川普以34%的支持率謝幕 任內平均支持率為史上最低

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2021-01-19 10:54:18
I 上連登 only after the anti-China protests.

We all share the same goal and we all want USA to help us. The difference is that you cannot accept the fact and take suitable actions according to the fact. You treat all those people who accept as enemy.

Why can't you control your emotion and have some sensible discussions?
2021-01-19 10:54:44
2021-01-19 10:55:42
2021-01-19 10:55:42
This is the LIHKG
2021-01-19 10:57:36
2021-01-19 10:58:13
2021-01-19 10:58:21
If I spend time to check all these, I will be hours behind the latest posts.
Even I do not spend the time, I am still far behind in replying the posts. Can you save your time by not posting your posts so that I do not need to read so many posts that are off topics?
2021-01-19 10:58:32
5毛扮English speaker
2021-01-19 11:00:22
This is the latest hot topics.

Actually, I spend more time on COVID-19 in LIHKG.
2021-01-19 11:00:34
2021-01-19 11:05:20
最撚戇鳩上連登 仲有唔打英文要 go back to china,係咪係外國俾人輪撚過有陰影。同反同性戀最落力往往係同性戀嘅人一樣。
2021-01-19 11:05:24
2021-01-19 11:06:14
No, I am not supporting Biden. This is part of one of my emails sent to my relatives and friends in USA:

Hi Americans,

Since Biden will really handle the pandemic, USA will receive a boost to fight COVID-19. However, Biden’s effort suffers from several short comings:

(1) Biden will not able light up the campaign to fight COVID-19. President-elect Joe Biden plans to sign roughly a dozen executive orders, including rejoining the Paris climate accord and ending the travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries, on his first day in office, according to a memo from incoming chief of staff Ron Klain. He'll also sign orders halting evictions and student loan payments during the coronavirus pandemic and issuing a mask mandate on all federal property.

The day after Biden is inaugurated, according to Klain, he will "sign a number of executive actions to move aggressively to change the course of the COVID-19 crisis and safely re-open schools and businesses, including by taking action to mitigate spread through expanding testing, protecting workers, and establishing clear public health standards."
And on January 22, Biden will direct his Cabinet agencies to "take immediate action to deliver economic relief to working families bearing the brunt of this crisis," Klain writes.

During the 1992 president election, the slogan of Bill Clinton was “economy stupid”. My slogan for USA now is “COVID-19 stupid”. So, I suggest that Biden should handle only pandemic and its related issues on his first day in the office so that the news on that day are all COVID-19, COVID-19, and COVID-19. Issues such as travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries are not urgent. While USA has about 3 new COVID-19 cases every second, so every second counts. Climate and immigration issues should be addressed after the first day in office. Biden put politics ahead of pandemic: signing the climate and immigration executive orders in the first day to please the special interest groups that have voted for him in the election. While the pandemic is the issue for every American.

Summing up, similar to Trump, Biden is politics first and pandemic second.

Sorry to the Biden's supporters and I hope you agree that my comment is fair.
2021-01-19 11:08:14
Your mum is so slutty
2021-01-19 11:15:47
My life was that I was so poor to turn on the heater, so the water frozen. I have no water to drink and I have to lock the doors of my neighbors to get some water.

Because my rooms was too cold without heater, I have to walked on snow many hours in the evening and then come back to sleep.

You just don't know how poor some of the Hong Kong students in UK in 1980s. Almost all Hong Kong students in Canada was wealthy.

I was still working in the Chinese takeaway during my final year final examination.

The students you talking about have graduated from secondary, but I have never and I have to work part time I was good enough that the British Government paid for my Ph. D. study.
2021-01-19 11:16:15
7000萬人投,對家出術都係50 50都可以講到得3成支持率
2021-01-19 11:17:07
My Chinese is not OK. I was so upset that when I cannot use the Chinese Windows 95 because I failed to understand its Chinese.
2021-01-19 11:19:46
2021-01-19 11:22:54
2021-01-19 11:27:21
2021-01-19 11:30:53
我都好撚憎果D人, 以為自己英文好就好似威D果D仆街

講真, 識到英文唔係自己醒, 只係一種幸運, 可以有機會接觸到其他語言. 如果我比人屌用英文 (試過唔少), 我都會用返中文, 至少唔會好似用呢種仆街態度

一個中文字論壇, 你用英文, 就算人地忍你, 你係咪應該都謙讓少少? 左膠好多人都係好似佢咁, 當正自己係真理, 只有自己教人點做人
2021-01-19 11:45:35
樓主美豬黎 成日係唔同post踩侵 講野作狀又無邏輯
佢用自身去證明美豬係抵死 係連登比人圍屌都唔識反省 自己比傳媒洗完腦扮智者
2021-01-19 11:48:36
I has to
He reply

2021-01-19 11:50:01
Some of the polls are correectly, ans some of the polls are wrong.

It is wrong to reject polls, although it is wrong to believe it completely. The purpose of this post is let people to have educated discussion on the poll result.
2021-01-19 11:52:23
You can read the news on USA media to confirm this.
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