[Econ衝**] 2017 DSE 經濟科試前討論區

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2017-04-12 12:07:08

到底因為increase progressivity of salaries tax, workers' willingness to supply labour effort decreases, hence their working incentive decreases, labour supply decreases

我都想知 market force導致嘅change in equilibrium到底會唔會出現dwl

臨考都仲有concepts未清 又有3科未考 得番幾日溫econ 唉 好灰
2017-04-12 12:11:06
另外想問 到底transportation cost=gain from trade嘅時候 仲會唔會有trade
given題目冇話明一定要係mutually beneficial trade

2017-04-12 12:42:38

咁幾時先要答when ppr is well-defined/tc=0, there may not be divergence between private cost and social cost?

其實一直唔係好識答依啲 有無巴打教下上面個兩題點做

5(a)個題因爲有tax->drivers' marginal private cost increases->如果offset到marginal social cost就唔會有divergence
5(b)求解 想知點解唔關prr/tc事 同埋幾時會關佢地事

呢個external benefit 可以offset到

2017-04-12 13:25:58

咁幾時先要答when ppr is well-defined/tc=0, there may not be divergence between private cost and social cost?

其實一直唔係好識答依啲 有無巴打教下上面個兩題點做

5(a)個題因爲有tax->drivers' marginal private cost increases->如果offset到marginal social cost就唔會有divergence
5(b)求解 想知點解唔關prr/tc事 同埋幾時會關佢地事

5a個tax喺私人產權界定清晰情況下會岩岩好收等值divergence, 必然冇分歧
5b有d似al有條mc講有個女仔唔小心倒瀉咖啡落個教授到, 呢個情況係必然有分歧
如果班友係間鋪搵返黎, 自然冇; 如果班友係黎搞事而間鋪唔係自願, 當然有
2017-04-12 14:17:19

咁幾時先要答when ppr is well-defined/tc=0, there may not be divergence between private cost and social cost?

其實一直唔係好識答依啲 有無巴打教下上面個兩題點做

5(a)個題因爲有tax->drivers' marginal private cost increases->如果offset到marginal social cost就唔會有divergence
5(b)求解 想知點解唔關prr/tc事 同埋幾時會關佢地事

呢個external benefit 可以offset到


yes(there is definitely a divergence)
cause losses in revenue(external cost) without compensation

理解到個答案 但唔明幾時先會答when prr is well-defined and tc=0, there may not be divergence between pc and sc
2017-04-12 14:27:08
想問下係咪因爲equation of exchange is always true(not refutable) 所以"the product of money supply and velocity of circulation equals nominal GDP"依句雖然冇value judgement 但都唔係positive statement?
2017-04-12 14:33:17
想問下係咪因爲equation of exchange is always true(not refutable) 所以"the product of money supply and velocity of circulation equals nominal GDP"依句雖然冇value judgement 但都唔係positive statement?

You are totally correct.
2017-04-12 14:35:31
想問下係咪因爲equation of exchange is always true(not refutable) 所以"the product of money supply and velocity of circulation equals nominal GDP"依句雖然冇value judgement 但都唔係positive statement?

句野係positive statement,理論上你可以搵真嘅stat佢prove佢係咪岩
2017-04-12 14:36:37
想問下係咪因爲equation of exchange is always true(not refutable) 所以"the product of money supply and velocity of circulation equals nominal GDP"依句雖然冇value judgement 但都唔係positive statement?

The sun rises from the east
呢句野都係always true(not refutable嫁
點解呢句會係positive statement但上面個句唔係
2017-04-12 14:36:53
留名,讀緊econ master
2017-04-12 14:43:51
想問下係咪因爲equation of exchange is always true(not refutable) 所以"the product of money supply and velocity of circulation equals nominal GDP"依句雖然冇value judgement 但都唔係positive statement?

The sun rises from the east
呢句野都係always true(not refutable嫁
點解呢句會係positive statement但上面個句唔係

因為equation of exchange直頭係一條identity 數學上黎講佢永遠都係岩 而the sun rises from the east 如果有人係歷史上搵到一日太陽由西邊升起 照計係可以推翻到? (9up)
其實我都唔sure 揀答案個時以為係positive 點知答案係normative 自己嘗試推論番only
2017-04-12 14:44:53
想問下係咪因爲equation of exchange is always true(not refutable) 所以"the product of money supply and velocity of circulation equals nominal GDP"依句雖然冇value judgement 但都唔係positive statement?

You are totally correct.

ok 臨考先搞得清楚依個concept thank you
2017-04-12 14:48:24
想問下係咪因爲equation of exchange is always true(not refutable) 所以"the product of money supply and velocity of circulation equals nominal GDP"依句雖然冇value judgement 但都唔係positive statement?

The sun rises from the east
呢句野都係always true(not refutable嫁
點解呢句會係positive statement但上面個句唔係

因為equation of exchange直頭係一條identity 數學上黎講佢永遠都係岩 而the sun rises from the east 如果有人係歷史上搵到一日太陽由西邊升起 照計係可以推翻到? (9up)
其實我都唔sure 揀答案個時以為係positive 點知答案係normative 自己嘗試推論番only

2017-04-12 14:56:14
想問下係咪因爲equation of exchange is always true(not refutable) 所以"the product of money supply and velocity of circulation equals nominal GDP"依句雖然冇value judgement 但都唔係positive statement?

The sun rises from the east
呢句野都係always true(not refutable嫁
點解呢句會係positive statement但上面個句唔係

因為equation of exchange直頭係一條identity 數學上黎講佢永遠都係岩 而the sun rises from the east 如果有人係歷史上搵到一日太陽由西邊升起 照計係可以推翻到? (9up)
其實我都唔sure 揀答案個時以為係positive 點知答案係normative 自己嘗試推論番only

其實呢度涉及AL methodology嗰part。
MV≡PY 只係從兩個角度看同一件事,邏輯上不可能錯亦不可能被推翻,連想像中係錯嘅可能性都冇。
但係太陽由東邊升起其實唔係邏輯上諗唔到呢句係錯,例如可以係由西邊升起。呢句係可以喺想像中錯嘅。但係事實上太陽的確係由東邊升起,所以呢句說話其實已經被驗證咗,refutable by facts.
2017-04-12 14:59:54
想問下係咪因爲equation of exchange is always true(not refutable) 所以"the product of money supply and velocity of circulation equals nominal GDP"依句雖然冇value judgement 但都唔係positive statement?

The sun rises from the east
呢句野都係always true(not refutable嫁
點解呢句會係positive statement但上面個句唔係

因為equation of exchange直頭係一條identity 數學上黎講佢永遠都係岩 而the sun rises from the east 如果有人係歷史上搵到一日太陽由西邊升起 照計係可以推翻到? (9up)
其實我都唔sure 揀答案個時以為係positive 點知答案係normative 自己嘗試推論番only

其實呢度涉及AL methodology嗰part。
MV≡PY 只係從兩個角度看同一件事,邏輯上不可能錯亦不可能被推翻,連想像中係錯嘅可能性都冇。
但係太陽由東邊升起其實唔係邏輯上諗唔到呢句係錯,例如可以係由西邊升起。呢句係可以喺想像中錯嘅。但係事實上太陽的確係由東邊升起,所以呢句說話其實已經被驗證咗,refutable by facts.

好清晰 唔該哂
2017-04-12 15:00:08
16dse econ 5* strong post lm
2017-04-12 15:51:57
2017-04-12 16:15:47
收肺癌佬mock中文版連marking 留tg
2017-04-12 16:20:05
16負碌5** lm
2017-04-12 16:36:00
想問點解一樣goods嘅durability increase會令佢嘅elasticity increase
2017-04-12 16:40:11
係咪只要可以appeal to facts就=Positive statement?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞