax bridge/哂多D gas fee射黎射去囉
屌你smartass都廢鳩事 又無啦啦比膠 你教佢用正常流程個一個回覆有解決到問題咩
2021-10-28 23:04:07
2021-10-28 23:06:13
2021-10-28 23:07:09
dog coins LFG
同埋附和下hot posts D coin再話自己另外睇好呢隻
2021-10-28 23:07:45
buy husky and i can buy a real husky
TwoTime — Today at 23:05
And a mansion for your husky
2021-10-28 23:08:49
2021-10-28 23:09:43
shung — Today at 23:06
don't buy, adopt :comfypepe:
2021-10-28 23:10:47
如果我唔小心係AVAX wallet 射錯左去 metamask ETH既address 有沒得救..新手第一次買
2021-10-28 23:12:53
2021-10-28 23:15:27
2021-10-28 23:15:48
2021-10-28 23:15:49
下個post頭會加埋TG discord link
2021-10-28 23:16:19
metamask eth同avax network個address應該一樣
你有冇轉c chain先射?
2021-10-28 23:17:07

2021-10-28 23:17:42
2021-10-28 23:18:56
2021-10-28 23:19:54
Cls 推妖幣割鬼佬韭菜
2021-10-28 23:20:53
鬼佬開始Twitter spread
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞