[Econ衝**] 2017 DSE 經濟科試前討論區

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2017-04-14 12:43:57
如果本來 Ocx> ToT x CA係Y 但如果only good X有technology advancement 變佐做ToTx>OCx 副圖點畫

1) ppf shitt outwards (only good x)
2) production point: (x,0)
3) draw cpf which cpf based on production point


Cpf slope係唔變
2017-04-14 12:47:05
如果本來 Ocx> ToT x CA係Y 但如果only good X有technology advancement 變佐做ToTx>OCx 副圖點畫

1) ppf shitt outwards (only good x)
2) production point: (x,0)
3) draw cpf which cpf based on production point


Cpf slope係唔變

但係原本production point 係Y-axis 依家係X-axis 唔係咁咩
2017-04-14 12:48:28
如果本來 Ocx> ToT x CA係Y 但如果only good X有technology advancement 變佐做ToTx>OCx 副圖點畫

1) ppf shitt outwards (only good x)
2) production point: (x,0)
3) draw cpf which cpf based on production point


Cpf slope係唔變

但係原本production point 係Y-axis 依家係X-axis 唔係咁咩

2017-04-14 12:55:40
如果本來 Ocx> ToT x CA係Y 但如果only good X有technology advancement 變佐做ToTx>OCx 副圖點畫

1) ppf shitt outwards (only good x)
2) production point: (x,0)
3) draw cpf which cpf based on production point


Cpf slope係唔變

但係原本production point 係Y-axis 依家係X-axis 唔係咁咩


巴打有無telegram 有d圖問題請教你
2017-04-14 13:00:26
如果本來 Ocx> ToT x CA係Y 但如果only good X有technology advancement 變佐做ToTx>OCx 副圖點畫

1) ppf shitt outwards (only good x)
2) production point: (x,0)
3) draw cpf which cpf based on production point


Cpf slope係唔變

但係原本production point 係Y-axis 依家係X-axis 唔係咁咩


巴打有無telegram 有d圖問題請教你

Tg: minnnb
2017-04-14 13:55:16

Money demand又有咩變動?
2017-04-14 14:05:11
想問stamp duty , air passenger departure tax , motor vehicle first registration tax 係direct tax 定indirect tax?


得property, salaries同profits係direct tax
2017-04-14 14:07:01
加息-> Y(US) decrease-> import decrease-> hk Export decrease???
2017-04-14 14:16:18
加息-> Y(US) decrease-> import decrease-> hk Export decrease???

根據返個位讀llb既巴打講, Y(US) decreses, US currency都相對弱左, HK currency同樣變弱, hk export may increase?

美國加息->香港加息->I decrease->Ad decrease
2017-04-14 14:35:04
加息-> Y(US) decrease-> import decrease-> hk Export decrease???

根據返個位讀llb既巴打講, Y(US) decreses, US currency都相對弱左, HK currency同樣變弱, hk export may increase?

美國加息->香港加息->I decrease->Ad decrease

大學教federal fund rate係short term nominal interest rate
Investment spending 升定跌係咪只係關loanable fund market事
2017-04-14 14:36:41
加息-> Y(US) decrease-> import decrease-> hk Export decrease???

根據返個位讀llb既巴打講, Y(US) decreses, US currency都相對弱左, HK currency同樣變弱, hk export may increase?

美國加息->香港加息->I decrease->Ad decrease

唔覺得會出,美國加嘅息其實係好似HIBOR 咁嘅野,唔係dse econ 學嘅market interest rate
2017-04-14 14:39:22
等陣 美國加息香港有可能跟 呢樣野好似outsyl
2017-04-14 14:40:24
加息-> Y(US) decrease-> import decrease-> hk Export decrease???

根據返個位讀llb既巴打講, Y(US) decreses, US currency都相對弱左, HK currency同樣變弱, hk export may increase?

2017-04-14 14:40:55
等陣 美國加息香港有可能跟 呢樣野好似outsyl

Cliff有講過 ce/dse都未出過
2017-04-14 14:46:19
美國加息,美金money supply shift left, price of usd rises, price of hkd rises, hk import increases, hk export decreases

2017-04-14 14:49:38
等陣 美國加息香港有可能跟 呢樣野好似outsyl

Cliff有講過 ce/dse都未出過

好似淨係要知美國加息 香港會跟
2017-04-14 15:42:12
等陣 美國加息香港有可能跟 呢樣野好似outsyl

Cliff有講過 ce/dse都未出過

好似淨係要知美國加息 香港會跟

2017-04-14 15:58:58
等陣 美國加息香港有可能跟 呢樣野好似outsyl

Cliff有講過 ce/dse都未出過

好似淨係要知美國加息 香港會跟


2017-04-14 15:59:04
2017 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Mock Examination, Economics Paper 2.............

Some general guidelines:
1. This paper just serves as an mind refresher for you, it is not really difficult. It may not reveal your actual ability in the real examination.

2. This is the first time for me to post a practice paper here. Sorry that I may make mistakes, I apologize in advance. Please kindly let me know if there are any questions.

3. Please better do NOT discuss here before I release the answer.

4. I got my insight for the two elective questions from my lecture materials, thanks for that (Other references have been stated clearly in the paper)

5. I would probably post the answer on a Google survey next week (likely after Biology exam), please kindly fill in your marks scored in each question. After filling, you can then move on to check the next question.

6. I hope the marking scheme would not appear here after I have released it.

7. Let's learn together.

You may now start, the examination lasts for 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Good luck

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