[MOOMOO]MAMAMOO討論區[11] 港場完了 玟星要好好休息 下一站日本

1001 回覆
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2018-11-09 19:47:00
2018-11-09 19:48:30
2018-11-09 20:22:15
2018-11-09 21:09:57
Rbw statement (部分翻譯)
The show name <4season F/W> is a concept with both autumn and winter album, we have came to an agreement with our artist Mamamoo to have the concert in the end on the year.

If they were to cancel the concert, there will be a penalty of not being able to hold a concert at that said venue for a year.

If we were hold the concert after both winter and autumn the concert will be then held in 2019 May but the title “4 season F/W” would be weird if we were to have the concert then.”

For the “BLUE;S” it will be concentrating more on emotions instead of performance, hence the plan of a short activity period. And to compensate the short promotion period, they are working hard to prepare for their performance.

It’s normal for artists to have back to back schedules just like many other artists, (We’d be thankful if you do understand our plans as well.)”

Artists health is our top priority. The members have been given plenty of rests after the filming of the music video.And they are in a good condition to resume with their album promotions. In the future, we will do everything to make sure that Their condition are in tip top level


好似冇Cancellation Ban
得Cancellation fee
1.700.000 won = 1.350 € /// 1.500 $ /// 1.150 £
2018-11-09 22:02:56
2018-11-09 23:55:42
係咪book咗兩日 所以會當cancel兩次
2018-11-10 00:32:09
2018-11-10 01:00:34
2018-11-10 09:54:12

2018-11-10 10:17:12
2018-11-10 10:53:44
最緊要希望佢地四個唔會唔開心 moomoo都係為佢地好
2018-11-10 12:43:12
2018-11-10 13:48:35

Rbw says they’re discussing what measures to take regarding the fans boycotting, but no detailed decisions have been made yet. after careful consideration, they said they’ll post an announcement.

Rbw please
2018-11-10 13:57:28
2018-11-10 16:03:19
this same exact article from earlier, saying rbw was discussing shit....it’s been changed saying they “have nothing to say about the boycott”.

2018-11-10 19:46:49
2018-11-10 20:47:09
2018-11-11 07:22:46
有懷疑anti趁亂話mamamoo都有責任要杯葛埋佢地 on9
2018-11-11 08:14:24
2018-11-11 09:32:38
好難講得通 有責任搞到自己咁忙咁攰?
2018-11-11 09:42:41
嗰個一定係假嘅 特登開個新ac然後tag哂啲大account 秒block咗佢
2018-11-11 11:54:05
宜家件事愈搞愈大 有啲不安
2018-11-11 12:14:37
2018-11-11 13:25:21

RBW discuss完未
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