川普以34%的支持率謝幕 任內平均支持率為史上最低

412 回覆
36 Like 386 Dislike
2021-01-19 09:48:26
2021-01-19 09:48:43
I only stick to the original topics and ignore all meaningless comments.
2021-01-19 09:49:29
然後侵同China make business deal
2021-01-19 09:50:06
2021-01-19 09:51:02
You all lose debate so you change the subject of the discussion.
2021-01-19 09:51:24
呢啲poll 算鳩數喇
2021-01-19 09:51:40
支持率係不斷將TRUMP 個形象做低佢
到時出兵就會用民望低遊說各國協助 然後中俄Dagent 就可以大條道理入侵美國本土
2021-01-19 09:51:45
2021-01-19 09:55:20

美國一年多十幾萬illegal immigrants.

This is one of the reasons why Trump and GOP have a lot of supporters. So I will NOT oppose Trump and GOP. I agree with you on this issue even though you consider me as anti-Trump.
2021-01-19 09:55:34
我呢度講多樣, 好似樓主呢D垃圾左膠, 佢地點樣精神分裂

1. 呢個選舉係公正
2. 阿侵係好乞人憎

佢地想兩樣野都係事實, 但唔發現如果1係正確, 即係真係好多人係支持阿侵, 而且只係輸搖擺州好少票 (假設在選舉係公正)

咁2就無可能係真, 甚麼史上最低評分總統? 如果係, 又點樣解釋1?

但垃圾左膠會扮睇唔到, 佢地講大話係完全無感覺, 佢地無乜良知, 只覺得目的正確就係大哂. 每個人都要睇清楚佢地個真面目

佢地懦弱, 所以只敢叫美國對全球暖化負責, 對中共呢個最快速增長的污染源視而不見

佢地自私, 佢地要美國為全世界各地區的難民負責, 卻從來唔要難民來源的城市負責. 因為難民只會增長佢地城市人口, 而人口等於選票

佢地缺乏良知同道德心, 佢地舞弊, 講大話, 陷害無辜, 迫害反對者, 只係為左自己得到權力

2021-01-19 09:55:50
2021-01-19 09:56:14
Who spend time to write in good language (English, Chiese or others) on the Internet?
2021-01-19 09:57:04
2021-01-19 09:57:26
All published polls in recent days have results very similar to this. Other posts on LiHKG have been reported these poll results.
2021-01-19 09:59:15
2021-01-19 10:02:54
May or may not be. There are many different types of English.

A lot of well education people whose native language is not English do NOT have good everyday English, but they have excellent professional English.

On the other hand, those oversea students who perform less good at the universities have better everyday English because they spent time in the pubs to talk to and sleep with the girls.

We (the best students) have just stay at home to study so our everyday English is actually poor.
2021-01-19 10:04:09
2021-01-19 10:05:12
2021-01-19 10:05:22
I hate China so much that I will never learn to type Chinese.
I hated China long before you born.
2021-01-19 10:07:20
2021-01-19 10:09:51
I agree that we should take down WHO.

Trump has done something correct, but he has also done something wrong.

However, what you said does not change the fact that most Americans believe that the total effect of Trump's policy is more bad than good to USA. So,, Trump lose the election.

All I can said is that I respect their choice.
2021-01-19 10:11:26
I have read this on CNN.

Thanks your posting the Chinese translation of that essay.
2021-01-19 10:14:45
2021-01-19 10:14:48
其實china joe 係咪出術先贏
Trump 又有youtube話班契弟自己搬箱票出黎點
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