川普以34%的支持率謝幕 任內平均支持率為史上最低

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2021-01-22 00:17:12
係, 所以我講左, 其實州立法機關已經失去左果個權力

簡單講, 美國國父根本無諗住建造今日的大美國, 佢地更似係想成立歐盟.

但問題係, 當一個國家面對巨大壓力時, 就會諗住集權. 而不論壓力來自內或外都係咁

所以習近平權力更大, 而美國民主黨只會更獨裁

其實你應該醒下, 如果呢個世界唔好野都係阿侵做, 老實講我都想, 因為佢落台乜事都無哂

事實上, 佢對抗果D野, 係醜惡得多. 大財團捐獻, 其實係一面倒比拜登, 而唔係阿侵. 你可以話阿侵壞, 但你唔可以話佢好/拜登壞, 你已經進入另一個時代, 一個思想審查你的時代

我覺得浪費得太多時間在一個"人物"身上, 而唔係佢身處的"時代"
2021-01-22 08:15:55

McConnell proposes delaying impeachment trial until February so Trump team can prepare

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is proposing that the Senate give former President Donald Trump's legal team two weeks to prepare for the upcoming impeachment trial once the Senate receives the article and delay its start until mid-February.
McConnell's proposal to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer throws the timing of the trial further into doubt, though it remains to be seen if Democrats would go along with the plan. House Democrats could still send the impeachment article over to the Senate and start the trial the next day.
Asked if he had heard a response from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, McConnell told CNN Wednesday, "Not yet but we continue to talk about it."
In a statement, McConnell said he wants to structure the trial so that the ceremonial functions, like the formal reading of the impeachment article, would occur next week on Thursday, January 28. Trump would have another week under McConnell's plan to answer the article by February 4, and the following week Trump's team would submit a pre-trial brief, before the trial would begin. The House would also submit briefs over those two weeks before the trial gets underway in mid-February.

McConnell told Republicans on a conference call Thursday he's in no rush to begin the trial. The Republican leader's point was the House moved quickly on impeachment but the Senate needs time to prepare for a full trial, according to sources on the call.
"At this time of strong political passions, Senate Republicans believe it is absolutely imperative that we do not allow a half-baked process to short-circuit the due process that former President Trump deserves or damage the Senate or the presidency," McConnell said in a statement.
While the decision on when to start the trial is up to Democrats, there are reasons congressional Democrats -- and the Biden White House -- may be amenable to a delay in the trial, as it would give the Senate a chance to confirm more of Biden's Cabinet nominees. Democrats are reviewing McConnell's offer and several aides said Wednesday that waiting may not be a bad idea, because allowing more time would give them the space they need to move Biden's nominees along while still holding Trump accountable.
"I think Democrats will be open to considering a delay that allows former President Trump time to assemble his legal team and his defense for the impeachment trial, if we are making progress on confirming" Biden's nominees, Sen. Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room."
Schumer spokesman Justin Goodman said Thursday, "We received Leader McConnell's proposal that only deals with pre-trial motions late this afternoon. We will review it and discuss it with him."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said at a news conference Thursday that the House was "ready" to begin the trial but would wait until the Senate was prepared before formally transmitting the impeachment article, the step that would trigger the start of the trial the following day.
"They have now informed us they are ready to receive, the question is other questions about how a trial will proceed, but we are ready," Pelosi said of the Senate.
Asked about a delay to the trial, White House communications director Kate Bedingfield reiterated that the White House will "leave timing mechanics to Senate leadership."
She noted that Biden has spoken previously with both Schumer and McConnell, and it is his hope that Congress can "focus on a Covid package simultaneously."

Full reprot on https://us.cnn.com/2021/01/21/politics/nancy-pelosi-impeachment-timing/index.html
2021-01-22 08:29:53

Stop bullshiting and speak Chinese please
2021-01-22 17:49:18

港台向利君雅開出為期120日合約 工會感憤怒及失望







2021-01-22 17:50:22
Don't push those talk posts, please.

No one talks about important news such as this one.
2021-01-22 17:53:17
I have created a new post for this news.


口交部連登仔 do something really useful, please.
2021-01-22 19:25:28
2021-01-22 21:53:18
Last year, 支那
(1) Discuss and create a war game plan to depress our resistance (planning)
(2) Draft and then written the National Security Law (planning and action)
(3) Implement the National Security Law so that 支那 Hong Kong have arrested a lot of anti-支那 Hong Kongers (action)

What have we done last year?
(1) Have we discussed and created a war game plan to fight 支那?
(2) Have we taken any significant actions?

The answers are all "No".

If you want to talk, then please discuss what we should do and discuss a war game plan.

We cannot win by 口交
We can win only by taking actions
Taking actions without planning is suicide

So please discuss something really useful.
2021-01-22 22:01:54
利君雅 is our true sister. She is the only Hong Konger who requests 777 to speck "human language". Unfortunately, only a few 連登仔 care her.
2021-01-22 22:02:47
only a few 連登仔 care her now.
2021-01-22 22:23:09
depress suppress our resistance (planning)
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞