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2020-11-09 01:06:41
So result oriented decision making isnt sound anymore?
If I were Republicans, I wont let Hong Kong immigrants come in unless they are highly skilled; if I were Democrats, I wont let ppl supporting Trumps ideals come in. So basically supporting Trump here is not just wrong but also stupid. It's like Pascal s wager Bu hey you do you
2020-11-09 01:07:56
ps 閘住反彈冇回頭
2020-11-09 01:09:41
咪係 樓豬條傻西 上連登上到以為連登代表香港
以為連登d post 對世界有巨大影響力
2020-11-09 01:12:02
2020-11-09 01:12:02
2020-11-09 01:12:20
That s the kind of wishful thinking double standard I try to point out. On the one hand ppl try to influence international perception over HK s situation; on the other, some HKers support Trump publicly at the same platforms, which is pathetic.

Just want more ppl to realise that, at least today, the world is still mostly run by sane ppl with universal morals, and those r the only ones who ultruistically help ppl of other countries out of ideals like human rights and democracy. You cant rely on a businessman to bail you out when you have no values to him but a good man might...
2020-11-09 01:12:59
Consequentialism of coz works
But your consequence doesn't follow
The argument you made exactly explain why you aren't at the position of making any sort of political decision coz you just don't have the mental capacity required you can say whatever 'if I were XYZ then ABC' you want, but politics just doesn't work this way
2020-11-09 01:13:47
2020-11-09 01:14:09
呢個就係佢口中既同溫層, 出征到連登已經係佢接收最多反面意見既地方嚟㗎啦!!
2020-11-09 01:14:14
有咩facts呀 睇過
2020-11-09 01:14:52
some of them are
2020-11-09 01:15:48

2020-11-09 01:15:50
台灣trump 個支持到仲高過香港,咁拜登個邊係咪要連TSMC送左台灣比中國呀
你睇產經新聞下面啲comment section 仲mean 過香港人,咁拜登係咪要搵B2 dum 多粒核彈落日本呀
2020-11-09 01:18:12

2020-11-09 01:18:16
2020-11-09 01:18:19
Yea I agree
但都係個句其實有一部分真係CCP bot黎
我唔否認一定有人真心侵粉日日上twitter發癲 但如果一小群人嘅tweet就可以影響到大局咁講真你講幾多野都係冇用 用中共網軍幾日就可以令全部美國人好憎香港 唔需要理香港係咪真係有侵粉

佢首先講連登 然後自己shift左去講twitter
本身話問題係biden會嬲嬲豬 然後變成作為一個foreigner撐trump係morally wrong
佢講嘅野根本就唔valid 只係為嘈交而嘈交想靠詭辯黎贏
2020-11-09 01:19:00
yaeh yeah mental capacity blah blah how convincing
Of coz politics are intricate but 連登仔 are not helping. what you essential say is that nothing matters becoz no one knows how things work. Such extreme agnosticism sounds cool but is actually worthless and superficial
2020-11-09 01:19:16
話時話貼 trump 同佢當時女朋友幅相出嚟,係想講D咩?
2020-11-09 01:20:01
2020-11-09 01:21:17
2020-11-09 01:23:51

第二,busing係用嚟種族融合for desegregation既,下下都要講到出面話support segregation先係代表佢係?你真係on撚9唔係扮架喎You know little about history aren’t you?
The term “busing” is a race-neutral euphemism that allows people to pretend white opposition was not about integration but simply about a desire for their children to attend neighborhood schools. But the fact is that American children have ridden buses to schools since the 1920s.” quoted from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/12/opinion/sunday/it-was-never-about-busing.html
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞