[YELLOWKIES] SECHSKIES水晶男孩討論區 (30) 初一位粗卡

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2020-02-24 12:54:49
tag左大大經理人 佢有睇到
2020-02-24 12:56:56
好多人都講watch your mouth
2020-02-24 12:57:21
2020-02-24 13:00:50
2020-02-24 13:03:47

SBS《#家師父一體#》:1部、2部:5.2% 、7.3%(+0.3、+1.8)
SBS《#Running Man#》:1部、2部:4.1%、6.4%(-1.2、-0.3)
MBC《#幫我找房吧#》: 1部、2部:/%、6.1%(/、-0.8)
JTBC《#和明星直接交易 流動市場#》:2.2%(-0.3)
2020-02-24 13:04:10
2020-02-24 13:05:04
2020-02-24 13:05:40
2020-02-24 13:07:59
2020-02-24 13:08:12
2020-02-24 13:10:48
2020-02-24 13:14:54
A heartbroken thread by international baby yellowkies

P.s : It's gonna be a long thread. Sorry for my broken english

So i'm gonna start it when i found Sechs Kies in December 2019. I'm being k-pop fans since 8 years ago but do y'all believe the fact that i never know who is Sechs Kies and i just know them 2 months ago?
I was Running Man fans too till Kang Gary leave the show (and Sechs Kies became the guest after that ). I'm already know who is Eun Jiwon cause when he appeared in episode 141, he is really funny but i never call him as gagman
I also know who is Jang Suwon, not because his robot acting but because he was appear in Running Man (episode 243). At that time, i also never thinking if he was a members from famous groups in 90's
And then i'm try to find another variety show and i found Infinity Challenge. At that time i was searching the best episode of that show and finally i watch Infinity Challenge episode 476-478
And this show successfully makes my crying
And after that, i decided myself for being a Yellow Kies. Did u know who is my first bias in Sechs Kies? Yup! It's Eun Jiwon
Tbh i'm falling in love with his personality, he is really kind person. He even leave message on national TV station for Ko Jiyong
But after that i found something unpleasant, he has too much akgaes
In the past i was thinking Kyuhyun akgaes is annoying person (they even want to k*ll Yesung) but i changed my mind. Jiwon akgaes is more annoying than them
Then i change my bias to Jang Suwon but it doesn't mean i hate Eun Jiwon. Why i should hate him? I just hate his akgaes
I mean Yellow Kies is a great fandom, 23 years isn't short time but why they have an akgaes? I still don't get it until now
It's okay if u like 1 members only but it doesn't mean u can hate another member too. They're a team for a long time and they know each other than us but why u still want to separated them? It's really hurts my heart
For akgaes, i bet y'all never know who is Eun Jiwon till this day if he never debuted in Sechs Kies. How can u called u'r self as 1kyne if u hate his beloved Sechs Kies members?
I don't care if u reported my tweets, i just want to speak out right now
Do y'all thinking what Eun Jiwon feel if he reads u'r annoyed comments? Do y'all thinking what if Eun Jiwon got hate because u'r ridiculous act? Do y'all thinking how sad Eun Jiwon is when he know Yellow Kies fighting with each other?
I know some 1kyne is really a kind hearted person but akgaes ruined it. Akgaes make 1kyne names became disreputable
And now i'm afraid what if someday there is baby yellkies wants to be 1kyne but they won't be the part because of akgaes
I'm gonna end this thread. I wish someone will translated my thread into Korean so for akgaes who dunno English can read it.
For all Yellow Kies who stan 6 members like me, thank you and i love y'all

2020-02-24 13:21:14
2020-02-24 13:21:56
繼Winner之後 BP都出welcome collection
2020-02-24 13:23:11
2020-02-24 13:28:36
2020-02-24 13:36:31
2020-02-24 13:38:50
2020-02-24 14:09:36
2020-02-24 14:28:35
2020-02-24 16:44:23
2020-02-24 17:12:11
2020-02-24 17:13:35
2020-02-24 17:14:04

文熙俊超將從KBSCoolFM《文熙俊的音樂秀》下車,KBS表示文熙俊將在本週之後不再擔任DJ。 KBS還表示:"下車沒有特別的理由,進行了很長時間之後自然而然地離開了而已。" ​​​​
2020-02-24 17:27:38
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞