[數撚圍爐區] What is Mathematics? (4)

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2018-12-04 18:20:19
2018-12-04 18:24:13
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2018-12-04 19:14:29
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2018-12-04 19:34:27

2018-12-04 20:32:21
science係explain/predict 現象,maths只係講出黎的語言,唔係content.
2018-12-04 20:34:25
2018-12-04 20:45:05
諗唔明點解Lindelof Covering Theorem點解啱
例如infinite covering{(1/n,1)}n=2 to inf cover (0,1)
點解會搵到finite subcovering cover (0,1)
2018-12-04 20:46:32
有finite cover有咩出奇
2018-12-04 20:47:42
睇錯野,你呢個唔可能有finite cover架喎
2018-12-04 20:50:06
Countable 喎
2018-12-04 20:50:38
S is a subset of R^n, F is a open cover of S then there exists a countable subcover of F for S
2018-12-04 20:51:51
2018-12-04 20:53:06
個theorem 係 countable subcover ?
2018-12-04 20:54:10
thank you
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