川普以34%的支持率謝幕 任內平均支持率為史上最低

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2021-01-19 16:08:13

2021-01-19 16:08:18
Are u on9?
2021-01-19 16:13:38
2021-01-19 16:14:26
佢係一個自稱撐侵但不停放fake news捧登嘅人嚟
2021-01-19 16:55:53
No, I do not support Trump and I do not support Biden.

I just quote the fact.

In 2016, I thought Trump would be good for USA in his first term. But I was not sure whether he would be good for USA in his second term. I knew Trump would be a dictator but the American democracy could able to prevent Trump to become a king.

Unfortunately, I was all wrong:
(1) Because of COVID-19, it is not clear (before 6 Jan) whether he is good for USA or not. Only history can tell. After 6 Jan, the history will be more likely to conclude that he is bad to USA.

(2) After 6 Jan, Trump is already too danger to the American democracy even just after his first term. No matter what happened in the election, after all those court cases, he should admit defeat. He has done all he can do legally. From the point of view of most Americans, Trump should not call his supporters to march in D.C. and put his country into danger. Trump should put the interest of his country first.! I cannot be so selfish to support him for this issue just because I want him to fight China for me.

(3) Trump is not really dictator, he is actually a cult leader.
2021-01-19 16:58:04
for on this issue .......
2021-01-19 17:01:22
Even I am selfish, I still cannot support Trump on this issue. Putting USA into a civil war will be very bad for us because we need a super strong USA to fight China for us.
2021-01-19 17:05:11
2021-01-19 17:07:33
2021-01-19 17:12:00
Gtfo fucking shill
2021-01-19 17:16:53
條友係好撚賤格, 你講聲唔好意思我只識打英文, 無人會屌佢, 佢係要搞到自己講英文高人一等咁

佢D所謂證明, 真係連屎都不如, 話阿侵係獨裁者, 你話就係? 點獨? 你唔鍾意就係獨裁者? 佢又鍾意精神病發作, 一邊話2016年阿侵上台佢覺得係好事, 又覺得佢係獨裁者. 唔講我以為睇緊個白卡佬講野

聽呢條友最大好處係乜? 比你睇下D左膠係點弱智法

如果XiNN話阿侵係獨裁, 佢呢D左膠聽完就好似幫人含完撚一樣, 又重覆講阿侵係獨裁者, 佢呢D人無智商無判斷力, 唔係搵人教佢, 佢說話都唔識講
2021-01-19 17:17:43
2021-01-19 17:53:26
No, CNN confused you.
CNN wants you to only focus on their agenda.
2021-01-19 17:55:13
2021-01-19 18:06:04
You boast about your typing speeds yet you make so many mistakes even in just a simple sentence. You clearly are not a fluent English speaker. It’s not even about grammar. No one says “shut your fuck off mouth”.

Why am I even replying to a troll.
2021-01-19 18:33:34

2021-01-19 18:37:18
You have change my words.
I said, "Trump would be good for USA in his first term."

I have NOT said, "Trump would be good for USA."

You should not change my words.
2021-01-19 18:38:31
I do not just read CNN. All recent published polls have very similar results.
2021-01-19 18:41:13
Trump failed to take power so he failed to become a dictator.

He has said clearly USA should change the law so that he can be president forever.
2021-01-19 18:42:54
2021-01-19 18:46:15
2021-01-19 18:48:00
世界第2大經濟體嘅共產帝國 聯合 世紀第一強國嘅親共所謂自由派,滲透咁多年。根本選舉舞弊做到萬無一失,絕對有咁嘅能力
2021-01-19 18:52:15
咁即係話佢係dictator 係false accuse.

2021-01-19 18:55:32
仲要投完之後個"法西斯獨裁者" 結果係輸
2021-01-19 18:55:35
In 2016, I thought Trump would be good for USA in his first term. But I was not sure whether he would be good for USA in his second term. I knew Trump would be a dictator but the American democracy could able to prevent Trump to become a king.

你知唔知你講緊乜? 你一方面吹話2016年你覺得阿侵對美國好, 又知道佢係獨裁者, 即係話你覺得佢對美國好又係獨裁者. 你係咪連自己講乜都唔撚知?
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