2018-10-07 13:32:27
腺瘤性息肉病fundic gland polyps(唔少證據,但未被guidelines接受,可能存在爭議)
Johnson, D.A. 將有星個啲全部都認為有爭議.
下面有啲quote 你可以睇睇
"In a five-year LOTUS study, no difference was found in vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D, and calcium values in terms of the initial and end of follow-up levels" (Hatemi & Esatoglu, 2017)
"Decreased serum vitamin B12 concentration[/red] (long-term use >2 years)" (AMH, 2018)
Fundic polyps:
"In the meta-analysis of OBS, long-term (>1 year) PPI use increased the risk of fundic polyps, but no risk was found in shorter use"(Hatemi & Esatoglu, 2017).
"Conclusion We herein describe gastric black spots as a new gastric mucosal finding that arises only in the fundic gland region. Adverse events of PPIs and parietal cell protrusion caused by PPI use are strongly considered to be one of the etiologies of black spots."(Hatano, 2016)
"Long-term use of PPIs was noted in 39 (23.1%) patients in the FGPs group and in four (2.3%) patients in the control group. The difference in the long-term use of PPIs was statistically significant between the two groups (χ2=33.98,P<0.05, OR=12.83, 95% CI: 4.47–36.80)" (Hwang C. et al, 2014)
"Proton pump inhibitor usage is associated with a significantly increased prevalence of fundic gland polyps, and there is a trend for this to increase with longer length of PPI exposure. However, the meta-analysis is limited mainly to cohort studies." (Martin, Chenevix-Trench & Yeomans, 2016)
"for patients at risk of osteoporosis and taking PPIs long term (>1 year) "(AMH, 2018)
Australian Medicine Handbook. 2018. Proton pump inhibitors
Hatano, Y., Haruma, K., Ayaki, M., Kamada, T., Ohtani, H., Murao. T., Manabe N., Mori, H., Masaki. T., Shiotani, A.. 2016. Black Spot, a Novel Gastric Finding Potentially Induced by Proton Pump Inhibitors. Internal Medicine. 55(21):3079-3084, 2016.
Hatemi, I.. Esatoglu, S.N.. 2017.What is the long term acid inhibitor treatment in gastroesophageal reflux disease? What are the potential problems related to long term acid inhibitor treatment in gastroesophageal reflux disease? How should these cases be followed?Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology. 28(Suppl 1):S57-S60, 2017 12.
Huang, C., Lai, R., Mai, L., Zhou, H., Chen, H.,Guo, H.. 2014.Relative risk factors associated with the development of fundic gland polyps. Medline.
Johnson, D.A.. 2016.Nutritional consequences of long-term acid suppression; are they clinically important? Current Opinion in Gastroenterology. Volume 32(2), March 2016, p 136–140
Martin, F. C., Chenevix-Trench, G., Yeomans, N. D.. 2016.Systematic review with meta-analysis: fundic gland polyps and proton pump inhibitors.Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 44(9):915-925, 2016 11.