#1 文件第一版 WAI 嘅資料已經出錯
Defendant 2
Name: Chi Leung WAI aka Peter WAI
DOB: 10 May 1953
CLPHY2024-05-14 15:42:14
芝麻国出產人礦2024-05-14 15:43:01
應該用Rex 不過呢份野應該唔係final version
愛爾蘭共和軍2024-05-14 15:43:01
歐到冇朋友2024-05-14 15:43:03
英國佬係咁上下, 睇人講話整張driver licence 都錯幾次
極權必亡2024-05-14 15:44:08
有少少文化2024-05-14 15:44:59
There is a system in place for confidential informant in the UK, where the informants identity will be kept confidential, they may be given the opportunity to approach an undercover officer, sometimes at a meeting, most of the time secretly in prison, where they can provide information without anyone knowing, in exchange for....
田村真子老公2024-05-14 15:45:54
佢d target audience 係弱智
yeahyeah仔2024-05-14 15:46:35
芝麻国出產人礦2024-05-14 15:47:34
份起訴書都講咗有用restriced access of border force 去起人地底