[有圖] 發覺好多人英文屎都會鍾意打一大段英文

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2018-08-11 13:33:36
2018-08-11 13:35:20
ok la type english is faster ma
2018-08-11 13:37:55
香港母語係粵英 仲有九/十二年免費教育
讀左咁多年都用到咁比人笑係正常 唔笑係比面 人地無義務指正錯處
再者鬼佬鬼妹母語唔係粵語 用得差好正常 你笑黎都無意思
2018-08-11 13:38:56
Google translate ?
2018-08-11 13:44:07
u have why play me?
2018-08-11 13:50:03
 話減肥只係講緊 進食呢個動作,唔會上升到taste try enjoy呢種層次,你呢種係岩岩學識conversational English 就覺得咩都要夾硬轉做casual字,其實唔係
2018-08-11 13:50:36
I go to school by bus
2018-08-11 13:50:54
i am very thanks them
2018-08-11 13:52:30
e.g. on a fasting (而加新興intermitten fasting),on a diet 都可以代替,但havent eaten係冇問題, 又或者可以改為havent been eating for quite a while, 但就會好lengthy and clumsy
2018-08-11 13:56:17
我黎講就會用 我語氣未必同,但會咁用
On a fasting right now. Met my dietitian and its now 2 more lbs to my goal. But I still got 2 months, so I decided to do a few more lbs
2018-08-11 13:58:09
但其實呢種可能都係華人思考邏輯 用自然小小既英文表達 , 不等於外國人就會打一段咁既廢話,同埋黑人/白人/hispanic都會有不同既表達
2018-08-11 13:59:25
2018-08-11 13:59:31
ok,i serious

i say ,y u laugh me??

y u laugh laughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaugh

i no like you,

i give bam then you happy

u happy becoue u is son of the bitch

u want 1on1? i serious

u come KT find me,but i afraid u no come 1on1 with me

u give me your name,i find ppl ^^

or u say sorry to me,or you DIE

ps. i do gym and i know thai hand
2018-08-11 14:01:07
2018-08-11 14:02:13

“Haven’t eaten this for a long time🤤after meeting the nutritionist I realised that I am 2 lbs away from my ideal weight. (141 lb >117lbs) Fortunately I still have two months’ time allowing me to achieve a new goal... haha so now my new weight goal will be 110 lbs”


紅字=too formal / 語意有問題
2018-08-11 14:10:11
2018-08-11 14:14:26
2018-08-11 14:14:50
Have been fasting for quite a while. Wish I could reach my goals in 2 months time.
2018-08-11 14:15:02
以前我13,4歲用英文打xanga都試過好似佢咁, 又係換來個d乜野"懶勁"之類既留言, 最後都要係PS. 到戴番頂頭盔d 人先肯收嗲, 每個人都經歷過呢d階段, 如果你英文真係咁把炮點解唔直接指出問題係邊?
2018-08-11 14:15:19
2018-08-11 14:16:35

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