[國際賽] 利物浦 對 愛華頓

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2017-03-21 00:37:55

Tunnel cam Man City 1-1 Liverpool

2017-03-21 00:44:19

2017-03-21 00:44:35
2017-03-21 00:48:54
Borussia Mönchengladbach midfielder Mahmoud Dahoud has a release clause in his contract worth €14m [£12.1m]. (Source: kicker)

2017-03-21 00:50:19
Borussia Mönchengladbach midfielder Mahmoud Dahoud has a release clause in his contract worth €14m [£12.1m]. (Source: kicker)

2017-03-21 00:50:53

2017-03-21 00:56:00

2017-03-21 01:05:12

利怕small clubs係唔係因為怕死守既球隊?
2017-03-21 01:05:53
Borussia Mönchengladbach midfielder Mahmoud Dahoud has a release clause in his contract worth €14m [£12.1m]. (Source: kicker)

直接出價 先慢慢傾啦
2017-03-21 01:15:04
Lallana: "My eyes lit up, I just thought to myself if I get some connection on this, it’ s a goal, but it just took bounce in front of me."

Lallana: "I might have just taken my eyes off the ball for a second & got excited. I’m absolutely gutted. It could have been the winner."

Lallana: "I’m so disappointed with it. Me being me, I went into the dressing room and said sorry to them all. That’s the way I felt."

Lallana: "I put my hands up. To not hit the target… It was a chance I should have hit the target with and probably should have scored."

2017-03-21 01:15:37

利怕small clubs係唔係因為怕死守既球隊?

仲有心態問題 有啲球員好揀波踢 e.g. can
同埋對面泊巴士利唔識點破 又冇高大中鋒可以燒味
2017-03-21 01:16:37
Lallana: "My eyes lit up, I just thought to myself if I get some connection on this, it’ s a goal, but it just took bounce in front of me."

Lallana: "I might have just taken my eyes off the ball for a second & got excited. I’m absolutely gutted. It could have been the winner."

Lallana: "I’m so disappointed with it. Me being me, I went into the dressing room and said sorry to them all. That’s the way I felt."

Lallana: "I put my hands up. To not hit the target… It was a chance I should have hit the target with and probably should have scored."

2017-03-21 01:21:49

利怕small clubs係唔係因為怕死守既球隊?

仲有心態問題 有啲球員好揀波踢 e.g. can
同埋對面泊巴士利唔識點破 又冇高大中鋒可以燒味

利記傾向打死一邊 緊密小組進攻
2017-03-21 01:38:33

利怕small clubs係唔係因為怕死守既球隊?

仲有心態問題 有啲球員好揀波踢 e.g. can
同埋對面泊巴士利唔識點破 又冇高大中鋒可以燒味

利記傾向打死一邊 緊密小組進攻

防守set pieces 廢到冇眼睇

2017-03-21 04:38:14
Lovren, Matip, Karius, Milner, Manninger, Lucas, Ojo, Stewart, Randall & Moreno have all travelled to Tenerife. liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football…

Jordan Henderson has travelled to Tenerife & will continue to have treatment on the foot injury which has kept him sidelined. (James Pearce)
2017-03-21 04:40:15
Lovren, Matip, Karius, Milner, Manninger, Lucas, Ojo, Stewart, Randall & Moreno have all travelled to Tenerife. http://liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football…

Jordan Henderson has travelled to Tenerife & will continue to have treatment on the foot injury which has kept him sidelined. (James Pearce)

#LFC will stay in Tenerife until Friday, Klopp's invited players' wives/families & given the players the weekend off, says @JamesPearceEcho
2017-03-21 04:46:49
Lovren, Matip, Karius, Milner, Manninger, Lucas, Ojo, Stewart, Randall & Moreno have all travelled to Tenerife. http://liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football…

Jordan Henderson has travelled to Tenerife & will continue to have treatment on the foot injury which has kept him sidelined. (James Pearce)

2017-03-21 05:46:53
Lovren, Matip, Karius, Milner, Manninger, Lucas, Ojo, Stewart, Randall & Moreno have all travelled to Tenerife. http://liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football…

Jordan Henderson has travelled to Tenerife & will continue to have treatment on the foot injury which has kept him sidelined. (James Pearce)

2017-03-21 07:31:16
Lovren, Matip, Karius, Milner, Manninger, Lucas, Ojo, Stewart, Randall & Moreno have all travelled to Tenerife. http://liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football…

Jordan Henderson has travelled to Tenerife & will continue to have treatment on the foot injury which has kept him sidelined. (James Pearce)


2017-03-21 07:31:39
2017-03-21 07:34:31
Jurgen Klopp says he was “surprised” that Chris Coleman didn’t bother phoning him prior to naming Liverpool’s Ben Woodburn in the senior Wales squad.

Klopp on Woodburn: "This should not be a criticism, but when you call up a player, a 17-year-old I thought it would be possible to call me."

Klopp: "I’m not sure if Chris knows him well. He didn’t play in the team so far for Coleman I think. But no call."

Klopp on Woodburn: "We didn’t hide him. We used him. He is a fixed part of our training. He can deal with the nomination for Wales 100%."

Klopp on Woodburn: "It’s a little bit like my situation. As long as you give me time, as long as we give him time, everything will be good."

Klopp on Woodburn: "He has to learn & develop and improve. There are now two managers responsible for him. Until now, it was only my job."
2017-03-21 07:42:26

2017-03-21 08:09:22


2017-03-21 08:29:28


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