高橋瑛子微笑:「But if it were him, he would do the same.」(但如果是他的話,他也會做同樣的事。)
「Haha, I won’t bother you anymore.」(哈哈,我就不打擾你們了。)
高橋瑛子即興地邀請:「Hey, how about the three of us grab a meal together? It’s on us—just a small way to thank you for your help!」(嘿,我們三個一起去吃飯怎麼樣?我們請客,就當是小小的感謝!)
但Dutch Vailen擅長的是雙板……
最終Dutch Vailen接受邀請,三人約好滑雪場閉門時共同用餐。
Dutch Vailen最喜歡的是燒肉店,他說滑雪後來頓肉與酒的配合,是人世間最美好的事情。
現在退休且年老了,新陳代謝不如以往快,Dutch Vailen肚子就慢慢地吃出了一點脂肪。
墨說2025-02-24 18:58:20
Dutch Vailen要跟任雪糖乾杯:「Hey kiddo, are you just gonna sit there and listen to us the whole time? Come on, join the conversation!」(嘿,小傢伙,你打算就這樣坐著聽我們說話一整場嗎?來嘛,參與一下!)
任雪糖陪笑,與Dutch Vailen碰杯。
高橋瑛子幫忙任雪糖打開話題:「He is getting ready for the snowboard racing competition at the X Games.」(他正在準備參加 X Games 的單板競速比賽。)
「Oh, is it an invitation from the X Games? Then you must be really good.」(噢,是 X Games 的邀請嗎?那你肯定很強了。)
任雪糖口沒動到多少,所以由他負責烤肉:「I've been invited for the first time.」(我第一次被邀請。)
Dutch Vailen平和地說:「You might run into my apprentice.」(你可能會遇上我的徒弟。)
任雪糖說:「Julien Simon?」(Julien Simon嗎?)
Dutch Vailen說起大弟子,神色帶點自豪:「Yes, have you ever watched him ski? He’s incredibly fast.」(是的,你有看過他滑雪嗎?他的速度令人難以置信。)
任雪糖給Dutch Vailen夾了塊牛舌:「He started out skiing, but then he switched to snowboarding.」(他一開始是滑雙板,但後來改玩單板了。)
「He told me he had no rivals left in skiing. So full of himself, huh?」(他對我說他在雙板滑雪中已經沒有對手了。很自大,對吧?)
任雪糖給Dutch Vailen夾羊肉,大膽地問:「Do you happen to know the techniques for snowboard racing?」(你剛好知道單板滑雪競速的技巧嗎?)
Dutch Vailen夾了數條剪開幾段的羊腸到飯碗中,讓它們的油脂與熱騰騰的白飯融合:「Snowboard racing? Nope, not my thing. But trust me, lamb intestines and white rice? Absolutely unbeatable.」(單板滑雪競速?不行,我不會。但羊腸配白飯?絕對無敵。)
Dutch Vailen詢問高橋瑛子:「Why not have some lamb?」(怎麼不吃點羊肉?)
滿嘴油光的Dutch Vailen摸摸肚子,感覺今天仍未足夠,轉身對任雪糖說:「Kid, I may not be able to teach you the techniques of snowboard racing, but when it comes to course analysis and strategy, I might have some advice for you.」(孩子,雖然我教不到你單板滑雪競速的技巧,但關於賽道解讀與戰術運用,或許我能給你一些建議。)