川普以34%的支持率謝幕 任內平均支持率為史上最低

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2021-01-19 10:14:55
All president candidates from GOP and Democrat will have more than 40% votes.

This is the political situation in USA. More than 40% can mean a lot of people do not like the candidate.
2021-01-19 10:15:45
Gosh... do you really live in England? It’s “Maybe” and “Maybe not”...
sorry I shouldn’t judge but I can’t help myself to point this out... especially these from a post doc candidate.

2021-01-19 10:20:21
2021-01-19 10:21:23
Its kinda common sense to avoid some mistakes you have made... its nth about sleeping with girls or going to a pub or bar...
I mean, dont claim yourself being the one of the best students thou. From those i met, they do go to pub, they do go for fun, and they also work hard and study. Its just the matter of balance in life...
2021-01-19 10:21:42
When you have to type some reply in a short time, then you willl make all mistakes.

The main source of grammar errors is when you change the words. The original sentence is grammatically correct. Once you start to change the words, then you got the mistakes.

Secondly, changing the mode of thinking (from reading Chinese --> writing English --> reading Chinese) creates all kind of mistakes.

The first few months I come back Hong Kong decades ago, I could not speak either English or Chinese. My brain just could not switch between the two. I can only able to switch one language.
2021-01-19 10:21:48
最ON9既係, 法庭唔理唔係因為證據不足. 係因為佢地唔想介入選舉; 唔想破壞美國民主聲譽.
同香港有冇警暴問題一樣. 唔係因為無證據, 純粹只係為左保護班狗所以唔查夾硬話無.
2021-01-19 10:22:00
依度又唔係reddit Twitter youtube
2021-01-19 10:22:50
你就收皮 because you lose the debate and want to switch to talkiing about something else.
2021-01-19 10:24:05
You all lost the debate and try to switch to other topics.
2021-01-19 10:25:21
I have not pretended. Don't switch to other topics.

Go back to the original topics.
2021-01-19 10:41:17
If I tell you what my research, then someone will know me. This is because the Chinese University has posted an advertisement about my seminar on the newspapers. Furthermore, I am the only one do that scientific research in Hong Kong.

However, I am a very honest people and stick to the fact. So I will tell you this:

I have NOT graduated from secondary school even though I have graduated from university and have a Ph. D.

My last English teacher when I was in evening school got his degree in Chinese from a USA university. So, if I do not spend my time to write, my English is not good.

My teacher did not want me to have my seminar when I was a Ph. D. students because my prognostication of English is not good enough. However, the English in Ph. D. thesis is so good that he told me that my English was better than his. The internal examiner of Ph. D. examination praised my English. When I was typing my Ph. D. thesis in the computer room, an Englishmen passed by and walked back and said:
"Your English is so good".

I reply, "My English is very bad." I has to be honest to myself.
He reply, "Your English is really good."

Therefore, it seems that If Ireally spend time to write, I can write very good English.
2021-01-19 10:41:23
終院只係表示唔介入選舉問題,唔係話無舞弊,你一係戇鳩,一係故意fake news

終院佢永遠係passive 好似機械人 佢唔可以主動提出自己見解,好似舞弊,一定要下面審完先到上面

但下面個法院,都係傾向自己個州個政治,而且最大問題係,舉證困難。你就算搵到人作弊,你點證明佢影響到結果?你等於要證明香港警察濫用權力一樣難。你見到你睇到,但有咩證據唔係個別例子? 當要求平民比返例子,人民只能用自己個證詞,但法院話唔夠




2021-01-19 10:43:20
That is not modern election.

In the old days, only white men can vote.
The polls we are talking only consider the last 13 presidents.
2021-01-19 10:43:28
2021-01-19 10:44:14

Georgia prosecutor seriously considering a criminal investigation into Trump's election interference, report says

Details: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/georgia-prosecutor-seriously-considering-criminal-112622032.html
2021-01-19 10:45:19
I have replied inn other comments. Please read.
2021-01-19 10:46:05
Georgia prosecutor seriously considering a criminal investigation into Trump's election interference, report says

on https://ca.news.yahoo.com/georgia-prosecutor-seriously-considering-criminal-112622032.html
2021-01-19 10:47:17
I born in Hong Kong and hate China since I can remember.
2021-01-19 10:48:19
I cannot type Chinese.
2021-01-19 10:50:03
Read咩呀read 咁多人話你你都仲自我感覺良好地拋你嗰啲English出嚟 強国人無異
2021-01-19 10:50:14
They ban Trump because they are worrying that Trump MAY calll his supporters for more violence.
2021-01-19 10:50:52
2021-01-19 10:51:32
Thats 1972 election stupid
Old你老母呀 乜都唔識唔好鳩up
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