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2021-01-17 10:57:17
2021-01-17 11:03:30

$100K for a new CPA is a bit high.
P.S. Retired CPA, CA Ontario
2021-01-17 11:04:59
Canadian GAAP is not the same as HK.
2021-01-17 11:06:18
本身係香港做緊building services engineering 既工作,我諗加拿大應該歸入去mechanical engineering
知唔知道呢科易唔易搵野做?如果當係fresh grad,人工大約幾多到
2021-01-17 11:07:24
Did you take the CICA in-depth tax course?
I did that many moons ago.
2021-01-17 11:12:18
I am taking it right now in the first year. The stuff in first year seems to be okay but it sucks that you have to do it during busy season.
2021-01-17 11:13:38
聽人講resources management 例如forestry / mining 都請得多人,見巴打無提,請問知唔知環境如何
2021-01-17 11:14:28
2021-01-17 11:16:18
Which campus?
U of t has 3 campuses
Downtown. Mississauga and Scarborough.
2021-01-17 11:18:42
2021-01-17 11:22:15
Downtown. Unfortunately I’ve never been to the other two campuses. Heard the other two were pretty bad? My 1 frd in Mississauga and another at Scarborough have gpa of 1.4 and 0.4 😅
2021-01-17 11:23:34
I did that during summer at a famous skiing resort hotel in Blue Mountain.
I was in tax audit then and bumped into a few taxpayer's representative.
I think the B.C. ones will be at Whistler?
2021-01-17 11:24:27
係比較冷門。mining 可能要內陸省份先有。forestry BC北部大把。小弟都係響d 大城市徘徊,唔太清楚,不過應該係唔錯,係好搵嘅。但可能就要去山卡啦地方住?
2021-01-17 11:26:36
It is supposed to be in Whistler in the summer but too bad the pandemic happened and I think everything will be done online.
2021-01-17 11:27:40
That has nothing to do with the campus. Both Erindale and Scarborough are pretty good.
I went to Erindale and then transferred to downtown.
I lived south of College between Spadina and University. Many students lived north of Bloor between Bathurst and Avenue Road,
2021-01-17 11:28:35
香港UG GPA 低係咪注定報唔到加拿大master?
2021-01-17 11:30:36
I missed the morning and lunch buffet.
I guess it must be difficult to concentrate doing it on-line.
2021-01-17 11:31:07
What do you mean by UG CPA?
2021-01-17 11:31:28
2021-01-17 11:31:29
香港的gpa 是什麼概念?大概幾多分?是很低嗎?加拿大d學校都唔係淨係睇gpa嘅
2021-01-17 11:37:47
讀普通business or hospitality diploma係咪真係會搵唔到工但係見加拿大某d college好高就業率
2021-01-17 11:40:21
What major?
2021-01-17 11:42:18
Electrical engineering
想報下加拿大applied math 或姐statistics 既master
2021-01-17 11:42:36
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞