川普以34%的支持率謝幕 任內平均支持率為史上最低

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2021-01-19 09:22:42
再拎reddit Twitter 反映美國民意
2021-01-19 09:23:40
Disprove Trump policy
一開頭話ban China flight
你地又話racist 搞到爆到收唔到科
你地個Biden 仲諗住重新加入WHO
2021-01-19 09:23:44
2021-01-19 09:25:19
美國國家廣播公司新聞網(NBC News)一份最新民調


隨著20日就職典禮即將到來,總統當選人拜登(Joe Biden)日前向各界呼籲結束政治對立。但根據今天這份民調,在示威演變成攻占國會後,受訪共和黨選民裡僅5%的人表示後悔支持川普,2/3說對川普的感覺沒變,只有11%認為川普應為騷亂一事負起全部或部分責任。

NBC引述民主黨的民調專家霍威特(Jeff Horwitt)說:「一如我們看到他整個任內的情況,一次又一次的重大事件都難撼動共和黨人對川普的支持。

川普在選民評價的兩極情況依舊。NBC民調顯示,49%受訪美國選民對川普的評價是「比大多數歷任總統都差」,雖跟2008年底小布希(George W. Bush)卸任前被48%受訪選民否定的情況類似,但仍有40%的受訪選民認為川普表現「極佳」或勝過大多數歷任總統。



2021-01-19 09:25:41
2021-01-19 09:25:48
Who check the grammar in Internet?

When we used Email in late 1980s, we cannot correct any word one line about the line we are typing because the email programs did not allow us to do this. So, poor language in the standard on Internet right from Day 1.
2021-01-19 09:25:57
fact 就係一大堆死人投既票同突然變出黎既票仲要大量點票站唔比共和黨人入去監票有左右到依家差不多50:50 既所謂選舉結果

P 你老母HD撻學歷就代表你啱晒? 番去象牙塔同班左膠拜登粉圍爐取暖啦
2021-01-19 09:26:23
你叫d twitter當證據嘅愛侵力情以何堪
2021-01-19 09:27:04
You lost the debate so you brought in other to topics confuse people.
2021-01-19 09:27:41
4成選民投trump 都叫好多人唔中意trump
2021-01-19 09:27:47
True but no.

I think the basics, like “have no evidence” vs. “have not evidence”, won’t happen at least?
You can say there are typos but your way is far worse than that mister...
2021-01-19 09:28:31
2021-01-19 09:28:37

2021-01-19 09:28:40
2021-01-19 09:28:51
樓主你都係算撚數啦,你啲英文點止多 grammatical mistake 咁簡單,睇你打既英文睇得出你連 spoken English 都係超差水平。

真係唔好再出黎柒啦,連登真係唔啱你,你去 discuss 啦
2021-01-19 09:28:53
If your english is not good dont pretend to be gwailo or abc
2021-01-19 09:30:05
Might I know what kind of Ph. D you are doing or have done?
your induction logic is really interesting....
2021-01-19 09:30:52
2021-01-19 09:31:29
All evidence shows that massive amount of mail in ballot will result in chaos and create loop holes for fraud. Moreover, High ranking Government already stressed that mail in ballot will cause huge problem in US this time. That is why no country will do this, except US.

Prove me I am wrong.
2021-01-19 09:31:38
And you know who is truly unpopular in history?
George McGovern, he only got 37.5% of popular vote and 17 electoral votes
Read some American history before you speak
2021-01-19 09:31:41
2021-01-19 09:31:45
起一起底呀PHD一向都係自以為是冇人理 唔怪之得一多啲人回覆就覆得咁興奮, 做人唔好咁自大以為自己啱晒, 客觀啲啦呢個選舉好明顯係有問題, 仲Trump is the one stealing the election, this is bull shit mate
2021-01-19 09:31:58
美國is not玩緊文革.

Americans have their own problems. They choose their president from their point of view. We want Trump help us to fight China and we don't feel the pain of their Medicare System and we don't pay their taxes. We don't feel their pains.

So, I have to respect their choice even though their choice is not in line of our interests.
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