Trailer-, sub building-, and prop variation assets disabled and enabled with main asset
Train tracks can be upgraded between one-way and two-way and therefore now also repaired after being destroyed by a disaster
Shoreline building placement improvements
Custom asset usage serialized to saved games and scenarios.
Buttons in content manager to subscribe and enable assets and mods used in a save or scenario (available for saves made after update)
More stable mass subscribe/unsubscribe to workshop items
Better content manager stability with a big amount of assets
Asset editor: player can choose custom building unlock milestone
Content manager style panel refreshed when removing building from style
Asset editor: thumbshot tool shows sub-buildings
Direction arrows displayed on oneway roads/tracks when in constructing mode or traffic/transport infoviews.
Upgraded to Unity 5.5.3f1
Cities Skylines now uses Metal rendering API on mac fixing multiple graphical glitches (OS X El Capitan 10.11 and newer, only on
computers with Metal support)
ND scenario maps that don't get flooded are shown in "New Game" map list
All ND scenario maps are available for creating scenarios
Smaller outside connection capacity for smaller roads
Vehicles have show / hide routes button
Asset editor: fixed relocation issues when sub building contains paths
Updated telemetry
Asset editor shows DLC icons for trees and roads
Emergency vehicles choose lane with least traffic
Increased emergency vehicles speed
Added localization support for a keymapping string
Fixed: Missing translations for several keybindings.
Updated Natural Disasters scenario map names
Added translation keys for all scenario map names
DLC badges are shown in new game panel list for Natural Disasters and Mass Transit scenario maps
DLC icons are also shown for maps listed in "New Scenario" panel
Added underground bulldozer both in-game and for editors
Expansion badge added for Choose Scenario tab of the New Game panel
"Error Error Error Error :(" error message text changed
Added tooltip for Disaster panel button
Fixed: Parks do not display the number of tourists
Fixed: It is unclear that the Fire Helicopter Depot needs a Firewatch Tower to put out a forest fire
Fixed: Tooltip on level tool in Landscaping tab is wrong about mouse buttons
Fixed: Water structures have an upkeep cost of 0.00
Fixed: User cannot sort Transport lines with the day, night or day/night option in the Public Transport - Lines detail panel
Fixed: User is unable to build underground roads under the last large height layer
Fixed: The Cargo Harbor's Info Panel description contains a grammar mistake
Fixed: Adding only one policy to the district causes district info view to flicker
Fixed: Released prisoners taking jail space while getting home
Asset editor and game always starts with all snap settings on
Made policies icons larger in district panel and city info panel
Automatic public transport vehicle unbunching
District panel changes size with amount of policy icons
Separate autosave settings for game and editors
Multiple localisation and cut-off issues fixed
Fixed: Oil and Fertile land have similar colors on winter themed maps
Fixed: Custom asset scale, rotation, and bottom pivot getting hiddenly carried over to next consequent asset
Fixed: Citizen scaling, rotation and bottom pivot toggle disabled (messes up animations) in Asset importer
Fixed: Extreme framerate drop when taking snapshots in asset editor